The world will rob me of my friends, For time with her conspires; But they shall both to make amends Relight my slumbering fires. For while my comrades pass away To bow and smirk and gloze, Come others, for as short a stay; And dear are these as those. And who was this? they ask; and then The loved and lost I praise: "Like you they frolicked; they are men: "Bless ye my later days." Why fret? the hawks I trained are flown: 'Twas nature bade them range; I could not keep their wings half-grown, I could not bar the change. With lattice opened wide I stand To watch their eager flight; With broken jesses in my hand I muse on their delight. And, oh! if one with sullied plume Should droop in mid career, My love makes signals:—"There is room, Oh bleeding wanderer, here." |