
1. A few months back, while on duty at the Tower, one of the warders informed me a most extraordinary lady was anxious to see me, when, to my astonishment, Mrs. Plunket stood before me, and while she held a handkerchief by one hand close to that part where her nose formerly stood, with her other hand she squeezed mine, and in the most plaintive tone told me of poor Tom’s death. It appeared that herself and Plunket, who usually tramped through different parts of the country, and procured a livelihood selling needles and tapes, while passing through a street in Colchester, suddenly staggering a few paces fell down and expired. The death of Tom and the sight of Mrs. Plunket, whose extraordinary countenance excited disgust as well as pity, spread like wildfire through the town, and it came to the ears of several retired officers living in that city, who happened to read my description of him; the result was that a handsome collection was set on foot, and the amount of twenty pounds was collected for the widow. The lady of a colonel also, entirely out of her own pocket, paid for the funeral of poor Tom, with a handsome tombstone to perpetuate his memory. This she told me with many sobs. Thus ended the career of the gallant but unfortunate Plunket.

2. As the reader may not be aware of the weight each rifleman had to carry during this long and harassing march, this too by men considered the lightest troops in our service, they are as follows: Knapsack and straps, two shirts, two pair of stockings, one pair of shoes, ditto soles and heels, three brushes, box of blacking, razor, soap-box and strap, and also at the time an extra pair of trowsers, a mess-tin, centre-tin and lid, haversack and canteen, great coat and blanket, a powder-flask filled, a ball bag containing thirty loose balls, a small wooden mallet used to hammer the ball into the muzzle of our rifles; belt and pouch, the latter containing fifty rounds of ammunition, sword-belt and rifle, besides other odds and ends, that at all times are required for a service-soldier. Each squad had also to carry four bill-hooks, that weighed six pounds each, so that every other day each man had to carry it; thus equipped, with from seventy to eighty pounds weight, this too in the melting month of July. Not content with the above, the General gave strict orders for each man to have his canteen filled with water before commencing the day’s march every morning. Through being thus overloaded, four hundred of the battalion died a few months after our arrival, without a single shot being fired. But the survivors soon found out the cause of this mortality, as I don’t think there was a man in the regiment five years after, before we left the country, could show a single shirt or a pair of shoes in his knapsack.

3. The Honourable Captain Pakenham was a brother-in-law to the Duke of Wellington. This gentleman, who belonged to my regiment, was much beloved by us all. He was always so considerate! On every occasion when the fresh arrival of necessaries, meat, wine, &c., brought the men in crowds about the stores, he invariably would abide his turn, and, as though he were one of ourselves, oblige every new comer, whatever his rank, to submit to the same. This, though mere justice, for its rare occurrence with the other officers, was never forgotten by the men. Since his return from the Peninsula I have been told he was ordered to New Orleans, where he was killed.

4. I must here remark, that these shells were thrown at us by mistake, as the town was in the possession of our friends the Portuguese, under the command of Colonel Cox, a British officer, who from our position being near the enemy, as well as our green dress, must have mistaken us for the latter. Almeida was afterwards taken by the French.

5. Strange as it may appear, this ball may be this hour felt with as much ease as the first day it entered, forty-two years back.

6. Among the officers wounded was the present Sir H. Smith, his brother Tom also. The former being on the staff had a cedan with two mules to carry him; the latter was packed with the men in bullock-carts.

7. With regard to knapsacks, of which so much has been spoken, I cannot see why they could not be carried by the quarter-master or commissariat, and given out with the same ease as the rations. This I apply only to the rifles and other light troops, who, being always exposed and in advance, have need of all their energies and activity to render them fully effective.

8. Any of my readers passing through Knightsbridge, may chance to observe a tall military figure, bent with years, a bag thrown over his shoulders, stooping to pick up bones, &c., this person is no other than the once redoubtable Humphrey Allen, at that time one of the smartest and finest-looking men in our Rifles.

9. I have often felt surprised that our officers have not generally adopted the plan of carrying a rifle when in action; the defence it would afford to the individual himself in its superiority over the sword or the pistol, which latter are mere toys in the field, would, I imagine, bear its own argument. The additional strength also it must give to the efficiency of the regiments generally, from the number it would add to each volley (in the proportion of fifty to a regiment), and the confidence it must inspire in the officers, would, one should think, carry everything before it, nor can it prevent any officer in keeping his eye on his men, as all riflemen, while in action, use their own judgment by getting under cover, consequently out of sight.

10. This veteran soldier, who was afterwards promoted to the rank of Sergeant-Major, through the interest of his old commander Sir Hussey Vivian, now holds a situation in the Tower, where we frequently meet.

11. As some of my readers may not be acquainted with the duty and the character of a “Forlorn-Hope,” I will proceed to explain it. On the eve of the storming of a fortress, the breaches, &c., being all ready, Captains of companies, on their private parade, give the men to understand that such and such a place is to be taken by storm. Every man then, who wishes to volunteer to head the stormers, steps forward to the front, and his name is immediately taken down by the officer; if none offer themselves the first men for duty are selected. With our regiment this latter alternative was never required, as a sufficient number were always ready.

This service, or “Forlorn-Hope,” is designated by the French in the not less appropriate term of “Les Enfants perdus,” or “Lost Children,” and has always to lead or make the first attack.

12. There is no doubt, but Wilkie, Major Napier, and indeed several others in advance fell by the fire of the Portuguese; who being panic-struck by the first volley they received from the town, instantly lay down on the glacis, and commenced firing on the breach. A random shot through the embrasure deprived my friend of life.

13. Grass-bags are long sacks about six feet by three, filled with grass or hay, and so stuffed as to enable a party, in case the ladders should not be fixed in sufficient time, by pitching them into the trenches before them to descend with comparative safety. With us, however, they answered a double purpose, being carried by our men in front of their persons to prevent the effects of the enemy’s fire.

14. The gallantry of the Spaniards of our regiment make me believe, had those countrymen during the war been properly commanded, they would have made excellent soldiers.

15. As before stated, the French carry no haversacks.

16. As of late, much has been said concerning the use or non-use of the bayonet in action, I shall here take the liberty, supported by the above fact, of intruding my own opinions in the matter; an opinion, which falling from the mouth of an old soldier only, might otherwise be thought worthless, if not presumptuous.

It is generally known of course that Riflemen, when in action, are at all times extended, and have always better opportunities of watching the movements of two armies, than those troops who are compelled to march in compact and closely-wedged masses.

Both parties, it will be observed by the above, were with their fire-locks unloaded, the British having fired and charged before the French could reload, and both consequently had no resource left but their bayonets. Now I would ask the no-bayonet gentlemen, if the French, who well knew their mutual position, had seen the British advance with bare muzzles or with no bayonets, would they have given way with their own bayonets fixed to oppose them. If they did, they ought to be hanged, from the Colonel downwards. On the other hand, if the English had attempted to charge with bare muzzles against fixed bayonets, each man from the commanding officer down should be sent to a madhouse.

Upon this then I should say, if my opinion be acceptable, that the bayonets had better remain in present use until such time as we can bargain with the French or other enemies to disuse them.

17. Query Countess of Gazan.

18. Query Jourdain’s bÂton.

19. Strange to say, this very sergeant, whose name was Lee, and who had the fame of being the best boxer in his regiment, after the battle of Waterloo, lay wounded in the bed next to mine in the hospital at Antwerp. “Holloa, Rifleman!” said he, when he first perceived me near him, “don’t you recollect me!” At first I did not. “By God,” said he, again, “you frightened me more than a bit at Vittoria, when guarding your money-bags.” This soon settled the recognition; but, poor fellow! he died after the amputation of his arm.

20. Tom served under General Whitelock in South America.

21. The brass clasp or hook that fastens the belt.

22. This being only a report amongst us wounded men, little reliance can be placed on it.


28, Berkeley Square, March 2nd, 1819.

I strongly recommend to your notice, and to the attention of the Board of Chelsea, the bearer, Edward Costello, late sergeant in the first battalion Rifle Brigade, for an increase of pension for his gallant services, he having been discharged in consequence of wounds received in action.

A. F. Barnard,
Major-General Commanding,
First Battalion Rifle Brigade.
To General Sir E. Dundas,
&c., &c., &c.
Colonel-in-Chief, Rifle Brigade,

To this hour it remained unaltered.

24. This Conner now resides at Chelsea, and I am happy to say, in good circumstances, at his trade as a tailor.

25. Now Sir Henry Bulwer.

26. Vide, General Order under Evans.

“G. O.,Head Quarters, San Sebastian,

“September 2, 1835.

* * * “All provosts and their assistants are empowered to inflict summary punishment on the breech to the amount of twenty-four lashes, according to the degree of the offence, on soldiers and followers of the army committing offences against discipline, plundering, drunkenness, violence, and, in short, everything tending to the subversion of good order in the army. The provost must either witness the offence himself or have it from the evidence of competent eye witnesses; the punishment in every case to be inflicted on the spot or near the same.”


“G. O.Head Quarters, Frenada,

“November 1, 1811.

“The office of Provost Marshal has existed in all British armies in the field * * * his authority must be limited by the necessity of the case, and whatever be the crime of which a soldier may be guilty, the Provost Marshal has not the power of inflicting summary punishment for it unless he should see him in the act of committing it. If he should not see him in the act of committing it, he is directed to report the offence to the Commander-in-chief of the army, in order that the soldier be tried, and evidence adduced against him. Further the Commander of the Forces desires that it may be clearly understood that no officer whatever has a right to order the Provost Marshal, or his assistants, to exercise the authority intrusted to them; nor can the Provost Marshal, or his assistants, inflict punishment on any man, except they should see him in the act of committing a breach of orders and discipline. Their duty is, by vigilance and activity, to prevent those breaches which the Commander of the Forces is sorry to observe are too common, and to punish those they may catch in the act.”

28. I feel bound, before quitting the subject, to declare it as my opinion that the bread was not actually poisoned; the materials of which it was made, no doubt, were of the worst description, of which the colour, which was of the most disheartening black, gave every proof; when two days old it would be as hard almost as wood, and in another similar lapse of time, it would mildew, and become green as old copper. The men, however, who were not taken ill, always fed upon it, from necessity; while most of the officers, who were served with good white bread (but at a less ration), were equally attacked by the sickness. The baker, therefore, in this respect, did no more than what our own contractors would have done, and which the abominable quality of almost everything sent us went to testify. That he conspired to favour Don Carlos’s cause I have no doubt, and the punishment was necessary, and a wholesome one.

29. There were seven brothers of the Cummings in our first battalion Rifle Brigade; the above Allan was sergeant in the band, and was killed at Vittoria 21st June, 1813.

30. This I was informed by the surgeon who dressed them afterwards.

31. Vide first article of conditions of service:

“I. The time of service to be for one or two years, as may be preferred by the individual engaging to enter her Majesty’s service.”

32. The whole of these two regiments were almost entirely Scotch, a people whom I ever found justly submissive and brave. Each man of these signed his name himself; and, by the ready manner, gave full proof of their being well informed as well as intellectual. It will be recollected, also, that, up to the time of their laying down arms, they had carried them only on a matter of good faith; for not one of them had taken the oath of allegiance to either the British or the Spanish Government. In the Rifles none laid down their arms or joined the discontented. I had raised them myself; and they were the only regiment that had not been buoyed up with false representations. The deficiency of allegiance was universal, I believe, in the Legion; and, under these facts, I feel surprised that any man was punished by court-martial. They virtually were not a Spanish or a British force, and constituted mere camp followers, answerable only—with certain exceptions—to civil authorities, and not to their officers, who, I presume, are now accountable to British laws for the cruelties they inflicted.

Transcriber's Note

Inconsistent hyphenation of words in the original book has been retained. Punctuation errors were fixed. The name Josh was followed by a period/full stop in the early parts of the book and not in the later parts. This was left as printed. Some additional corrections have been made, as detailed below:

p. xi and p. 144 Campaign of 1812 -> Campaign of 1813
p. xiv H cold-blooded Spaniard -> A cold-blooded Spaniard
p. xiv Meda -> Medal
p. 3 oyer -> over
p. 29 two of three -> two or three
p. 39 dreafully -> dreadfully
p. 59 we passed trough the town -> we passed through the town
p. 63 skirmishing end endeavouring -> skirmishing and endeavouring
p. 103 then then addressed -> then addressed
p. 144 Alamada -> Allamada
p. 171 goold -> gold
p. 216 regi- -> regiment
p. 221 catch in the fact -> catch in the act
p. 235 Chapelgoris -> Chapelgorris
p. 239 segeant-major -> sergeant-major
p. 242 Monte a el ciel -> Monte a el cielo
p. 245 been dismissed the Legion -> been dismissed from the Legion
p. 264 wofully -> woefully


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