THE BEGGAR. THE BEGGAR. Miser ego homo! Quis nie liberabit de corpore mortis huius? Rom. vii. Qui hors la chair veult en Christ viure Ne craint mort, mais dit un mortel, Helas, qui me rendra deliure Pouure homme de ce corps mortel? Of this edition of Holbein's "The Dance of Death," seven hundred and fifty copies have been printed on Japan vellum, for the Scott-Thaw Co., by the Heintzemann Press, July, MCMIII. Transcriber's Note: In the work used for this digitization, each pair of facing pages has the Latin biblical quotation at the top of the left page printed in red, the French quatrain at the bottom of the left page printed in black, and the illustration (numbered above, and captioned below) on the right page, opposite the text. For clarity in the text-only version, the plate numbers and captions have been moved to precede their corresponding verses. |