Soetkin carried beneath her girdle the signs of renewed maternity; Katheline, too, was with child, but for fear dared not stir out of her house. When Soetkin went to see her: “Ah!” said she, lamenting, “what shall I do with the poor fruit of my womb? Must I strangle it? I would rather die. But if the constables take me, for having a child without being married, they will make me pay twenty florins, like a girl of loose life, and I shall be whipped on the marketplace.” Soetkin then said some soothing word to console her, and having left her, went home pondering. Then one day she said to Claes: “If instead of one child I had two, would you beat me, husband?” “I don’t know that,” replied Claes. “But,” said she, “if this second were not born of me, and like Katheline’s were the offspring of an unknown, of the devil, mayhap?” “Devils,” replied Claes, “engender fire, death, and foul smoke, but not children. I will hold as mine the child of Katheline.” “You would do this?” she said. “I have said,” replied Claes. Soetkin went to tell Katheline. Hearing it, the latter cried out, overjoyed. “He has spoken, good man, spoken for the sake of my poor body. He will be blessed by God, and blessed of the devil, if it is a devil,” she said, shuddering, “that hath made thee, poor babe that movest in my bosom.” Soetkin and Katheline brought into the world one a lad, the other a girl. Both were borne to baptism, as son and daughter of Claes. Soetkin’s son was named Hans, and did not live, Katheline’s daughter was named Nele and throve well. She drank the wine of life from four flagons, two When little Nele, her daughter, was weaned, she took her home and only let the child go to Soetkin’s when she had called her her mother. The neighbours said it was well done of Katheline, who was well to do, to feed the child of the Claes, who for the most part lived in poverty their toilsome life. |