As Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox came to the Duck Pond, whom should they see but the Farmer’s Boy sitting by the Old Mill polishing his gun. Danny Fox stopped short. He had meant to slip around by the bushes and across the Sunny Meadow to his den on the woody hillside. But the sight of that gun made him change his mind. Now Mr. Merry Sun knew something was wrong as soon as he saw Little Jack Rabbit with Danny Fox. He knew if anybody went with that old robber something mighty unpleasant would surely happen. Goodness me! When he saw Danny Fox he swung the gun to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. Bang! it went, almost kicking him over. Ping! and the bullet struck the tree close to Little Jack Rabbit. Away went Danny Fox in one direction, and away hopped the little rabbit in the other. “Come, Sic’em!” cried the Farmer’s Boy, running after Danny Fox. The old dog, with his nose close to the ground, ran swiftly across the Sunny Meadow and up the hillside. When he came to the pile of rocks he stopped short and began to bark. “Is he there, old scout?” asked the Farmer’s Boy. “Wow, wow, wow!” answered Old Sic’em. “Oh dear, oh dear!” whispered Mrs. Fox, “do you think they’ll get us?” Danny Fox laughed, but not very loud. He didn’t want the Farmer’s Boy to hear him. “Never fear, my dear. I’ve rolled a great big stone against the front door. Old Sic’em is all bark. At the same time, it’s not very pleasant to have enemies so close to the house. Where are Slyboots and Bushytail?” “They are out playing. Do you think anything can happen to them?” answered Mrs. Fox anxiously. “Not while the Farmer’s Boy is pounding on the front door,” replied Danny Fox. “I’m going back for a shovel,” said the Farmer’s Boy to himself, and he ran over to the Old Mill, leaving Sic’em still digging away. He knew Sic’em would keep Danny Fox in his den until he got back. Old Sic’em was a good hunter and wouldn’t leave. That’s what the Farmer’s Boy thought as he hurriedly picked up the shovel and started back for the hillside. |