
As Little Jack Rabbit and Uncle John Hare rode along in the Bunnymobile, all of a sudden, just like that, they heard someone calling:

"Oh, please come and help me out,
I'm caught so tight and fast
I haven't seen my dear old home
For two weeks Sunday last."

"Who can it be?" asked the old gentleman rabbit in a whisper, slowing up the Bunnymobile.

"I don't see anybody," answered his little bunny nephew, "but there must be somebody in trouble, just the same." And then the voice came again, only louder than before:

"Oh, please, oh, please, come rescue me.
I'm caught so tight in this old oak tree."

And then, all of a sudden, the two little rabbits saw a tiny dwarf wedged in between a tree and a big rock.

"Wait a minute! We'll see what we can do," and in less than five hundred short seconds Little Jack Rabbit and his uncle were tugging away at the little dwarf and pretty soon they had him out, all except his left foot.

"Slip your foot out of your boot," said the old gentleman rabbit.

"No, that would never do," answered the little man. "If I should do that I would lose my power."

"Are yours magic boots?" asked the old gentleman rabbit, looking down at his own, which he considered about the finest in the world, let me tell you.

"Indeed they are," answered the dwarf, "they are thousand league boots. I can run away from a giant as easily as an automobile from a pushcart."

"Goodness me," exclaimed Uncle John Hare, "they are certainly wonderful. But what are you going to do? Stay fast to that tree all the rest of your life, or walk about like other people?"

Well, this made the dwarf think pretty hard, and by and by he said: "Pull me out and leave the boot. Maybe I can hop on one leg fast enough to get away from a giant anyway." So both little rabbits gave a big tug and out came the dwarf, but the boot was left behind, which made the dwarf quite unhappy until he was asked to take a ride in the Bunnymobile.

"There's an old cobbler who lives near here," said the dwarf. "Perhaps he might make me a boot. I hear he's a very wonderful cobbler." So the two little rabbits set off to find him and soon they came to a hut in the middle of the wood, on the roof of which sat a little robin redbreast singing. But what he said you must wait to hear in the next story.


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