One morning as Little Jack Rabbit looked out of his house in the Old Bramble Patch, whom should he see but Danny Fox peeking out from behind the Big Chestnut Tree. Now Little Jack Rabbit knew that Danny Fox was not there for any good purpose. No, sir. Whenever Danny Fox was around there was sure to be trouble. So Little Jack Rabbit hopped back into his burrow to tell Mrs. Rabbit. “Well, you keep a lookout from the front door,” she said, “and I’ll stand watch at the “Oh, how I hate that dreadful Danny Fox! I wish your father hadn’t gone out so early this morning.” Little Jack Rabbit hopped back to the front door and looked over to the Shady Forest. But, oh, dear me! Just then up jumped Danny Fox right in front of him. “Good morning,” he said, licking his lips with his great red tongue. “How is my little fat bunny this morning?” “I haven’t got any time to talk,” answered Little Jack Rabbit, backing into the house. “Now be friendly,” coaxed Danny Fox, coming closer. “I’ve come all the way “All right,” answered the little rabbit; “but stay where you are or I’ll go inside and close the door.” “That’s not a nice way to speak when I’ve come to ask you to take dinner with us,” replied Danny Fox. “My little boys, Slyboots and Bushytail, want you to come, and Mrs. Fox has made a lovely carrot stew.” Then Danny Fox sat down and, folding his front paws across his fur waistcoat, looked so kindly at the little bunny that I’m sorry to say he answered, “I’ll come!” before he really thought it over. If he had only gone inside the house to ask his mother. But he didn’t. He never even thought of it, but put on his cap and followed that Now everybody don’t get scared ’Cause little Jackie Rabbit dared Go out to dine with Danny Fox Inside his den amid the rocks. Just wait to see what happens when They get outside the Shady Glen. Perhaps a kind and loving friend Some needed help will quickly send. |