Goodness me! No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Danny Fox himself sprang out from behind a snowdrift. Down into his tunnel went Timmy Meadowmouse and back into the Old Bramble Patch hopped the little rabbit. But Danny Fox was no fool. No, sir-e-e! Instead of running after Little Jack Rabbit, he commenced to dig for the little meadowmouse. My, how the snow flew! Up and down rushed the old fox, digging here and digging there, and if Timmy Meadowmouse hadn’t been pretty quick to run back through his tunnel to the Old Bramble Patch “Another narrow escape,” he panted. “I declare, there’s no fun to be had anywhere now that Danny Fox is hunting.” “I wish he’d hunt some other place,” said the little rabbit. Just then they heard the report of a gun. “What’s that?” asked Timmy Meadowmouse. “It’s the Farmer’s Boy,” answered the little rabbit, peeking out through the brambles. “I guess he hit Danny Fox, for there he goes limping towards the Shady Forest.” “We’d better look out,” said Timmy Meadowmouse “You’re too small,” said Little Jack Rabbit, “but I’ll take good care he doesn’t see me, on the Sunny Meadow.” Just then another shot was heard. “Goodness me!” said the little rabbit, “maybe this time he’s killed Danny Fox!” “No, but he almost hit me!” cried Mr. Rabbit, popping into the Old Bramble Patch. “You and the boys had better come inside,” said Mrs. Rabbit nervously from the front door. “Brother Bobby Tail has just hopped into the kitchen in a great hurry. He says the Farmer’s Boy is shooting at everything he sees.” |