(For professional standing of authors, see list of Authors and Collaborators in front of volume.) VOLUME III Law of Contracts and Agency | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page11 | Law in General—Contracts—Consideration—Revocation—Illegal Contracts—Mistake—Assignments—Discharge of Contract—Warranty—Recision—Remedies for Breach—Forms of Contracts—Appointment of Agents—Sub-Agents—Factors—Brokers—Auctioneers—Real Estate Brokers | Law of Partnership and Corporations | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page77 | Creation of Partnership—Agreements—Rights and Liabilities—Change of Membership—Survivorship—Dissolution—Powers of Corporations—Capital Stock—Calls and Assessments—Watered Stock—Common and Preferred Stock—Dividends—Officers and Agents | Law of Negotiable Instruments, Banking, and Insurance | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page112 | Negotiability and Assignability—Law Merchant—Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, and Checks—Bonds—Indorsement—Forgery—Fraud and Duress—Consideration—Defences—Dishonor and Protest—Functions and Powers of Banks—Deposits—Loans and Credits—Discount—Exchange—Interest—Insurance Contracts—Policies—Suretyship—Subrogation—Indemnity | Law of Sales, Mortgages, and Carriers | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page179 | Sale, Barter, and Bailment—When Title Passes—Effect of Fraud—Warranties—Seller's Lien—Title to Property Bailed—Degree of Care Required—Pledges—Collateral Securities—Redemption—Mortgages—Form of Mortgages—Foreclosure—Title to Goods after Delivery—Stoppage in Transitu—Interstate Commerce Act—Passengers—Baggage | Law of Real Property | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page236 | Crops and Emblements—Party Walls—Fixtures—Fences—Private Ways and Highways—Varieties of Estates—Waste—Deeds—Possession—Deeds and Mortgages—Transfer of Mortgages and Mortgaged Premises—Satisfaction—Redemption—Foreclosure—Parties to Trusts—Varieties of Trusts—Rights of Tenant—Rent—Distress—Leases—Actions for Possession—Trade Marks | Law of Wills and Legal Actions | ByJohnA.Chamberlain | Page287 | Parties and Terms in Wills—Publication—Revocation and Alteration—Advancement, Abatement, and Ademption—Form of Wills—Varieties of Courts—Legal Actions and Their Enforcement | | Index | | Page311 | THE BUILDING OF THE LAW SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO