As the sun rode slowly down the sky and passed the barriers of the low-hanging clouds, a herd of tiny prong-horned antelopes scampered near for a closer view of the boys and dog. "Down, Ohitika!" Hawk Eye commanded. "We need fresh meat," he added, turning to Raven Wing. "But they are beyond arrow flight," answered the younger boy. "They are inquisitive animals," said Hawk Eye. "I will try to bring them nearer. Let us lie down and see if I cannot attract their attention." Both boys dropped to the ground. Hawk Eye fastened a moccasin to one end of his bow and slowly waved it to and fro. In a HAWK EYE FASTENED A MOCCASIN TO ONE END OF HIS BOW AND SLOWLY WAVED IT TO AND FRO. The sun was now near its setting, so the boys decided to make camp close to a great boulder. From a clump of low bushes Raven Wing gathered enough dry twigs and leaves to make a small fire, and before long strips of antelope meat were roasting over the flames. The bushes grew around a tiny spring, at which they drank and satisfied their thirst before they sat down to eat. When the meal was ended, Hawk Eye said: "Let us cut up the choice parts of the antelope into thin strips. These can be hung from a strip of hide and allowed to dry in the sun as we journey on." For some little time before darkness came down the boys were busy preparing the meat for drying. "We will get up with the sun," said Hawk Eye, as he stretched himself on the ground. At the first pale tint of dawn the boys awoke. After drinking and bathing at the "The wind and the sun will soon dry the meat," remarked Hawk Eye, taking hold of one end. Raven Wing grasped the other and they set off over the short, light green, hair-like grass of the upland. Dew glittered on stem and flower as the sun rose higher. Now and again the peep of the prairie chick or the call of the plover came to their ears. As they neared a rocky ridge a badger slipped into his den. At length Raven Wing remarked, "Very soon we should come across a trail to the river." "The trail of the paleface trader Renville?" inquired Hawk Eye. "Yes; 'tis wide and well worn by the wheels of his carts and the hoofs of his oxen," answered Raven Wing. As the sun reached the middle of the sky, Hawk Eye stopped. Dropping his end of the leather thong, he said; "We have not yet found the trail. Let us spread apart. I will follow a line running between the land of Snows and the Rising Sun. You go forward slantingly toward the Ever Summer Land. But neither of us may go far without again setting face toward the Rising Sun. By so doing, one of us may come upon the trail as we journey toward the upward bend of the river." "We must keep within the sound of each other's voice," cautioned Raven Wing. "Yes," agreed Hawk Eye. "I will shoulder the meat. It is by now quite dry." Making a bundle of the strips, he set off at a slant towards the north. Raven Wing veered towards the south. Before long he halted at a faint, distant call from Hawk Eye. "He has come across the trail," said Raven Wing to himself. Turning toward the north, he broke into a run. As he came to "You have found the trail," he laughed, perceiving the sunken track made by cart wheels. "Yes, but we must go fast to catch the thief," answered Hawk Eye. "We must gain a point of vantage on the bank ahead of him. Once there, we can lay plans to recover our stolen canoes." Deer with antlers. |