A man that's spent years knocking round "out in front" Has most usually had lots of pals— He's mixed up with pardners at various times And he's had his affairs with the gals. Now, a pardner's peculiar in lots of his ways And he'll ditch you for various reasons, And a gal never knows straight up from twice And her mind seems to change with the seasons. I've been in on good ground with pardners I've staked And I thought they were square, till I found They were trying to cross me, the miserable pups, And whipsaw me out of my ground. I've had a few pards that would stand the hard grind And they'd stick through hard luck night and day; They were all you could ask while you rustled for grub, But they blew up when you uncovered the "pay." Way back in the "eighties" when I'm just a kid, I crossed up with a breed gal I'd met One winter at Circle; she cleaned me that year And skipped out with all she could get. I've fallen for females in half of the camps That's spread over this country up here, But "square guys" or "pretzels" I couldn't get by And none of them stuck for a year. I got kind of discouraged and quit the she sex And figgered I'd just herd with males, But it don't make no difference, I guess that I'm wrong, 'Cause there's always the parting of trails. I've had lots of dogs, but a dog always dies, Or else the poor devil gets killed. When you like 'em and lose 'em, their loss leaves a hole That seems for a time can't be filled. |