These lectures have been given perhaps half a dozen times, in England, in Switzerland and in Germany. On allowing them to appear in print I should perhaps apologize to my readers for the somewhat free and familiar style in which parts of them are written; but even if I had the time to recast them into a more serious form I should be unwilling to do so, for there is surely enough ponderous literature on the subject, and although some may resent in a book what often helps to make a lecture attractive, I think I can rely on the fact that many people agree with the dictum of Horace: Ridiculum aeri Fortius et melius magnas plerumque secat res, or, as Milton has it: Joking decides great things Stronger and better oft than earnest can. Almost the only change that I have made in my MS. has been the substitution or H. B. C. freiburg im breisgau |