Rheumatoid Arthritis.—Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic progressive disease with an almost hopeless prognosis as regards a complete cure. The most that can be hoped for is to arrest its progress for a longer or shorter time, and to render the patient’s life more tolerable by improving his health and relieving the pains in the affected articulations. Galvanism, massage, baths, and an invigorating diet have been found of more or less value, as well as the administration of cod-liver oil, ferruginous preparations, and the iodides. A comparatively new remedy that seems to have a promising future before it in the treatment of this disease is Lycetol. Judging from the observations thus far published its use in rheumatoid arthritis is capable of effecting considerable improvement. One of its distinct advantages is that, owing to its pleasant taste and freedom from irritating effects, its administration can be kept up for a long time, a point of great importance in the treatment of chronic affections, in which remedies must be given for a prolonged period before beneficial results can be expected. In two cases recently reported by Dr. Paul Norwood (Times and Register, November 6, 1897), one being a very bad one of chronic rheumatoid arthritis, the results were very encouraging. A slow but steady improvement occurred in the second case, while in the first the patient provoked a recurrence by discontinuing the treatment. In view of the obstinate character of the affection and its resistance to the remedies heretofore in use, Lycetol should be certainly considered an eligible remedy in these cases. Meeting of American Medical Publishers’ Association.—The Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Medical Publishers’ Association will be held in Denver, on Monday, June 6, 1898 (the day preceding the meeting of the American Medical Association). Editors and publishers, as well as every one interested in Medical Journalism, cordially invited to attend and participate in the deliberations. Several very excellent papers are already assured, but more are desired. In order to secure a place on the program, contributors should send titles of their papers at once to the Secretary. Chas. Wood Fassett, St. Joseph, Mo. Obstinate Constipation.—I used Chionia, a teaspoonful three times a day and at bed times, in a case of long standing obstinate constipation. The first three nights I directed a hot water enema to be given every night. This treatment brought about regular and spontaneous evacuations, and resulted in a complete cure. E. T. Bainbridge, M. D. Lickton, Tenn. The phosphates of iron, soda, lime, and potash, dissolved in an excess of phosphoric acid, is a valuable combination to prescribe in nervous exhaustion, general debility, etc. Robinson’s Phosphoric Elixir is an elegant solution of these chemicals. (See advertisement.) LABOR SAVING: The American Medical Publishers’ Association is prepared to furnish carefully revised lists, set by the Mergenthaler Linotype Machine, as follows: List No. 1 contains the name and address of all reputable advertisers in the United States who use medical and pharmaceutical publications, including many new customers just entering the field. In book form, 50 cents. List No. 2 contains the address of all publications devoted to Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacy, Microscopy, and allied sciences, throughout the United States and Canada, revised and corrected to date. Price, $1.25 per dozen gummed sheets. List No. 2 is furnished in gummed sheets, for use on your mailer, and will be found a great convenience in sending out reprints and exchanges. If you do not use a mailing machine, these lists can readily be cut apart and applied as quickly as postage stamps, insuring accuracy in delivery and saving your office help valuable time. These lists are furnished free of charge to members of the Association. Address Charles Wood Fassett, Secretary, cor. Sixth and Charles streets, St. Joseph, Mo. |