
I didn’t mean any harm. I just flew down from the blue sky to say ‘Howdy!’” said Hungry Hawk in a low voice.

Little Jack Rabbit was too out of breath to speak. And, anyway, he was too busy thinking how he was ever to get out, for there stood that old robber bird close by, ready to pounce on him at any moment.

“I don’t believe you,” at last answered the little rabbit. “And I’m not coming out while you’re around.”

Hungry Hawk made no reply, but sat down and preened his feathers. By and by who should come along but Danny Fox.

“Hello, Hungry Hawk, what are you doing?”

“Howdy, Danny Fox, what are you doing?” replied the old bird.

“Oh, just taking a walk,” answered Danny Fox, squinting into the opening in the old hollow tree. “I don’t see anything, but I smell rabbit.”

“Well, that’s as far as you’ll get,” answered Hungry Hawk. “I’m going to pull that little rabbit out of that tree and eat him, and I’m not inviting anybody to dine with me, either.”

Now this made Danny Fox very angry, but he only grinned and said: “You’ll never get him out unless I help you.”

“How’s that?” inquired Hungry Hawk.

“Because,” answered Danny Fox, with a bigger grin than ever, “I’ll eat Hawk first and Rabbit after,” and he made a jump for the old bird, catching him by the tail.

My goodness, how the fur and feathers flew! Yes, siree! It certainly was some fight.

At first Danny Fox was on top. Pretty soon Hungry Hawk squirmed away and dug his sharp claws into Danny Fox’s fur overcoat. But Danny Fox never let go of the old hawk’s tail.

After a while Hungry Hawk said: “Suppose we stop and talk it over.” So they let go of each other and sat down. Hungry Hawk was pretty well mussed up and Danny Fox’s hair looked as if it had been combed the wrong way.

“I’ll help you get the little rabbit if you’ll let me help you eat him,” said Danny Fox.

“All right,” agreed the old hawk, “but how shall we get him out of the tree?”

“I’m going to smoke him out,” answered Danny Fox. “You wait here while I run home and get my pipe. I’ll puff tobacco smoke into that hollow tree until that little rabbit either hops out or chokes to death.”


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