A turtle goes much slower Than an old sea-going hack. He never has to hurry home For his house is on his back, sang Bobbie Redvest as Little Jack Rabbit hopped down the Old Cow Path in the Sunny Meadow. “I wonder what I’ll do to-day?” the little bunny asked himself, when all of a sudden, along came Teddy Turtle with his little shell bungalow on his back, for Teddy Turtle always carries it with him, rain or shine, anywhere and everywhere. Yes, sir, that little turtle is very lucky; he never is “Where are you going?” asked the little rabbit. “Down to the Old Duck Pond. Come along. We’ll make a call on Granddaddy Bullfrog.” “Very well,” answered the little rabbit, “I’ve nothing to do this morning. I’ll come along.” Then off they started, Teddy Turtle crawling slowly down the path, and Little Jack Rabbit hopping along, now and then sitting down to wait for the little turtle to catch up to him. By and by, Little Jack Rabbit said: “Don’t you ever get tired carrying your house about with you? You’re just like a moving van.” “Oh, I’m used to it,” answered Teddy Turtle. “When I go out in the morning I don’t have to worry about getting back to the house by supper time.” “Ha, ha!” laughed the little rabbit. “Your head sticks out of the front door and your tail through the kitchen door!” But, Oh dear me. He was so taken up with the little turtle that he didn’t notice a big, black shadow on the path. But Teddy Turtle did. Oh, my yes! “Look out!” he shouted, “here comes Hungry Hawk!” And he pulled his head in through the front door and his tail in through the back door, and all you could see was a little shell house on the meadow grass. Little Jack Rabbit Meets Teddie Turtle. Page 48 Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox. And the little rabbit? He hopped into a hollow stump so quickly that Hungry Hawk Pretty soon Hungry Hawk rapped again on the old hollow stump. Rat-a-tat-tat! went Hungry Hawk On the door of the Hollow Stump. The Bunny Boy’s heart beat pitter pat, And his knees went bumpity, bump! |