

Acceptances, 56

definition of, 11

Accommodation note, definition of, 11

Account books

classes of, 42

definition of, 11

Account current, definition of, 11

Account sales, definition of, 11

Accounting charts, 309-323

explanation of chart, 316

of manufacturing business, 313

of small trading business, 310


classification of, 90

definition of, 11

merchandise, 71

merchandise inventory, 100

nominal, 70

personal, 69

profit and loss, 97

purchase, 71

real, 69

representative, 70

sales, 72

Accrued interest, definition of, 12

Acknowledgment, definition of, 12

Ad valorem, definition of, 12

Administrator, definition of, 12

Adventure, definition of, 12

Advice, definition of, 13

Affidavit, definition of, 13

Agent, definition of, 13

Agreement, definition of, 13

Allowance, definition of, 13

Annual statement, definition of, 13

Annuity, definition of, 13

Antedate, definition of, 13

Appraise, definition of, 14

Appreciation, definition of, 14

Approval sales, definition of, 14

Arbitrate, definition of, 14

Articles, definition of, 14


definition of, 14

fictitious, 78

fixed, 77

floating, 78

passive, 78

Assign, definition of, 14

Assignee, definition of, 14

Assignment, definition of, 14

Assignor, definition of, 14

Association, definition of, 14

Attachment, definition of, 14

Audit, definition of, 14

Auxiliary, definition of, 14

Average, definition of, 14


Balance, definition of, 14, 39

Balance sheet, 100, 139

definition of, 14

Balance of trade, definition of, 15

Bale, definition of, 15

Bank balance, definition of, 15

Bank deposits, 56

check books, 56

depositing cash, 57

indorsement of checks, 57

pass book, 57

signature card, 56

Bank draft, definition of, 15

Bank note, definition of, 15

Bank pass book, definition of, 15

Bankrupt, definition of, 15

Bill, definition of, 15

Bill of exchange, definition of, 16

Bill head, definition of, 16

Bill of lading, definition of, 16

Bill of sale, definition of, 16

Bills payable, definition of, 18

Bills receivable, definition of, 18

Bills receivable and bills payable, 54

Blanks, definition of, 18

Blotter, definition of, 18

Bond liability, 239

Bonded goods, definition of, 18

Bonds, 238

classes of, 239

definition of, 18

expense of issue of, 241

interest on, 241

premium on, 241

Bonus, definition of, 18

Book account, definition of, 18


for corporation, 205

definition and objects of, 37

methods of, 39

Brand, definition of, 18

Broker, definition of, 18

Brokerage, definition of, 18

Bullion, definition of, 18


Call loans, definition of, 18

Cancel, definition of, 18

Capital, definition of, 18

Capital of corporation, 199

Capital stock, 199

definition of, 18

Capitalization, 199

capital, 199

capital stock, 199

treasury stock, 200

watered stock, 201

Cartage, definition of, 18

Cash book, 43

posting from, 89

Cash discounts, 94

allowed, 94

earned, 95

entering in cash book, 94

Cash dividend, declaring, 224

Cash sales, definition of, 18

Center-ruled ledger, 143

Certificate of stock, definition of, 18

Certified check, definition of, 20

Charges, definition of, 20

Chart, definition of, 20

Charter, definition of, 20

Charting the accounts, 309

Check, definition of, 20

Check books, 56

Clearing house, definition of, 20

Closing an account, definition of, 20

Collateral, definition of, 20

Commercial abbreviations, 35

Commercial paper, definition of, 20

Commercial signs and characters, 37

Commercial terms, dictionary of, 11

Commission, definition of, 20

Commission merchant, definition of, 20

Common law, definition of, 20

Common stock, definition of, 200

Company, definition of, 20

Compromise, definition of, 20

Consideration, definition of, 22

Consignee, definition of, 22

Consul, definition of, 22

Contingent assets and liabilities, definition of, 22

Contingent fund, definition of, 22

Contra, definition of, 22

Contract, definition of, 22

Conveyance, definition of, 22

Copyright, definition of, 22

Corporation accounts, 195-270

bonds, 238

bookkeeping, 205

changing books from partnership to corporation, 227

closing transfer books, 204

entries on corporation books, 228

entry of stock for promotion, 222

reserves and their treatment, 235

stock donated to employes, 229

when stock subscriptions are never full paid, 232

surplus and dividends, 223

treatment of loss, 225

Corporation bookkeeping, 205

books required, 206

entries in stock books, 215

opening entries, 209


capitalization, 199

classification of, 195

creation of, 197

definition of, 195

dividends, 203

management of, 201


management of

powers of corporations, 203

powers of directors and officers, 202

stockholders' rights, 203

stock certificate, 199

stockholders, 197

stock issued for promotion, 221

stock subscriptions, 201

Counterfeit, definition of, 22

Coupon, definition of, 22

Coupon bond, definition of, 22

Credentials, definition of, 22

Credit, rules for, 38

Creditor, definition of, 22

Cumulative preferred stock, definition of, 200

Currency, definition of, 22


Day book, 43

Debenture, definition of, 22


definition of, 22

rules for, 38

Deed, definition of, 22

Defalcation, definition of, 22

Deferred bonds, definition of, 23

Delivery receipt definition of, 23

Demand note, definition of, 23

Departmental records, 148

Deposit, definition of, 24

Depositing cash, 57

Depreciation, definition of, 24

Discount, definition of, 24

Discount and exchange, 56

Discounts allowed, 94

Dishonor, definition of, 24

Dividend, 203

definition of, 24

Dividend book, 208

Dormant partners, 165

Double entry, 39

advantages of, 40

books used in, 43

principle of, 40

Doubtful, definition of, 25


definition of, 24

journalizing, 113

Drawer, definition of, 25

Drayage, definition of, 25

Due bill, definition of, 25

Dunning, definition of, 25

Duplicate, definition of, 25

Duty, definition of, 25


Earnest, definition of, 25

Embezzlement, definition of, 25

Exchange, definition of, 25

Expense account, 80

heat and light, 81

insurance, 81

interest, 81

labor, 82

out freight and express, 81

rent, 81

salaries, 82

taxes, 81

Exports, definition of, 25

Extend, definition of, 25


Face value, definition of, 25

Facsimile, definition of, 25

Fictitious assets, example of, 78

advertising, 78

Financial statement, definition of, 25

Fiscal, definition of, 25

Fixed assets

definition of, 25

examples of, 77

furniture and fixtures, 77

horses and wagons, 77

real estate, 77

Fixed charges, definition of, 26

Fixtures, definition of, 26

Floating assets, examples of, 78

accounts, 78

cash, 78

merchandise, 78

notes or bills receivable, 78

Folio, definition of, 26

Footing, definition of, 26

Foreign exchange, definition of, 26


account sales, 12

acknowledgment, 13

adjustment journal and departmental purchase book, 154

balance sheet, 101

bill, 15

bill of exchange, 17

bill of lading, 16

bill of sale, 19

bills payable, 55

bills receivable, 55

cash book, 44, 131

cash book including bank account, 156

cash book with center column for particulars, 177

cash book with column for private ledger accounts, 306

cash disbursement book, 296

center-ruled ledger, 143, 157-161

certificate of stock, 21

chart of profit and loss accounts, 311, 312

check register, 260

classified ledger accounts, 180-188

closing entries, trading and profit and loss account, 140

combined purchase ledger and voucher system, 303

daily report, 247

day book, 43

day book or blotter, 121

delivery receipt, 24

demand note, 24

departmental sales book, 155, 178

departmental sales and purchase books, 179

draft, 25

endorsement, 58

file showing method of indexing vouchers, 293

installment certificate, 208

inventory sheet, 137

invoice register, 258

journal, 74

journal entries recording all transactions, 128-130

journal ruled retail ledger, 132-137

journal showing opening entries for partnership, 176

journal voucher for adjusting entries, 284

lease, 27

ledger accounts, classified, 180-188

ledger with journal ruling, 120

manufacturing account, 99

manufacturing ledger with closing entries, 320-322

merchandise inventory, 100

monthly recapitulation and distribution sheet, 303

opening entry in journal, 122

order, 29

order book, 42

pay-roll, 249

power of attorney, 32

profit and loss account, 99

promissory note, 31

proprietor's account, 99

purchase book, 75

purchase ledger, 267

receipt, 33

retail ledger, journal ruled, 132-137

sales book, 74

scale book, 144

signature card, 57

special account, 12

statement, 34

statement of incorporation on stock plan, 198

trading account, 98

transfer book, 206

trial balance, 138, 162, 269

unit system of voucher accounting, monthly recapitulation for, 300

voucher, 35

voucher, back of, showing distribution, 277

voucher with check attached, duplicate, 283

voucher check in loose-leaf form, duplicate, 280

voucher check that requires no folding, 280

voucher check, triplicate form of, 282

voucher and check combined, 278

voucher distribution sheet, 281

voucher register showing entries, 294

voucher registers, typical forms of, 286

voucher to be receipted and returned, 276

vouchers paid, card index of, 292

Freight, definition of, 26


Gain, definition of, 26

Gauging, definition of, 26

Going business, definition of, 26

Goodwill, definition of, 26

Gross, definition of, 26

Gross profit, transfer of, 99

Guarantee or guaranty, definition of, 26

Guaranteed stock, 200


Honor, definition of, 26

Hypothecate, definition of, 26


Import, definition of, 26

Income, definition of, 26

Income bonds, definition of, 26

Indemnity, definition of, 26

Indorse, definition of, 26

Indorsee, definition of, 26

Indorsement of checks, 57

Indorser, definition of, 28

Infringe, definition of, 28

Installment, definition of, 28

Installment book, 207

Insolvent, definition of, 28

Instant, definition of, 28

Insurance policy, definition of, 28

Interest, definition of, 28

Inventory, 137

definition of, 28

Investment, definition of, 28

Invoice, definition of, 28

Invoice or bill, 46


Job lot, definition of, 28

Jobber, definition of, 28

Joint stock, definition of, 28

Joint stock companies, 196

Journal, 45

posting from, 88

Journal vouchers, 283

Journalizing drafts, 113

when we accept draft, 114

when discounting time draft, 114

when we pay an acceptance, 114

when we pay a sight draft, 114

when our sight draft is paid, 113

Journalizing notes, 107

when collected by bank, 107

when discounted, 107

when discounted note is not paid, 109

when note drawing interest is discounted, 108

when note drawing interest is paid, 108

when note is past due, 109

when note is renewed, 110

when our note has been discounted, 111

when paid, 107

when received, 107

when renewed note has been discounted, 110

when we discount our note, 112

when we give or pay note, 111

when we pay for goods with our note, 112

when we pay our note with interest, 112

when we renew a note, 112

when we renew our discounted note, 113

Journalizing, rules for, 82


Leakage, definition of, 28

Lease, definition of, 28

Ledger, 46

arrangement of accounts in, 91

Ledger accounts, sample, 92, 93

Ledger index, 47

Legal tender, definition of, 28

Lessee, definition of, 28

Letter of advice, definition of, 28

Letter of credit, definition of, 28

Liabilities, definition of, 29

License, definition of, 29

Liquidation, definition of, 29

Loss and gain, definition of, 29


Maker, definition of, 29

Manifest, definition of, 29

Manufacturing account, 98

Manufacturing and cost accounts, 242

accounts used

factory assets, 243

factory expenses, 244

summary accounts, 245

balance ledger, 250

expense inventory, 250

expense liability, 250

manufacturing data, 256

pay-roll records, 248

routine followed, 245

sample transactions, 251

Maturity, definition of, 29

Mercantile agency, definition of, 29

Merchandise, definition of, 29

Merchandise account, 71

Merchandise inventory account, 100

Minute book, 207

Money order, definition of, 29

Monopoly, definition of, 29

Mortgage, definition of, 29

Mortgagor, definition of, 30


Negotiable, definition of, 30

Net, definition of, 30

Net profit, transfer of, 99

Nominal, definition of, 30

Nominal account, 70

Nominal partners, 164

Non-cumulative preferred stock, 200

Notes, journalizing, 107


Obligation, definition of, 30

Open account, definition of, 30

Opening entries, definition of, 30

Option, definition of, 30

Order book, 43

Orders, definition of, 30

Original entry, definition of, 30

Ostensible partners, 164

Overdraw, definition of, 30


Par, definition of, 30

Partnership, definition of, 30

Partnership accounts, 164-193

capital and personal accounts, 165

closing the books, 166

division of profits, 191

illustration of closing entries, 166

interest on investment, 165

kinds of partners, 164

opening the books, 166

participation in profits, 165

partnership, defined, 164

partnership agreements, 164

sale of partnership, 189

sample transaction, 167-175

Pass book, 57

Passive assets, examples of, 73

goodwill, 78

patents, 78

speculative, 78

Pay-roll records, 248

Payee, definition of, 30

Per annum, definition of, 30

Per cent, definition of, 30

Per diem, 30

Personal accounts, 69

definition of, 30

Personal property, definition of, 30

Petty cash

definition of, 30

treatment of, 58

Post, definition of, 30

Postdate, definition of, 30

Posting, 46

from cash book, 89

from journal, 88

routine, 88

Power of attorney, definition of, 30

Preferred stock, definition of, 30, 200

Premium, definition of, 31

Present worth, definition of, 31

Private ledger, 304

advantages of, 304

how operated, 305

manufacturing accounts in, 306

Proceeds, definition of, 31

Profit and loss, definition of, 31

Profit and loss account, 97

manufacturing, 98

trading, 97

transfer of gross profit, 99

transfer of net profit, 99

turnover, 98

Promissory notes, 54

acceptance, 56

bill book, 54

bills payable, 54

bills receivable, 54

definition of, 31

discount and exchange, 56

Promotion, stock issued for, 221

Pro rata, definition of, 31

Protest, definition of, 31

Purchase account, 71

Purchase book, 45

Purchase ledger and invoice file combined, 301


Quotation, definition of, 31


Ratify, definition of, 31

Raw material, definition of, 31

Real account, 69

Real estate, definition of, 31

Rebate, definition of, 31

Receipt, definition of, 31, 273

Receiver, definition of, 31

Recording transactions, 46

Remittance, definition of, 31

Renewal note, definition of, 33

Rent, definition of, 33

Representative account, 70

Reserves for bad debts, 236

Reserves for buildings in hazardous undertakings, 236

Reserves for depreciation, 236

Reserve funds, 237

Reserves for patents, franchise, goodwill, 236

Reserves for permanent improvements on leased property, 236

Resources, definition of, 33

Retail business, 119

balance sheet, 139

books used, 119

closing the books, 138

exercise, 141

inventory, 137

opening the books, 119

proprietor's account, 120

sample transactions, 123-127

statements, 120

Retail coal books, 142

sample transaction, 144

uncollectible accounts, 143

Revenue, definition of, 33

Revenue accounts, 80

Revenue receipts, 80

Revoke, definition of, 33

Royalty, definition of, 33


Sale of stock below par, 205

Sales, 72

Sales books, 45

Sales tickets, 147

Sample ledger accounts, 91

Sample transactions, 72, 83, 101, 149

Schedule, definition of, 33

Secret partners, 164

Sight draft, definition of, 33

Signature card, 56

Silent partners, 164

Single entry, 39

Single proprietorship accounts, 119-163

Sinking funds, 237

Solvent, definition of, 33

Statement, definition of, 33

Stock certificate book, 206

Stock dividends, 204

declaring, 224

Stock ledger, 207

Stock register, 208

Stock subscriptions, 201

Stock transfer book, 206

Stockholders, 197

definition of, 33

meetings of, 205

rights of, 203

Storage, definition of, 33

Surety, definition of, 33

Syndicate, definition of, 33

Surplus subdivided, 223


Tare, definition, 33

Tariff, definition of, 33

Terms, definition of, 33

Theory of accounts, 11-116

Three-column journal, 82

Tickler, definition of, 34

Time draft, definition of, 34

Trade discount, definition of, 34

Trade mark, definition of, 34

Trading account, 97

Transactions, 46

ledger index, 47

posting, 46

sample, 47, 59, 72, 83, 101, 149

Treasury stock, 200

Trial balance, 90

Turnover, 98


Ultimo, definition of, 34

Unit system of voucher account, 298


Valid, definition of, 34

Value received, definition of, 34

Void, definition of, 35

Voucher checks, 279

Voucher file, 293

Voucher register, 284

Voucher system of accounting, 273-303

auditing of invoices, 290

combined purchase ledger and invoice file, 301

demonstration of, 293

executing and registering vouchers, 290

filing audited vouchers, 290

filing paid vouchers, 291

indexing vouchers, 292

operation of, 289

paying vouchers, 291

unit system of, 298

voucher file, 293


definition, 35, 273

filing, 290

forms of, 277

indexing, 292

paying, 291

use of, 274


Warehouse, definition of, 35

Warehouse receipt, definition of, 35

Warranty, definition of, 35

Watered stock, 201

Way bill, definition of, 35

Wholesale, definition of, 35

Working capital, definition of, 35


—Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected.

—The transcriber of this project created the book cover image using the title page of the original book. The image is placed in the public domain.


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