The center of the year's work has been Ellis Island, the great home and foreign mission field, in area covering a few acres, in influence compassing the entire world. Any one with ability to "sense" a condition standing at Ellis Island feels himself to be not at the "hub of the universe," but at the heart of the world, through which are circulating the life currents of the old world and the new. More than one-half of those coming to our shores enter by this gateway. Here is the beginning of the preparation of this great mass of humanity for the process of assimilation into the American spirit and life. The missionaries at Ellis Island adopted the plan of organization approved by the Committee of Six, and appointed the committees provided for. The operation of this plan has been very satisfactory considering all that is involved. The Committees are organized and reports from some of them are given in the following pages. There are now twenty-five missionaries and workers representing the Boards and Societies federated with the two Councils, and other Societies cooperating in the work of federating the religious forces in this branch of missionary service. The field of service and the activities of the missionaries at Ellis Island is typical of all Ports of Entry missionary work. The field of this ministry is: (a) The railroad rooms. Here quick work must be done. It is just touch and go. The missionaries of our Societies, the American Tract Society, the New York Bible Society, the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., W. C. T. U., and kindred agencies do most excellent service. (b) Among the detained Immigrants. This is a field of varied service and is perhaps the place of greatest opportunity for our missionaries and is specifically their field. (c) The hospital. This is a very important part of the work for, and with, those who are detained. Of course, there is need of temporal relief and comforts, but here especially there are times when no one can minister except one who brings spiritual comfort and the cheer of the love of God. Missionary Activities The missionaries at our Ports meet and aid representatives of the following nationalities, viz.: English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh, French, Swiss, German, Dutch, Belgian, Hebrews of various nations, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Austrian, Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Bulgarian, Servian, Roumanian, Albanian, Hungarian, Bohemian, Croatian, Slovenian, Ruthenian, Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, Mexican, Cuban, and other West Indian, Panamanian, Venezuelan, Columbian, Argentinian, Australian, Maltese, West African, Egyptian, Syrian, Persian, Hindu, Chaldean, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean,—in all, 52. Visitors to Ellis Island often ask, "Just what do the missionaries do?" The Rev. Eliot White, Port Chaplain of the Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, gives the following answer to this query: We meet those newly coming from the ocean steamers to Ellis Island, and less frequently, second-cabin passengers at the docks. We aid them through the Immigration Station in many ways, with tickets, trunks and hand baggage, with food, sometimes getting milk heated for a baby, or "minding" little children while parents look for their trunks; telegraph or telephone to relatives or friends, give information of many sorts, expediting the progress through the day's ordeals of those fortunate enough to pass without detention. As for those who are detained and designated for "special inquiry," our duties in their behalf are more complicated and often difficult and sad. Appeals must be written in many cases. Where the exclusion is mandatory, we have special opportunity for the specifically pastoral and consolatory offices in presence of bitter disappointment and sometimes heart-broken sorrow. Many are the physical needs also, of the detained, and those to be deported; indeed, the only limitation on service of this sort is the worker's time and strength. There is clothing to supply for those sometimes wretchedly clad, and even barefooted on the cold stone floors, and there are errands to run for many a humble requirement. Then there is the often sad office of messenger between the sick in the immigrant hospital and their relatives detained on the main island, and sometimes a burial to conduct when the entrance to the land Ellis Island Committees
The Literature Committee I. Organization: At a meeting held on June 29, 1915, the following resolutions were adopted: (1) The general distribution in the Railroad rooms should be left to the New York Bible Society and the American Tract Society, except in cases where missionaries are especially interested. (2) The present methods of distribution in hospitals and detention rooms are approved. (3) The literature distributed in general should be interdenominational and not of a proselyting nature. (4) The New York Bible Society and the American Tract Society are requested to supply missionaries with literature for distribution in hospitals and detention rooms. (5) The Home Missions Council is requested to supply special tracts for young men and young women with advice for immigrants in general. (6) The Home Missions Council is requested to supply the detained immigrants with daily papers, periodicals and if possible with library books. II. The Duty of the Committee: (1) To see that the literature distributed is suitable. (2) If special kind of literature is needed to outline its character. (3) To see that immigrants, both outgoing and detained, are supplied with needed literature. (4) To see that the literature distributed is evangelical and undenominational. III. Literature is Distributed: (1) In the Railroad Rooms. (2) In the Detention Rooms, where immigrants are detained in large numbers, sometimes for months. (3) In the hospitals, where many immigrants are detained and literature is most welcome. Charles A. Carrol, The Clothing of the Immigrants One of the most important items in the work of the missionaries at Ellis Island is the work of providing suitable clothing and shoes for the many aliens detained at the Island. Only by strict adherence to certain principles can the work be a real success. The first of these principles is: Never give an alien that which is beneath his dignity to wear or to use. This may sound strange, but is nevertheless very important. All the aliens, except stowaways and warrant cases, bring their wearing apparel with them. Stowaways are as a rule not very particular. Warrant cases, since they have been in this country and know how to dress, are quite particular. The average alien will not look with favor upon any person who offers him a garment which is worn out, or which he would be ashamed to wear at home. There are other difficulties. Some of the aliens will not accept for instance an old lady's overcoat which was worn 20 years ago. Of such we receive quite an overwhelming number. Others cling strongly to their home fashions and will only accept such things as in some manner correspond to their accustomed styles. The second principle is: to give only to the really needy. Caution is necessary. Some immigrants are greedy, they accept everything which is offered, put it into their hampers, and keep on wearing their old worn-out duds in the hope of receiving still more gifts. Another principle is to try and fit the alien as well as possible. If the coat or shoes fit him, he will wear them with pleasure and will not feel ridiculous among his fellows. Another principle is to study the social training and tastes of the immigrants and if they need clothes give such things as will make their appearance more respectable. One of the purposes of the clothes department is: to have the alien appear before the Board of Special Inquiry as neat and respectable looking as possible, so that he may be judged as he would look under ordinary circumstances, not as he arrives after a lengthy trip in the steerage. Another principle is: not to overlap. Where there is a number of missionaries there is always the danger of overlapping in the distribution of gifts. At Ellis Island a clothes room of moderate proportions is in use. It is divided into sections, and clothes are kept separately for men, women, and children. Shoes and other things have their proper places. A great deal of valuable time is consumed in sorting out the things which are utterly unfit to give away. We cannot insist too strongly upon the necessity of not sending things which are useless, worn out, or ridiculous. The average alien has The greatest needs. Underwear, suitable to the season of year, shoes of large proportions, men's overcoats, socks and stockings for all, infants' outfits for the newly born, and children's clothes are always welcome and appreciated. Also a lot of other things seldom received, garters, suspenders, toilet articles, such as combs, finecombs, shaving mugs, brushes, etc. All these things are needed every day. The most essential principle of all this work, however, is for the missionary to put heart into it, and not to let the recipient feel that the work is done perfunctorily or with aversion. The missionary sometimes must even show how to make use of the gift and must see to it that the clothes are actually worn, etc. It is a blessed work if properly done. Rev. P. H. Land, Missionary Work in the Immigrant Hospital, The daily visits of the missionaries in the hospital wards on Ellis Island have proved a great blessing and a help to the immigrants. We are also in various ways helpful to the doctors and nurses in their attentions to the patients, and very often act as an interpreter. The missionaries are particularly responsible for those people in whose languages they are able to converse. They visit these daily, if possible or advisable, but they also pay attention by little gifts and sympathy to the other patients in the ward, and by doing so become friends to everybody. Our first object in visiting new arrivals is to let them know that the relatives who traveled with them on the same ship are waiting for them in the large Immigration Detention Rooms and will not leave before the sick one is discharged from the hospital. This is always welcome news, for most all the poor, helpless patients seem to be under the impression that their friends have left them when separated from them by the doctors. After a little explanation and comforting words, we leave (if advisable) some good literature with them and promise soon to call again and bring greetings from their loved ones. As they see us talking to other patients, they find confidence and take courage among the strangers, and wait anxiously our return. We visit all the wards in the hospital except the contagious hospital, where the missionaries are allowed only by special permission from the Superintendent or doctors. The missionaries are called upon to supply the patients with the most necessary articles of clothing to those discharged from the hospital, and also to supply many children and adults with shoes and stockings when under treatment for trachoma or any other disease, which does not confine the patients to the bed. They furnish Martha M. Troeck, Committee on Appeals and Petitions When a case is excluded at Ellis Island an appeal is allowed to the Secretary of Labor in Washington, as a higher "court," except when the exclusion is because of certain contagious disease, mental inferiority and the like. The missionaries at Ellis Island not infrequently write the appeals, endeavoring to bring out points in the cases which strengthen the appellants' cause. They also make petitions for hospital treatment for such unappealable cases as sufferers from trachoma, hookworm, etc. This treatment, if allowed by the Secretary of Labor, is at the expense of the aliens' relatives. If the afflicted person is cured, he or she is, if otherwise eligible to land, admitted to the country. Eliot White, In the complete working out of this plan the proper method will be for any missionary wishing to file an appeal, to confer with this Committee, and especially so before making an appeal to the Secretary of Labor in Washington. In some instances at least, this will be a protection for the missionary against unwise petitions of friends and relatives. Follow-up Committee This Committee is to be the connecting link between the Ports of Entry and the inland work. The missionaries fill out blanks, giving the name and destination of the arriving immigrant. These blanks are given to the Follow-up Committee and duplicates with a letter are forwarded to a pastor or worker in the place of the immigrant's destination with a request that the family be visited, and a reply sent on the postal card enclosed with the letter. In this short period 198 names have been forwarded. It is, however, too soon to measure the value of this work. Mrs. Marie Conversano, The effectiveness of the work of this Committee necessitates having a list of pastors and workers in the entire country. This will be greatly simplified by the appointment of local interdenominational committees such as have been appointed in several towns and cities. It can be made a most important force in correlating the work of the different Ports of Entry, and strengthening our inland missionary work. Committee of Religious Services Commissioner Howe having given his consent to the holding of Religious Services, five of these were conducted in the spring and summer of 1915, under the auspices of the missionaries representing the Congregational, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches. At present the best available hour on Sundays (2.30 to 3.30 p.m.) is occupied usually by a concert, so that the services have been somewhat interfered with. It is hoped, however, soon to meet this difficulty. E. White, This year frequently the missionaries have met once a week in a prayer service. During the year weekly entertainments have been given with a moving picture outfit provided by the Committee of Six for the detained immigrants. Other Societies Working at Ellis Island At Ellis Island our missionaries aim to make it possible for each immigrant to obtain a copy of the Scriptures in his own language. Mr. Jackson has been engaged in this work for over thirty-six years. Mr. Lodsin is familiar with the language and customs of the Lettish, Russian, and Polish people. At Ellis Island during the year 629 Bibles, 3,047 New Testaments, and 27,510 portions of the Scriptures were distributed. American Tract Society During the current year at Ellis Island, the American Tract Society has distributed Christian literature in twenty-nine different languages, and a total of 150,270 volumes, booklets, tracts and periodicals. The number of immigrants visited totals 386,595. Jackson Mr. Ernest Jackson, MISSIONARY OF THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY AT ELLIS ISLAND FOR MORE THAN THIRTY-SIX YEARS Young Men's Christian Association Five port secretaries in America serve the thousands still coming. In Ellis Island, during the year, 7,807 men were helped; 4,302 were given introductions to inland Associations; 1,644 were tied up to relatives and friends, and 250 appeals were made in behalf of the detained. Similar services were rendered men landing in New York, Philadelphia, Boston and San Francisco. The Association has this year found exceptional opportunities for service among men who could neither land nor leave. Port secretaries have assumed the responsibility of landing many of these people, found them employment, and reported regularly to the Immigration Commissioner concerning them. The Young Women's Christian Association have two workers, one for the New York branch office, and one for the national office. These are not engaged in strictly missionary work. The New York branch frequently sends some of its foreign-speaking workers to Ellis Island for special services. Plans for still greater national and international service may be formulated and adopted. The W. C. T. U. Mrs. Athena Marmaroff, missionary at Ellis Island, is under appointment by the National W. C. T. U., though the administration of the work is placed in the hands of New York State. Mrs. Marmaroff was educated at a Congregational Mission School in Monastir, Turkey. She speaks all the languages of the Balkan States. Mrs. Marmaroff works among Greeks, Roumanians, Bulgarians, Montenegrins and immigrants from other Balkan States. Her work is especially for women and children. During the month of October, 1915, she gave out 3,500 tracts, 150 papers, one Bible, nine Testaments, and 65 Gospels. The various Hebrew Societies are excellently organized for doing most effective service. The Report of Committee on United States To the Board of Directors of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America: Your Committee is, under our Constitution, in "charge of all matters pertaining to the relation of the Society with the Federal Immigration authorities" and "the work of the Society at the various Immigration Stations." Accordingly we have during the year kept in close touch, not only with our Ellis Island Bureau but also with the work at the Immigration Stations of Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, conducted by our affiliated organizations at those ports. The bond of harmony which now exists between the workers at the various ports has been firmly cemented during the year, a fact which has resulted in great benefit to the Jewish Immigrants who sought admission at these ports. Societies at Work at Ellis Island From the point of view of effecting some definitely organized plan of cooperation among the various agencies at work at Ellis Island, these agencies fall into four groups: 1. National and Philanthropic Societies: Of which there are eleven, accredited with ten missionaries. These include such societies as the Polish National Alliance, the Slavonic Immigrant Society, the Travelers' Aid Society, the Austrian Society of New York, etc. 2. Jewish Societies: Three accredited with three workers. The burden of this work falls upon the Hebrew Sheltering and Aid Society, which has six regular workers. 3. Catholic Societies: Of which there are four, accredited with eight workers, including five priests. Italian immigrants are particularly cared for under this group by the St. Rafael's Society. 4. Protestant Christian Agencies:
Decoration Christmas Celebration