"The moonlight shone on the bedroom floor As the little gray mouse peeked in through the door, But the little fairy I told you about Had opened the windows and just gone out. So the little gray mouse had nothing to do But close it again to keep out the flu." Then she softly stole downstairs so as not to waken Little Jack Rabbit, and after eating a cheese sandwich went to bed. And now I suppose you are wondering what became of the little elf and the tiny fairy I mentioned in the story before this. Well, I'll tell you right away. As soon as they slid off the moonbeam, they scampered away to the forest where the big Ragged Rabbit Giant was stealing all the Jack-in-the-pulpit flowers he could lay hands on. "Now hide behind this tree and I'll creep under this bush," said the little elf, "and when the Ragged Rabbit Giant comes by you blow your policeman's whistle and I'll blow mine, and I guess that will so frighten him that he'll never come here again." Pretty soon, not so very long, they heard a sharp crashing of branches and a big thumping on the ground, and then, all of a sudden, the Ragged Rabbit Giant appeared. "Fee, fie, china and delf, I smell the blood of a little elf, Fie, fee, left, right, I smell the blood of a little sprite." And, goodness me. Little Jack Sprite and the tiny elf were so frightened that they almost forgot to blow their policeman whistles. And I guess they would have if a little round-eyed owl hadn't tooted: "Blow your whistles quick I say, And frighten this Rabbit Giant away!" Goodness me, again! Then how they did blow their whistles, and the Giant almost jumped through his collar, and before you could say Jack Robinson, ran back to his castle and climbed into his big folding bed. "Now I guess our Shady Forest will be as quiet as Philadelphia," said the tiny elf. And little Jack Sprite said, "Maybe he has left one Jack-in-the-pulpit flower in which I can make my home." Then they both came out from their hiding places and before very long, just a little while, Jack found a Jack-in-the-pulpit flower. So he was all right and as happy as could be, and as the little elf had a home in a big oak tree, he said good-by and ran away just as the little Red Rooster began to crow. |