This was a quiet retired spot; the houses were all good, some very large, and nearly On the North side was a row of very old and noble elm trees. By the side of the middle one stood a box which was a shelter for a “Charley.” Charleys were the precursors of policemen. One of their duties was to call out every half-hour the time, and the state of the weather. I remember hearing “half-past nine, and a fine starry night,” or “ten o’clock and a foggy night.” Their life was not altogether an enviable one. It occasionally happened that some young men, returning home rather late, thought it a joke to upset the box with the Charley inside, and there he had to stay till by some means or other he was liberated. Many years ago there lived in one of the houses here a lady who thought and said she was unable to move from her chair. The doctor who was attending her assured her again and again that it was only her imagination. As she still persisted in refusing to try, he determined to prove to her that it was possible; so on his next visit, after talking to her for some time, he got up and rang the bell. On her asking his reason he replied The Crossway Path was a pretty walk leading to Love-lane, which was a narrow lane running parallel with the High-road to White Hart-lane. Part of this lane is now Pembury-road. In 1871, when the G.E.R. bridge was erected, this path was closed. At the corner of Bruce Grove was a lodge, and where Maitland-terrace now stands was a long and very pretty garden rented by Mr. William Janson; at the end of this he had “The Lecture Hall” built, which was used for For many years this hall was then used by the Plymouth Brethren, as their place of worship. When Mr. Janson’s lease expired the hall was let to the Tottenham Constitutional Club. There used to be four houses next, with gardens in front. These were taken down and the sorting office and the London and Provincial Bank built. When this Bank was first opened the business was Adjoining Bruce Grove House, where Dr. Vos now lives, is the carriage factory, the business of which was for so many years carried on by Messrs. Glover and Sons. One son had a most miraculous escape from death. During a very heavy thunderstorm, not feeling well, he went upstairs to lie down. Some time after, feeling better, he went downstairs again. He had only just left the room when a thunderbolt fell on his bed, on the very spot where he had been lying. The private roadway at the side led to the Tottenham Brewery (then kept by Messrs. Fullagar and Freeman) and ended in Love-lane. Adjoining Charlton Cottage was the house Dr. Holt lived in; one of the two doctors then practising in Tottenham. He was succeeded by Dr. Hall, who was so well known. But all this part is so little altered that description is unnecessary until one comes to Moulding’s Carriage Factory, which was built in the year 1871 on the ground where Messrs. Larkins, the brewers, had a kind of storehouse. This factory was burned down in 1881, and in the course of a very short time re-built. |