
N.B.—The German titles are in general modernized from those which appear above the engraver's proofs. The numerals are those of the cuts.

The Creation I
Die SchÖpfung aller Ding.

Eve is taken from the side of Adam.

The Temptation II
"Adam Eua im Paradyss."

Eve, having received an apple from the serpent, prompts Adam to gather more.

The Expulsion III
"Vsstribung Ade Eue."

Adam and Eve, preceded by Death, playing on a beggar's lyre or hurdy-gurdy, are driven by the angel from Eden.

The Consequences of the Fall IV
Adam baut die Erden.

Adam, aided by Death, tills the earth. Eve, with a distaff, suckles Cain in the background.

A Cemetery V
Gebein aller Menschen.

A crowd of skeletons, playing on horns, trumpets, and the like, summon mankind to the grave.

The Pope VI
Der PÄpst.

The Pope (Leo X.) with Death at his side, crowns an Emperor, who kisses his foot. Another Death, in a cardinal's hat, is among the assistants.

The Emperor VII
Der Kaiser.

The Emperor (Maximilian I.) rates his minister for injustice to a suitor. But even in the act Death discrowns him.

The King VIII
Der KÖnig.

The King (Francis I.) sits at feast under a baldachin sprinkled with fleurs-de-lis. Death, as a cup-bearer, pours his last draught.

The Cardinal IX
Der Cardinal.

Death lifts off the Cardinal's hat as he is handing a letter of indulgence to a rich man. Luther's opponent, Cardinal Cajetan, is supposed to be represented.

The Empress X
Die Kaiserinn.

The Empress, walking with her women, is intercepted by a female Death, who conducts her to an open grave.

The Queen XI
Die KÖniginn.

Death, in the guise of a court-jester, drags away the Queen as she is leaving her palace.

The Bishop XII
Der Bischof.

The sun is setting, and Death leads the aged Bishop from the sorrowing shepherds of his flock.

The Duke XIII
Der Herzog.

The Duke turns pitilessly from a beggar-woman and her child. Meanwhile Death, fantastically crowned, lays hands on him.

The Abbot XIV
Der Abt.

Death, having despoiled the Abbot of mitre and crozier, hales him along unwilling, and threatening his enemy with his breviary.

The Abbess XV
Die Abtissin.

Death, in a wreath of flags, pulls away the Abbess by her scapulary in sight of a shrieking nun.

The Nobleman XVI
Der Edelmann.

Death drags the resisting Nobleman towards a bier in the background.

The Canon, or Prebendary XVII
Der Domherr.

The Canon, with his falconer, page, and jester, enters the church door. Death shows him that his sands have run.

The Judge XVIII
Der Richter.

Death withdraws the Judge's staff as he takes a bribe from a rich suitor.

The Advocate XIX
Der FÜrsprach.

Death comes upon him in the street while he is being feed by a rich client.

The Counsellor, or Senator XX
Der Rathsherr.

The Counsellor, prompted by a devil, is absorbed by a nobleman, and turns unheeding from a poor suppliant. But Death, with glass and spade, is waiting at his feet.

The Preacher XXI
Der Predicant.

Death, in a stole, stands in the pulpit behind the fluent Preacher, and prepares to strike him down with a jaw-bone.

The Priest, or Pastor XXII
Der Pfarrherr.

He carries the host to a sick person. But Death precedes him as his sacristan.

The Mendicant Friar XXIII
Der MÖnch.

Death seizes him just as his begging box and bag are filled.

The Nun XXIV
Die Nonne.

The young Nun kneels at the altar, but turns to her lover who plays upon a lute. Death meantime, as a hideous old hag, extinguishes the altar candles.

The Old Woman XXV
Das Altweib.

"Melior est mors quam vita" to the aged woman who crawls gravewards with her bone rosary while Death makes music in the van.

The Physician XXVI
Der Arzt.

Death brings him a hopeless patient, and bids him cure himself.

The Astrologer XXVII
(See p. 10, l. 12.)

He contemplates a pendent sphere. But Death thrusts a skull before his eyes.

The Rich Man XXVIII
Der Reichmann.

Death finds him at his pay-table and seizes the money.

The Merchant XXIX
Der Kaufmann.

Death arrests him among his newly-arrived bales.

The Shipman XXX
Der Schiffmann.

Death breaks the mast of the ship, and the crew are in extremity.

The Knight XXXI
Der Ritter.

Death, in cuirass and chain-mail, runs him through the body.

The Count XXXII
Der Graf.

Death, as a peasant with a flail, lifts away his back-piece.

The Old Man XXXIII
Der Altmann.

Death, playing on a dulcimer, leads him into his grave.

The Countess XXXIV
Die Grafinn.

Death helps her at her tiring by decorating her with a necklet of dead men's bones.

The Noble Lady, or Bride XXXV
Die Edelfrau.

"Me et te sola mors separabit"—says the motto. And Death already dances before her.

The Duchess XXXVI
Die Herzoginn.

Death seizes her in bed, while his fellow plays the fiddle.

The Pedlar XXXVII
Der Kramer.

Death stops him on the road with his wares at his back.

The Ploughman XXXVIII
Der Ackermann.

Death runs at the horses' sides as the sun sinks, and the furrows are completed.

The Young Child XXXIX
Das Junge Kind.

As the meagre cottage meal is preparing, Death steals the youngest child.

The Last Judgment XL
Das jÜngste Gericht.

"Omnes stabimus ante tribunal Domini."

The Escutcheon of Death XLI
Die Wappen des Todes.

The supporters represent Holbein and his wife.

[Added in later editions]

The Soldier XLII

Death, armed only with a bone and shield, fights with the Soldier on the field of battle.

The Gamester XLIII

Death and the Devil seize upon the Gambler at his cards.

The Drunkard XLIV

Men and women carouse: down the throat of one bloated fellow Death pours the wine.

The Fool XLV

The Fool dances along the highway with Death, who plays the bagpipes.

The Robber XLVI

Death seizes the Robber in the act of pillage.

The Blind Man XLVII

Death leads the Blind Man by his staff.

The Waggoner XLVIII

The waggon is overturned; one Death carries off a wheel, the other loosens the fastening of a cask.

The Beggar XLIX

The Beggar, lying on straw outside the city, cries in vain for Death.

[Two others, not found in the earlier editions, "The Young Wife," and "The Young Husband," are not included in the Douce reprint for which the foregoing blocks were engraved.]





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