
The building which still stands at the corner of the road was originally the Girls’ Green School, or School of Industry, and was used for this purpose until 1862, when the present buildings were erected in Somerset-road. The girls always looked very nice in their uniform, which consisted of a green dress, white tippet, apron and cap, and a coarse straw bonnet trimmed with green. The school was supported by voluntary contributions. Stoneley South, at the entrance, has not altered much in appearance since I first remember it, but in those days after passing the house and premises which stands between Balthazar-street and Stoneleys-road, which was then occupied by William Humphreys, carpenter and builder, there was nothing but fields, with a public footpath across leading into Down-lane. This was the only way of reaching The Hale, unless one went by way of High Cross-lane.


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