- "While within its bright'ning dimness,
With the misty halo 'round her, Stood a beautiful white maiden" Frontispiece - A Scuppernong Vineyard, Roanoak Island x
- Old "Mother" Scuppernong Vine xii
- Among the Scuppernongs.—A Modern Vineyard xiv
- A "Virginia Dare" Vineyard xvi
- The Arrival of the Englishmen in Virginia 23
- "The Fierce, Brawny Red Man is King of the Wold" 24
- The Land-of-Wind-and-Water 32
- Man-te-o, a Chiefe Lorde of Roanoak 34
- "Then a New Canoe he fashioned" 52
- The Magician of Po-mou-ik 58
- Frontispiece from an original drawing by May Louise Barrett.
- Maps and remaining illustrations reproduced from Theodore de Bry's edition of "The True Pictures and Fashions of the People in that Parte of America now called Virginia," 1590.