Canterbury Cathedral. By A. Brunet-Debaines Frontispiece
1. Plan of a cupola of the Abbey Church of St. Front at PÉrigueux 17
2. Pendentive of a cupola of the Abbey Church of St. Front at PÉrigueux 18
3. Diagonal section of a pendentive 19
4. Plan of a cupola of AngoulÊme or Fontevrault 20
5. Section of a bay of the cupolas of AngoulÊme 20
6. Section of a bay in the Church of St. Avit-SÉnieur 21
7. Plan of vault on intersecting arches 21
8. Section of an intersecting arch 22
9. Plan of a bay in the nave of St. Maurice at Angers 24
10. Transverse section of the nave of St. Maurice at Angers 25
11. Plan of a bay of the nave. Ste. TrinitÉ, Laval 26
12. Section of two bays of the nave. Ste. TrinitÉ, Laval 27
13, 14. Comparative sections of Churches of AngoulÊme and Angers 28
15. View in perspective of nave vault. St. Maurice at Angers 29
16. Plan of a summer of the nave vault. Ste. TrinitÉ, Laval 30
17. Plan of one of the nave piers. Ste. TrinitÉ, Laval 30
18. Plan of the nave, St. Maurice, Angers 33
19. Plan of La Ste. TrinitÉ, Angers 34
20. Section of a bay. Ste. TrinitÉ, Angers 35
21. Transverse section of a bay. Ste. TrinitÉ, Angers 37
22. Section of a single-aisled Church vaulted on intersecting arches with buttresses 38
23. Section of a three-aisled Church vaulted on intersecting arches with flying buttresses 39
24. Durham Cathedral. Transverse sections 43
25. Abbey Church at Noyon. Plan 44
26. Transverse section of Noyon Church 45
27. Church of Tournai, Belgium. Exterior view of north transept towards the Scheldt 46
28. Monastery Church at Moissac. Vault of the hall known as the Salle des Capitaines above the porch 47
29. Church of Tournai, Belgium. Interior of north transept 47
30. Soissons Cathedral, south transept. Section of flying buttress 48
31. Perspective view of south transept, Soissons Cathedral 49
32. Cathedral of Laon. Plan 52
33. Cathedral of Laon. Interior of the nave 54
34. Cathedral of Laon. Main faÇade 55
35. Cathedral of Laon. The east end 57
36. Cathedral of Laon. Section of the nave 58
37. Notre Dame de Paris. Plan 59
38. Notre Dame de Paris. Section of the nave 60
39. Notre Dame de Paris. Flying buttresses and south tower 61
147. Grande Chartreuse. The Great Cloister



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