
The two hundred florins having gone their light ways Ulenspiegel came to Vienne where he hired himself to a wheelwright who continually scolded his workmen because they did not blow the bellows of his forge strongly enough:

“Keep time,” he would be crying always, “follow with the bellows.

One day when the baes went into the garden Ulenspiegel took down the bellows, carried it off on his shoulders, and followed his master. The latter being astonished to see him so strangely burthened, Ulenspiegel said to him:

Baes, you ordered me to follow with the bellows, where am I to put this one while I go and fetch the other.”

“Dear lad,” said the baes, “I did not say that; go and put the bellows back in its place.”

However, he studied how to pay him out for this trick. Thenceforward he rose every day at midnight, awoke his men and made them work.

Then men said to him:

Baes, why do you wake us up in the middle of the night?”

“’Tis a custom of mine,” replied the baes, “not to allow my workmen to stay more than half the night in a bed for the first seven days.”

The following night he awaked his men at midnight again. Ulenspiegel, who slept in the garret, took his bed on his back and thus laden came down into the forge.

The baes said to him:

“Are you mad? Why do you not leave your bed in its place?”

“’Tis a custom I have,” answered Ulenspiegel, “to spend for the first seven days half the night on top of my bed and the other half under it.”

“Well, for me, it is a second custom I have to throw into the street my impudent workmen with leave to pass the first week above the pavement and the second below it.”

“In your cellar, baes, if you please, beside the casks of bruinbier,” replied Ulenspiegel.



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