A sharp wind was blowing. The sun, bright as youth in the morning, was veiled and gray as an old man. A rain mixed with hail was falling. The rain having ceased, Ulenspiegel shook himself, saying: “The sky that drinks up so much mist must relieve itself sometimes.” Another rain, still more mingled with hail than the former, beat down on the two companions. Lamme groaned: “We were well washed, now we must needs be rinsed!” The sun reappeared, and they rode on gaily. A third rain fell, so full of hail and so deadly that like knives it chopped the dry twigs on the trees to mincemeat. Lamme said: “Ho! a roof! My poor wife! Where are ye, good fire, soft kisses, and fat soups?” And he wept, the great fellow. But Ulenspiegel: “We bemoan ourselves,” said he, “is it not from ourselves none the less that our woes come on us? The ashes of Claes beat upon his heart, the sky became clear, the sun shone out in it, and Ulenspiegel said: “Master Sun, thanks be unto you, you warm our loins again; ashes of Claes, ye warm our heart once more, and tell us that blessed are they that are wanderers for the sake of the deliverance of the land of our fathers.” “I am hungry,” said Lamme. |