

On the 25th ultimo this accomplished physician and estimable gentleman died at his home in Farmdale, Ky. He had been in failing health for something more than a year. His ailment was Bright’s disease, and the end was precipitated by uremia.

Dr. Stewart was born near Louisville, Ky., in 1829. In 1849, having secured a good common school education, and graduating in law, he went to the gold fields of California, where he sojourned for seven or eight years. Returning to his native State, he entered upon the study of medicine, and graduated from the Kentucky School of Medicine in 1859. He began practice in Daviess County, Ky., but after a few years moved to Owensboro, where a larger field of usefulness and fuller success awaited him.

In 1878 Dr. Stewart was called by Governor John B. McCreary to the position of Medical Superintendent of the Kentucky Institution for the Training of Feeble-Minded Children. It was here that the chief work of his life was done. And it was here that he served humanity and the State with honor, with ability, with fidelity, and with an earnest, self-sacrificing devotion to the welfare of these rejected waifs of humanity which entitles him to place and rank among the higher philanthropists of our philanthropic profession.

In the care of the feeble-minded Dr. Stewart added to his executive work the habits of a careful student, and became one of the best known alienists of the land. His address as retiring President of the Kentucky State Medical Society in 1894 was an able and scholarly treatise upon the management of the feeble-minded. It was received with great favor by the Fellows, and has since been the subject of high encomiums from doctors, lawyers, and political economists.

After sixteen years of State service Dr. Stewart purchased the old Kentucky Military Institute near Frankfort, where he established the “Stewart Home for the Feeble-Minded.” The venture was successful beyond expectation, and here in the bosom of his family he passed serenely and blissfully the closing years of his gentle, useful, and beautiful life.



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