PART V MORTGAGES OF REAL ESTATE305. Mortgage Defined. By the common law, a mortgage was an absolute deed of conveyance, by the terms of which the debtor was entitled to receive a reconveyance of the property upon payment of the debt described in the mortgage, or upon performing the conditions for which the mortgage was given. For example, A owes B one thousand dollars, A, to secure the debt, gives B an instrument of conveyance of his house and lot, the instrument containing a provision that if A pays B one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) on or before January 1st, 1911, B is to reconvey the house and lot to A. The above represents a mortgage at common law. As explained later, a present day mortgage is somewhat different. At common law, the creditor had possession of the property from the time the mortgage was given, unless it was expressly agreed that the debtor was to remain in possession. The real purpose of a mortgage is to give security for a debt or obligation. To permit a creditor to keep the mortgaged property upon default of the debtor to pay the debt when due, is unjust in many cases. For example, if A gives a mortgage to B upon property worth one thousand dollars, to secure a debt of three hundred dollars, and A defaults in payment, it is unjust to permit B to keep the property. Courts of equity have for a long time regarded this transaction as a mere security for a debt, and not an absolute transfer of title to property. Courts of equity long ago permitted the debtor to file a petition in a court of equity asking that the property be reconveyed to him upon payment of the debt, and damages due the creditor. Courts of equity recognize this right of the debtor, which is called equity of redemption. At the present time mortgages are, in form, an absolute conveyance of real estate, with a condition that the title is to revest in the debtor, or that the conveyance is to be void and of no effect, if the debtor 306. Parties to a Mortgage Contract. A mortgage of real estate is a contract. Like any contract, it requires competent parties, a consideration, mutuality, etc. (See Essentials of a Contract, chapter on Contracts.) The party conveying the real estate to another as security for the debt is called the mortgagor, the party to whom the mortgage is given is called the mortgagee. 307. Possession of Mortgaged Property. Originally at common law, the mortgagee was entitled to the possession of the mortgaged premises as soon as the mortgage was given, and before default of the mortgagor to pay the debt described in the mortgage. At the present time, the mortgagor is entitled to possession of the mortgaged premises until after default of payment of the mortgage debt. After default, the mortgagee may take possession of the premises. Some states now provide by statute, that the mortgagor shall have possession of the mortgaged premises until he defaults in payment of the mortgage debt. Independently of such a statute, the mortgagor has the right to possession of the mortgaged premises before default of payment of the mortgage debt. This is by reason of the fact that the law regards the transaction as a security for a debt rather than an absolute transfer of title. Parties are permitted to enter into any contract they choose so long as the provisions are legal. Parties to a mortgage may stipulate who is to have possession before default or payment on the part of the mortgagor. If it is stipulated that the mortgagee is to have possession, he is entitled to it under the terms of the mortgage contract. If no stipulation is made, the mortgagor impliedly is given the right of possession before default. 308. Deeds as Mortgages. If a deed, absolute on its face, is given by a debtor to a creditor to secure a debt, it will be treated by a court of equity as a mortgage. Equity regards the substance of things rather than the form. (See Courts of Equity under chapter on Courts, Remedies, and Procedure.) Courts of equity were originally 309. The Debt Secured. A mortgage is a contract, and like any contract, must be supported by a consideration. (See Consideration, chapter on Contracts.) The consideration of a mortgage may be anything of benefit to the one giving the mortgage, or any detriment to the one receiving the mortgage. The consideration of a mortgage ordinarily is an advancement or loan, past or present, made by a mortgagee to the mortgagor. That is, a mortgage is given as security for some debt or obligation in favor of the mortgagee. This debt is usually described in the mortgage as a promissory note. Even though no note has been given, if the amount described in the mortgage as a promissory note is the amount of the debt, or if any debt exists, the mortgage is valid. A mortgage may be given to cover future advances, or for a pre-existing indebtedness. If a mortgage is given as security for a promissory note, it will secure all renewals of the note as well. 310. Essentials of a Mortgage. A mortgage is an instrument for the conveyance of land. By the provisions of the Statute of Frauds, such instruments must be in writing to be enforceable. (See Statute of Frauds, chapter on Contracts.) The states provide by statute that mortgages must be recorded to be effective as against subsequent innocent purchasers, mortgagees or creditors. Mortgages must be in writing for the purpose of recording, as well as to comply with the Statute of Frauds. When a mortgagee takes possession Mortgages are usually written in the form of formal deeds. (See Form of Deeds, chapter on Real Property.) Although it is good business practice to follow these well recognized forms in drawing mortgages, an informal instrument describing the parties and the property mortgaged, and showing an intent to make a mortgage is sufficient. Some states by statute provide a short statutory form. This form may be used, but does not prevent the common law form from being used. A mortgage is given to secure a debt or obligation. This debt or obligation should be set forth in the mortgage, and the time when it is to be paid or performed should be set forth. The mortgage should also contain a description of the property mortgaged. A complete and accurate description, such as is used by surveyors, is the best form. By this means, a person can locate the property directly from the description given in the mortgage. It is sufficient if the description given enables a person to locate the property either by reference to another record containing a description, or by its own terms. A surveyor's description is better, however. A mortgage should contain the names of the grantor and the grantee. The mortgagor is entitled to his equity of redemption. That is, he is entitled to the right to file a petition in a court of equity, offering to pay the mortgage debt, interest, and damages to the mortgagee, and asking for a return of the property. This may be done at any time before foreclosure by the mortgagee. Foreclosure is discussed under a separate section. 311. Power of Sale and Delivery in Escrow. If a mortgagor stipulates in the mortgage that he waives, or will not enforce his equity of redemption, the law does not permit the mortgagee to enforce such a stipulation. It is regarded as against public policy, and illegal. Whenever there is a mortgage, there is an equity of redemption in favor of the mortgagor. Some mortgages contain a stipulation that in case the mortgagor fails to pay the mortgage debt when due, the mortgagee may sell the property, deduct his claim costs and expenses, and return the balance to the mortgagor. Such mortgages are called power of sale mortgages. A mortgage must be signed by the mortgagor. This is called in law, execution of the mortgage. The mortgage must also be attested. This means that the signing must be in the presence of a witness or witnesses. This requirement is a statutory one. Some states require only one witness, others two. If a mortgage is to be recorded, the signature of the mortgagor must be acknowledged before a notary public or officer authorized to administer oaths. This is called acknowledgment. It means that the mortgagor acknowledges the making of the signature in the presence of an officer authorized to administer oaths. The officer writes a certificate of this acknowledgment on the mortgage. Acknowledgment is a statutory requirement. A mortgage will not be received for record by the public recorder, unless it has been acknowledged. A mortgage given by a married man must contain a waiver of dower by the mortgagor's wife, or the wife will have a dower estate therein if her husband dies before she dies. The mortgage of a married man should contain a statement that the wife waives her dower interest, and the wife should sign the mortgage before witnesses, and acknowledge her signature. A mortgage, like any written contract, does not become effective until delivered. By delivery is meant giving possession of the instrument to the mortgagee or his agent, with intent that it is to become effective from that date. If a mortgage or written instrument is delivered to a third person to be held for a certain purpose or until a certain time, this is called delivery in escrow. 312. What Interest in Real Estate May be Mortgaged. Any interest in real estate which is the subject of transfer or sale may be mortgaged. One who has the absolute title, called fee simple interest, in real estate may mortgage it. A mortgage is not regarded as a transfer but merely as a security for a debt or obligation. The mortgagor retains an interest called his equity of redemption. For all practical purposes, a mortgage of real estate means that the mortgagee may sell the property mortgaged upon failure of the mortgagor to pay the mortgage debt when due. The mortgagee may keep A mortgagor may give successive mortgages so long as he finds persons willing to accept them as security. In practice, second and third mortgages on real estate are common. Not only may real estate be mortgaged, but anything permanently connected with real estate, such as crops, trees, horses, and buildings. Articles of personal property which have become permanently annexed to real estate are called fixtures. (See Fixtures, chapter on Real Estate.) If title to real estate has been obtained by fraud, a valid mortgage may be given to one who has no notice of the fraud. The principle involved is that a title obtained by fraud or duress is voidable. The party defrauded may obtain a reconveyance of the property as against the party practicing the fraud, but not as against innocent purchasers who have had no notice of the fraud. If, however, a conveyance is attempted by means of a forgery, no title to the property passes to the purchaser, who in turn can convey nothing by mortgage or otherwise. Similarly, a party who has conveyed his interest in real estate absolutely, by deed or contract, has nothing left to convey, and cannot give a mortgage. An interest in real estate less than absolute ownership, as a life interest, or a mere lease, or term for years, is an interest which may be mortgaged. 313. Recording Mortgages. To be effectual against creditors, subsequent purchasers, and mortgagees, most of the states require by statute, that mortgages be recorded with the public recorder of the county where the property is located. These statutory provisions do not render mortgages ineffectual as between original parties. A gives a mortgage on his house and lot to B. B does not have the mortgage recorded. If A fails to pay the mortgage debt when due, B may foreclose. As against A, B's mortgage is enforceable without being recorded. If, however, A gives a subsequent mortgage to C, and C records his mortgage, C's mortgage is superior to B's. If A sells the property to D after mortgaging it to B, B not recording the mortgage, D, upon having his deed recorded, takes the title free of B's mortgage. If A gives B a mortgage, B not having the mortgage The statutes of a few states provide that mortgages become effective from the time they are left with the recorder for record. The recorder stamps on the mortgage the time it is left for record, and the mortgage becomes effective from that time. Suppose A on the second of February gives a mortgage on his house and lot to B, for $500.00, and then on the fifth of February gives a mortgage on his house and lot to C for $500.00. If C has his mortgage recorded February sixth, and B has his mortgage recorded February seventh, C's mortgage is superior to B's. In the few states where a mortgage does not become effective until received for record, the one first received for record is superior to others, even though the mortgagee first leaving his mortgage for record takes his mortgage with actual notice of the prior mortgage. The general rule is that one who takes a mortgage with actual notice of other mortgages, takes subject to such mortgages. To be received for record, a mortgage must be acknowledged. This means that the mortgagor must acknowledge the signature to the mortgage before a notary public or officer authorized to administer oaths. The officer makes a certificate of the acknowledgment on the mortgage. 314. Transfer of Mortgages and Mortgaged Premises. While, in form, a mortgage is a transfer of real estate, it is regarded merely as security for a debt. The mortgagee is not permitted to transfer title to the real estate. He is, however, permitted to transfer the interest which he possesses in the mortgaged premises. Such a transfer is called an assignment. It is a contract of sale by which the mortgagee sells his interest in the mortgage. (See Assignment of Contract, chapter on Contracts.) For example, if A mortgages his farm to B as security for a one-thousand-dollar promissory note, B cannot convey title to the property mortgaged, to C, but he may sell his interest in the mortgage to C. The mortgage cannot be sold separately from the debt secured. The mortgage, separated from the debt, represents nothing of value. If, in the example above given, B endeavors to sell the note to one person, and the mortgage to another, the purchaser of the mortgage takes nothing. A sale of the debt secured by the mortgage, carries with it the mortgage security, unless If A mortgages his farm to B to secure a promissory note for one thousand dollars, and B sells the note to C, C takes the security of the mortgage as well as the note, unless it is expressly agreed between him and B that the security of the mortgage is not transferred with the note. After B sells C the note, B cannot cancel the mortgage. The mortgage now belongs to C. If A mortgages his farm to B to secure two promissory notes of $500.00 each, and B sells one of the notes to C, in the absence of an agreement to the contrary, C has one-half interest in the mortgage as security for his note. B may, however, expressly stipulate in the sale of his note to C, that B is to retain the entire mortgage security for his own note. When a debt secured by a mortgage is assigned, the assignee should immediately notify the mortgagor of the assignment, in order that the mortgagee shall pay him, and not the assignor. This is the safe policy to follow, although technically, the mortgagor before paying the mortgage debt should be sure that the mortgagee is still the owner of the note, debt, or other obligation, secured by the mortgage. A mortgagor is permitted to sell his interest in the mortgaged premises before satisfying the mortgage. He may sell his equity of redemption, or he may sell in such a manner that the purchaser assumes the mortgage. If the mortgagor sells the mortgaged premises, the purchaser agreeing to assume the mortgage as between the mortgagor and the purchaser, the purchaser must pay the mortgage. The mortgagee, however, is not bound by this agreement. He may disregard it. He may accept the benefit of it if he chooses and sue the purchaser on this contract. (See Contract for the Benefit of Third Persons, chapter on Contracts.) If, however, the mortgagee agrees to accept the purchaser of the mortgagor's interest as the debtor, the original mortgagor is relieved thereby. 315. Satisfaction of Mortgages. A mortgage is given as security for a debt or obligation. It is satisfied by payment of the debt, or fulfillment of the obligation. The mortgage debt may be paid by the mortgagor himself, by a purchaser of the mortgagor's interest, by a subsequent mortgagee, or by any one having an interest in the real estate mortgaged. If anyone, other than the mortgagor, pays the mortgage debt to protect his own interest, he is thereby entitled Upon payment of a mortgage debt, the title to the mortgaged premises by this act becomes absolute in the mortgagor. At common law, if the mortgagor paid the mortgage debt when due, the mortgagee had to reconvey by deed the mortgaged premises to the mortgagor to give the latter title. But at the present time, a mortgage is not regarded as a conveyance of title, but merely as a security for a debt, the title vesting absolutely in the mortgagor any time he pays the debt before the actual foreclosure of this right by the mortgagee. When the mortgagor pays the mortgage debt, he is entitled to a written satisfaction of the debt. This is a mere written statement that the mortgage is satisfied, signed by the mortgagee. The mortgagor is thus enabled to have the mortgage cancelled of record, which gives the public notice that the mortgage is no longer effective. The mortgagor presents his written statement of satisfaction to the public recorder, who enters it in his record of the mortgage. 316. Equity of Redemption. A mortgagor does not lose his interest in the mortgaged property by failure to pay the mortgage debt when due. Courts of equity regard a mortgage as a security for a debt, and not a transfer of real property. Even though the mortgagor fails to pay the mortgage debt when due, and in spite of the fact that the mortgage purports to be a transfer of real estate, conditioned only on the payment of the debt described, equity refuses to regard the transaction as a sale, and permits the mortgagor to recover the property by paying the debt, interest, and expenses connected with the mortgage, at any time before the statute of limitations cuts him off. The states have statutes requiring suits of different If A mortgages his farm to B, to secure a promissory note of one thousand dollars due in one year, A does not lose his right to the property by failure to pay the note when due. He may bring a suit in equity at any time, usually within twenty-one years, after the note becomes due, offering to pay the mortgage debt, interest, and costs, and asking for a return of the property. Equity now gives the mortgagee a right to cut off the mortgagor's right of redemption by foreclosure. This is discussed in the following section. 317. Foreclosure of Mortgages. A mortgagor has the right to redeem the property at any time within the statute of limitations, after the mortgage debt becomes due. The mortgagee does not have to wait the pleasure of the mortgagor to redeem or abandon the right. Equity gives the mortgagee the right to cut off the mortgagor's equity of redemption by foreclosure. By foreclosure is meant the mortgagee's right to file a petition in a court of equity asking that the property be sold, and that from the proceeds, the amount of the mortgage debt and costs first be paid, and that the balance be paid the mortgagor. The court orders the property advertised and sold, and the proceeds distributed as above described. Some mortgages contain a stipulation concerning foreclosure. These mortgages are called power of sale mortgages. It is stipulated that when the mortgagor is in default of payment, the mortgagee may advertise and sell the property, deducting from the proceeds the mortgage debt, interest, and expenses, and paying the balance to the mortgagor. These power of sale mortgages are enforceable. The sale must be free from fraud, public, and the mortgagee cannot become a purchaser unless so stipulated in the mortgage, or so provided by statute. The states usually provide by statute a method of foreclosure. These statutes frequently provide that a mortgagee may enforce his mortgage, and obtain a judgment against the mortgagee on the mortgage debt in the same action. If the mortgaged premises do not bring enough to satisfy the judgment, the balance TRUSTS318. Defined and Classified. In a popular sense, the term, trust, is often used to designate combinations of capital or combinations among business men for the purpose of destroying competition, or for the purpose of regulating prices. This is not the meaning of the term as used in this chapter. It is here used to mean an estate of some kind held for the benefit of another. A trust has been defined to be "An obligation upon a person, arising out of a confidence reposed in him, to apply property faithfully according to such confidence." A, by will, appoints B trustee of his farm, for the benefit of C. Upon A's death, if B accepts the duty imposed upon him by the will, a trust is thereby created in which B holds the legal title to the farm, for the benefit of C. Trusts are sometimes classified as general and special. If the property is conveyed by deed or will to another to be held in trust for a third person, without specifying any of the duties of the second person, it is said to be a general or simple trust. If, however, the duties of the second person or trustee are defined, the trust is called a special trust. A trust for the benefit of an individual or individuals is called a private trust, while one for the benefit of a public institution, or for the public, is a public trust. If A gives his property to B to care for the poor of the city of Chicago, the trust is public. As to their method of creation, trusts are usually divided into express, implied, resulting and constructive trusts. 319. Parties to Trusts. The party creating a trust is called the grantor or settlor. The party to whom the title to the property is given to hold for the benefit of another is called the trustee. The party for whose benefit the trust is created is called the cestui que trust. If the beneficiaries are more than one in number, they are termed cestui que trust. If A deeds his land to B for the benefit of C, A is the settlor, B is the trustee, and C is the cestui que trust. 320. Who May be Parties to a Trust. Persons of lawful age, and competent to make contracts, including corporations, may create trusts. Any person competent to make contracts, including corporations, may act as trustee. Even infants (persons under 321. Express Trusts. An express trust is one created by the express written or oral declaration of the grantor. If A gives a deed of his farm to B, by the terms of which B is to hold the farm in trust for C, A, the grantor, has created an express trust in favor of C, B as trustee holds the legal title to the farm, and C, as cestui que trust or beneficiary, holds the beneficial or equitable interest. A, before giving the deed of trust, was the absolute owner of the farm. That is, A held the legal title and the equitable interest in the farm. By creating the trust, he placed the legal title in one person and the equitable or beneficial interest in another. Originally, in England, at common law, trusts could be created by oral declaration as well as by written instruments. At that time, land could be transferred without written instruments. The seller took the buyer on to the land to be conveyed, and in the presence of witnesses delivered to him a symbol of the land, such as a piece of turf or a twig. About 1676, the Statute of Frauds was passed by the English Parliament, requiring among other things, that conveyances of lands, including the creation of trusts therein, must be by written instruments. This provision of the Statute of Frauds has been re-enacted by most of the states of this country. At the present time, trusts in real estate must generally be created by written instrument. Trusts may be created by will to take effect at the grantor's death. Trusts may be created in personal property. Except when created by will, trusts in personal property may be created by oral declaration of the grantor. A grantor may create a trust voluntarily. If actually carried out, or if the grantor's intention to create the trust is expressed as final, it requires no consideration to support it. If the declaration of trust amounts to a mere agreement to create a trust, and is not carried out, it requires a consideration to enable the beneficiary to compel its execution. After an express trust is completed, it cannot be revoked by mutual agreement between the grantor and trustee without the consent of the cestui que trust. THE ASSEMBLING DEPARTMENT IN THE COMPTOMETER FACTORY, CHICAGO FELT & TARRANT MFG. CO. The most common forms of express trusts are created by deed, by will, or by contract. Any declaration of the grantor, no matter how informal, if expressing his intention to create a trust, is sufficient to create a trust. A trust cannot be created for an immoral or illegal purpose. 322. Implied Trusts. When a person by deed or will does not use language expressly creating a trust, but uses language showing his intention to create a trust, one will be implied. Such a trust is known in law as an implied trust, as distinguished from an express trust. If A devises all his property to his son, B, the will containing the following language: "I request my son, B, to pay his cousin, C, $10.00 per month during his life," this language is held to create a trust in favor of C, wherein B is trustee. 323. Resulting Trusts. One party may so conduct himself, or so deal with another, that a court will declare the transaction to be a trust, even in the absence of any express declaration, or of an intention on the part of the parties to create a trust. Such a trust is known in law as a resulting trust. J, to avoid paying his creditors, purchases property in the name of his wife, K. K is a trustee for her husband, J, and creditors can by suit in equity subject J's interest in the property. If A purchases property, and takes the deed in the name of B, B is trustee for A. B is the legal owner, and A is the beneficial or equitable owner. If a third person purchases the property from B, without notice of A's rights, and for value, the third person takes good title to the property free from A's claim. In this country, the states generally require by statute, that deeds and mortgages of real estate must be recorded. If an equitable owner does not have a properly recorded written instrument showing his interest in the real estate in question, thereby giving future purchasers notice of his interest, he cannot complain unless the third person has actual notice of his rights or purchases without giving a valuable consideration. A resulting trust is not created by 324. Constructive Trusts. If one person is in a confidential relation to another, and misappropriates the money of the other, this act is said to create a constructive trust, in which the defrauding party is trustee, and the defrauded party is beneficiary, or cestui que trust. A constructive trust differs from a resulting trust in that the former involves fraud on the part of the trustee, exercised on the cestui que trust, while a resulting trust never involves fraud between the trustee and cestui que trust, although created for the purpose of defrauding third persons. If A, an attorney, is employed by B to collect a note of $500.00, and fraudulently reports a collection of $300.00, keeping $200.00, a constructive trust results, in which A is trustee for B, for $200.00. If A, for the purpose of defrauding his creditors, deposits his money in bank in B's name, a resulting trust arises in which B is trustee for A, and A's creditors can subject the property. Anyone defrauding another by duress, by taking advantage of old age or of mental weakness, or by fraud, becomes the trustee for the wronged party in the amount the latter has lost. 325. Rights and Liabilities of Trustee. A trustee of an express trust need not accept the trust against his will. If A by deed, will, or written declaration, names B as trustee of certain property for C, B need not accept unless he so desires. If B refuses to act as trustee, the trust does not fail by reason thereof. A court may appoint another trustee or may itself administer the trust. After accepting a trust, a trustee cannot resign without the consent of the cestui. He may be removed by the court for misconduct, or he may transfer his duties, if so stipulated in the instrument creating the trust. In England during the reign of Henry VIII, a statute was passed called the Statute of Uses, declaring that real property given to one person and his heirs in trust for another and his heirs, should vest the legal title in the trustee. Thus, if A gives real estate to B and his heirs in trust for C and his heirs, C takes the legal title. The Statute of Uses is in force in most of the states of this country. It does not apply to personal property, and if the trustee is given some duties, such as to collect rents, or to do anything except to hold the A trustee holds the legal title to the trust estate. Suits against the estate must be brought against him as trustee, and suits for the protection of the estate must be brought by him as trustee. A trustee has the right to possession of all personal property covered by the trust, and to possession of the real property, if necessary to execute the terms of his trust. A trustee must protect the estate and perform his duties with care, or be liable to the beneficiary for any damages resulting. He is not permitted to make any profit out of his office. Any profit made by him through his connection with the trust estate belongs to the beneficiary. 326. Rights and Liabilities of Beneficiary. A cestui que trust has the right to receive the benefits of the trust estate as outlined in the instrument creating the trust. If the trustee fails properly to perform his duties, the cestui que trust may bring legal action to have him removed. A trustee has legal title to the trust property, and may convey good title to one who purchases for value, and without notice of the trust. The cestui que trust can follow and regain trust funds or property, if the latter are conveyed to persons not bona fide purchasers. LANDLORD AND TENANT327. In General. The term, landlord and tenant, is applied to the relation existing between one who obtains the right to the possession of the real property of another, under a contract by the terms of which the title or ultimate right to possession, or at least some interest in the property, remains in the grantor. The relation existing between landlord and tenant is contractual. Like all contracts, there must be a consideration, competent parties, and legality of purpose. The contract by which one party becomes a tenant is called a lease. The party granting a lease is called the landlord. The owner to whom the lease is given is called the tenant or lessee. A lease of property is not a sale. By a lease of real property, the lessor grants but a portion of what he possesses. By making a sale of real property, the grantor transfers his entire interest. If a tenant transfers his entire interest in the lease, it is a sale, and is usually 328. Rights of a Tenant. The form and contents of a lease are discussed under a separate section. Parties to a lease may agree to any terms they choose, if the terms are legal. In the absence of express stipulations in a lease, many things are implied. A tenant is entitled to the possession and use of the premises leased, from the time mentioned in the lease for it to take effect. By possession is meant the right to take actual possession of the premises without being prevented by one having a right superior to that of the tenant. A tenant is permitted to rent any premises he chooses. A landlord, on the other hand, may lease to a tenant any premises he possesses. There is no implied warranty on the part of the landlord that premises leased are in good condition, or that they are fit for any particular purpose. The tenant makes his own bargain, and, as in the case of making a purchase of goods, or in making any contract, he must take care of his own interests. The tenant may stipulate in the lease that the premises are to be in a certain condition, that they are adapted to a certain purpose. In this event, the tenant is not obliged to accept the premises if they do not comply with the terms of the lease, or he may bring an action for damages against the landlord for not complying with the terms of the lease. In the absence of any express stipulation as to the condition of the premises, or their suitableness for the purpose for which they are to be used, the law implies nothing. A landlord is not permitted to defraud a tenant. He cannot conceal or misrepresent material facts relating to the lease. If there is a misrepresentation of a material fact by the landlord, which is relied upon by the tenant to the latter's injury, the tenant has been defrauded. He may refuse to accept the property, or he may repudiate the lease as soon as he discovers the fraud. A tenant impliedly has the right to quiet enjoyment of the premises leased. The landlord must not disturb the tenant's right to quiet possession. If the landlord, himself, or one who legally claims a right to possession of the premises disturbs the tenant's possession, the latter may sue the landlord for damages. If a mere trespasser or one who wrongfully claims the right, disturbs the possession or quiet enjoyment of the tenant, 329. Taxes, Repairs, and Insurance. The general rule is, that in the absence of express stipulation in the lease to the contrary, all taxes are to be paid by the landlord. Even though the lease provides that the tenant is to pay all taxes, this does not include special assessments, such as assessments for city paving and sewers. Water rent is not included in the general term, taxes. The landlord is obliged to pay all taxes on the property unless the tenant expressly assumes them. In the absence of any express stipulation, the tenant must pay water-rent. There is no implied duty on the part of the tenant to insure the property leased. A tenant is, in the absence of any express stipulation, required to keep the property in repair. He is not liable for ordinary wear and tear of the property, but must make ordinary repairs at his own expense. If the property is destroyed by fire without the fault of the tenant, the tenant is not liable for the loss. He is not obliged to rebuild the property destroyed. The lease is ended by the destruction of the property by fire, and the tenant is not obliged to pay further rent. The above is the rule fixed by statute in most states. The common law rule was that a tenant was not relieved from paying rent by the destruction of the building by fire. 330. Liability for Injuries Arising from Condition of Leased Premises. In the absence of any stipulation in the lease relative to the condition of the premises leased, the tenant is presumed to make the lease on his own judgment. There is no implied duty on the part of the landlord to deliver the premises in any particular condition. This rule is subject to the limitation that a landlord is not permitted to deliver possession of premises containing latent defects of such a character as would be liable to cause injury to a tenant. If injury results from such latent defects, the landlord is liable in damages to the tenant. As a rule, however, the tenant takes the premises as they are, and if injury results to himself by reason of apparent defects in the premises, he has no right of action against the landlord. The tenant has control of the premises. If persons 331. Rent. The compensation given by a tenant to a landlord for the use of leased premises is called rent. A tenant may become liable for rent without any express agreement to that effect. If one person, with the consent of another, occupies the premises of the latter as a tenant, he is liable to pay the reasonable value of such occupancy, as rent. This obligation is implied from the relation of landlord and tenant existing between the parties. Ordinarily, the matter of rent is expressly agreed upon and, until the tenant is evicted, his lease surrendered, or he is released, he is obliged to pay the landlord rent. The tenant's liability to pay rent does not necessarily depend upon actual occupancy of the leased premises. He may rent the premises for the use of another, or he may, without excuse, refuse to accept possession of the premises. In either event, he is liable for rent. If the lease expressly stipulates that the premises are in a certain condition as to plumbing, etc., the tenant may refuse to accept the possession if the conditions are not fulfilled. If, on the other hand, the tenant leases premises, nothing being said about their condition, the tenant is presumed to rely upon his own judgment, and the fact that the premises are uninhabitable by reason of defective plumbing, by reason of unhealthful conditions, or for any reason, does not release him from his contract. He is liable to pay the rent agreed upon. The landlord is not permitted to defraud the tenant. He cannot mislead the tenant by false or fraudulent representations. Fraud enables a tenant to avoid a lease. If a tenant refuses to accept possession of premises leased, or abandons the premises without excuse, he is still liable for the rent for the balance of the term. If he surrenders the lease, and the landlord consents to the surrender, the tenant is relieved from further liability. But a voluntary abandonment by the tenant, not consented to by the landlord, does not relieve the tenant from liability to pay rent. If a tenant abandons the premises leased, the landlord may permit the premises to remain vacant and compel the tenant to pay the balance of the rent when it is due under the lease. The landlord may, on the other hand, accept the premises, and cancel the remainder of the lease. Again, the landlord may take possession 332. Distress. At common law, a landlord had the right to take possession of the personal property of a tenant who was in arrears for rent, and hold the personal property until the rent was paid. This remedy is known as distress. When a landlord makes use of this remedy he is said to distrain for rent. A landlord cannot deprive the tenant of possession, and then distrain for rent. It is not an action against the tenant personally, as an action for debt. It is a mere right of a landlord to take possession of the tenant's personal property after rent is due, and while the tenant is still in possession of the leased property as tenant. The landlord may retain possession of his property as security for the rent. At common law, a landlord could not sell the property, but could hold it as security for the rent. At the present time, the right to distrain for rent is not recognized by many states. Where recognized, it is regulated largely by statute. The landlord is usually required to give bond, and file an affidavit with a court to the effect that the rent of a certain amount is justly due. The property is then seized by an officer of the court, and upon final termination of the case, may be sold, and the proceeds applied to the payment of the rent. This action is now treated in the nature of an attachment. (See Attachment, chapter on Courts and Legal Remedies.) The remedies of a landlord commonly recognized at the present time are actions for rent, and actions to recover possession of the premises. These remedies are discussed under a separate section. 333. Leases. Lease is the term applied to the agreement by which one person becomes a tenant, and another a landlord. Leases are usually in the form of formal written instruments in which the rights and duties of the parties are quite fully set forth. No particular form of language is required to make a valid lease. If the Certain requisites are recognized in formal lease. The names and description of the parties, the terms of the lease, the description of the property, the signing, delivery, and acceptance of the lease, and the witnessing and acknowledging are regarded as essential features. Covenants are express or implied terms of a lease. If parties expressly agree to do certain things enumerated and set forth in the lease, the covenant is said to be express. The law implies certain obligations on the part of the parties to a lease. There is an implied covenant on the part of the tenant to pay rent, and to make all ordinary repairs subject to the reasonable wear and tear of the premises. The landlord impliedly consents to give the tenant quiet enjoyment, and to pay taxes and assessments. 334. Transfer of Leases. A landlord may transfer his interest in a lease. A tenant may, unless the lease stipulates otherwise, transfer his interest in a lease. A transfer of an interest or right in which a third person, not a party to the transfer, has an interest is usually called an assignment. For example, A owes B $100.00, An assignment may be made orally, if not in conflict with the provisions of the Statute of Frauds. It may be made by written contract. No particular language is required to make a valid assignment. Any words expressing the intention of one party to make an assignment, accepted by the one to whom the assignment is to be made, is sufficient. A landlord may assign a lease. Upon receipt of notice of the assignment from the landlord or the assignee, the tenant must pay to the assignee the rent subsequently coming due. If an assignment is made by a landlord, and no notice is given the tenant, the latter discharges his liability under the lease by paying the original landlord. Originally at common law, a landlord could not assign his rights without the consent of the tenant. The tenant could not be compelled to recognize a new landlord. Recognition of a new landlord was called attornment. A tenant may assign his interest in a lease if the lease does not expressly provide otherwise. This does not relieve the tenant from liability under the lease, even though the landlord consents to the assignment, and accepts rent from the assignee. The original tenant is a surety for the rent. After an assignment of a lease by the tenant, the landlord, if he does not expressly release the original tenant, may collect the rent from either party. 335. Leases for Years. A lease for years is a lease for a definite and ascertained period of time. If A rents B's farm for five years commencing June 1, 1910, the lease is for years. If A leases B's house for a year, a month, or a week, to commence on a certain date, the time of the lease is definite and ascertained and constitutes a lease for years. If A rents B's house for a year commencing June A lease is regarded as personal property and, while it is an interest in real property, it is usually called a chattel real, and is treated as personal property. When the owner of a lease dies, the lease is personal property in the hands of the executor or administrator of the owner, and does not descend to the heirs of the owner as real property. In some states, long time leases, such as leases for ninety-nine years, are by statute made real property. The practical distinction between leases for years and leases from month to month, is that in the former, the lease ends when the time covered by it expires. In a lease from month to month, a new lease is created by implication, if a tenant is permitted to hold over. This question is discussed more at length under the section, Tenancies from Year to Year. 336. Subletting. Some states by statute refuse to permit a tenant to sublet any portion of his lease, without the consent of the landlord. A landlord may stipulate in his lease that a tenant shall not sublet any portion of the premises. In the absence of statutory provisions, or stipulations in the lease, a tenant may sublet the leased premises. A transfer by a tenant of an interest in the leased premises may be an assignment, or it may be a sublease. An assignment is a transfer by a tenant of his entire interest in the premises. If A rents B's farm for five years, and sells his lease for five years to C, the transfer is an assignment. A transfer of only a portion of a tenant's interest is a sublease. If A rents B's farm for five years, and leases the farm for three years to C, the transfer is an assignment. If A leases the farm to C for five years, the transaction is a sublease. An assignment is a transfer of the tenant's entire interest in the leased premises. A sublease is a transfer of a part of a tenant's interest in the leased premises. A tenant may mortgage his interest in the leased premises. A creditor of a tenant may levy upon the lease in satisfaction of a judgment, the same as upon any article of personal property. The purpose of the statute and stipulations in a lease, forbidding a tenant to sublet the leased premises, is for the protection of the original lessor. A subtenant is not permitted to avoid a lease on the It is sometimes quite difficult to tell just what constitutes a subletting in violation of a statutory provision or a provision in the lease. Mere privileges granted to others do not constitute sublettings. Permission granted a neighbor to use a barn for a short period, or taking roomers by the week, has been held not to constitute a subletting. If a tenant in violation of his lease sublets a part of the premises, the original lessor may eject the sublessee, and sue the tenant for damage for breach of contract. If a tenant exercise his right of subletting a part of the premises, he is not thereby relieved from his responsibility to pay rent under the lease. Even though the tenant agrees to accept rent from the sublessee, and apply the same on the obligation of the original lessee, this does not relieve the original tenant from his obligation to pay rent. For example, if A rents B's house and lot for three years for $25.00 per month, payable monthly in advance, and B agrees to accept the rent from C, and does accept payments from C, this does not relieve A from liability to pay B the rent. A is a surety, and his obligation to pay the rent to B is the same as the obligation of C. If B expressly agrees to relieve A and to accept C in place of A, he can no longer hold A. 337. Tenancies at Will and at Sufferance. A lease may be entered into, the terms of which may be terminated at the will of either party. It is for an indefinite period. Such a lease creates a tenancy at will. (See Estates at Will, chapter on Real Property.) Tenancies at will are uncommon. The usual tenancies are tenancies for years and tenancies from year to year. If A permits B to take possession of, and to occupy his house under an agreement that either he or B may terminate the lease at the desire of either party, It is sometimes held that a person who holds over with the consent of the landlord after the termination of a lease for a definite period, called an estate for years, is a tenant at will. For example, if A rents B's house for one year, and at the expiration of the year, A with B's consent retains possession, A is a tenant at will. The tenancy may be terminated at the desire of either party, and upon notice by either party. In most jurisdictions, however, this constitutes A a tenant from year to year. (See following section.) A tenancy at sufferance is created by a tenant unlawfully retaining possession of the premises after the termination of his lease, without the consent of the landlord. If A rents B's house for one year, and at the expiration of the year A, without B's consent retains possession of the house, he is a tenant at sufferance. He is a trespasser, and may be ejected by B. Tenancies at will and at sufferance are estates in land. They are also discussed under the chapter on Real Property. 338. Tenancies from Year to Year. A tenancy may be created for a definite period of time to continue for similar periods unless terminated by notice of either party. Such a tenancy is called a tenancy for years. The tenancy may involve any definite period with the understanding that it is to continue for similar periods if not terminated by notice of the landlord or tenant. While the estate is called an estate from year to year, or a tenancy from year to year, it may be for a week, a month, a year, or a series of years, or for any definite period. If A rents B's house for one year, the rent to be paid at the rate of $30.00 per month, payable monthly in advance, the lease to continue for yearly periods unless either A or B notifies the other to the contrary, the tenancy is from year to year. If, at the expiration of the year, A retains possession of the premises, having received no notice from B to leave, A has a lease for another year under the same terms, and so on, for succeeding years. The period may be a week, or a month, as well as a year. Sometimes A tenancy for years may be created by express or by implied contract. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether a tenancy is for years, from year to year, or at will. If a lease specifies that it is to cover a definite period only, it is a lease for years, and terminates at the expiration of that period. If the lease stipulates that it is to cover a definite period, and continue for similar periods unless either party terminates it by notice to the other, it is a lease from year to year. If the lease stipulates that it can be terminated at the will of either party, it is a lease at will. When the lease is oral, or created by implication, the intention of the parties must determine the nature of the lease. Some difficulty arises in determining whether a lease is one at will, or from year to year when a tenant for years is permitted to hold over with the consent of his landlord. For example, if A rents B's farm for one year, and is permitted by B to remain in possession after the expiration of the year, in theory, A is a mere tenant at will, and can be ejected at the will of B. This is the law in a few jurisdictions. Most jurisdictions, however, hold that A, when permitted to hold over by B's consent, becomes a tenant from year to year. 339. Termination of Leases. A lease for years is terminated by expiration of the period covered by the lease. The lease may contain covenants, breach of which may by stipulation constitute a ground of forfeiture. For example, a lease may contain a stipulation that the landlord may declare a forfeiture in case the tenant fails to pay the rent when it is due. If the tenant commits a breach of this or any other covenant made by special stipulation, a ground of forfeiture, the landlord may by notice declare the lease forfeited. This renders the balance of the lease void. Leases for years, definite periods of time, require no notice to terminate. Leases at will, and from year to year require notice on the part of the party seeking their termination to be given to the other party. For example, suppose A rents B's house for one year, to continue for similar periods if agreeable to both parties. To terminate the lease at the end of the To terminate a lease from year to year or at will, the party seeking the termination of the lease must notify the other party of his intention to terminate the lease. The states generally provide by statute the time and manner of giving such notice. In general, the notice must be in writing and must be served on the interested parties or their agents a reasonable time before the expiration of the period of the lease. A lease may be terminated by a subsequent agreement between the parties. This is commonly known as a surrender. A surrender is a release of possession of the premises by the tenant, and an acceptance by the landlord. A mere abandonment of possession by a tenant without the express or implied acceptance or assent of the landlord is not a surrender. Such an abandonment might constitute a breach of contract on the part of the tenant, but it requires the assent of the landlord to terminate the lease. If A rents a farm for three years at $500.00 a year, and at the expiration of two years agrees to pay B $100.00 to cancel the lease, and B accepts, the transaction constitutes a surrender, and terminates the lease. If A merely abandons the premises without the consent of B, the lease still exists. B can collect the rent for the remaining period covered by the lease. If A abandons the premises, and notifies B that he will not carry out the lease, B may refuse to accept the breach, permit the premises to remain vacant, and collect the rent from B. B may accept A's breach of the contract, and terminate the lease, or he may take possession of the premises, and relet them for A's benefit, notifying A that he takes possession for A's benefit, and not for his own. In this event, B must use reasonable diligence in obtaining the highest rent possible, and if he is obliged to rent for a less amount than A was to pay, B can collect the difference from A. 340. Liability of Parties to a Lease for Breach. If the landlord fails to fulfill the conditions of the lease, he is liable in damages to the tenant. The damages are the difference between the rent For example, if A rents B's farm for three years at $500.00 a year, and at the expiration of two years, A abandons the lease, if B is able to obtain but $300.00 for the remaining year covered by the lease, he can recover $200.00 and expenses from A. A suit for damages is not the only remedy the landlord has against a tenant for the latter's abandonment of the premises. The landlord may refuse to accept the breach on the part of the tenant, let the premises remain vacant, and collect the rent under the lease. The landlord may enter the premises for the purpose of preventing loss or destruction of the premises without accepting the breach. The landlord may accept and cancel the remaining portion of the lease, or he may again lease the premises for the benefit of the tenant, and collect the deficiency in the rent from the tenant. This question is also discussed in the previous section. 341. Actions for Recovery of Rent and Possession of Leased Premises. A landlord may sue and recover judgment by bringing an ordinary action for debt when rent or any installment is due. If A rents B's house for one year at the rate of $25.00 per month, payable at the end of each month, and fails to pay any installment, B may sue him. The judgment may be satisfied out of any property A may have. If married, A, by statute in most jurisdictions, is entitled to a certain amount of exempt property. If the landlord has failed to perform all of the terms and conditions of the lease, A may bring a counteraction against B when sued by B for rent. For example, if B has failed to repair the house according to the terms of the lease, A may counterclaim for damages when sued by B for the rent. When the period of the lease expires, the landlord is entitled to possession of the premises. At common law, he was entitled to use the force necessary to recover possession. He is not permitted TRADE=MARKS AND NAMES342. Trade=Marks in General. Persons are permitted to place marks on goods manufactured or sold by them, which indicate their origin or ownership. By this means, they are able to obtain the benefit of any superiority which their goods have over goods of other manufacturers or sellers. These marks placed on goods by owners or manufacturers are called trade-marks. A court has defined a trade-mark to be "A word, symbol, figure, form or device, or a combination thereof adopted or devised and used by a manufacturer or seller of goods to designate the origin or ownership of the goods, and used by him to distinguish the goods from those sold or manufactured by others." A manufacturer or seller of an article is not permitted to appropriate as a trade-mark a name commonly used to describe the article. Flour is manufactured and sold by many persons. Anyone has the right to manufacture and sell flour by that name. No one is permitted to appropriate to himself as a trade-mark the name Flour. A person may, however, apply an arbitrary term, not describing the thing produced, for the purpose of designating his brand of flour as distinguished from other brands of flour. While a manufacturer of flour is not permitted to appropriate as a trade-mark to be used on flour the name Flour, he may be permitted to use the term Ideal. The person first adopting the name Ideal as a trade-mark in the sale of flour, acquires a property right in the name. The law will protect him in the use of this name in connection with the sale and manufacture of flour. Any arbitrary name, sign, mark, symbol, letter or number used for the purpose of designating the origin or ownership of goods may be appropriated as a trade-mark by the person first adopting and continuing its use. A person is not permitted to adopt as a trade-mark A proper name of a person is not the subject of a valid trade-mark. Persons of the same name are permitted ordinarily to use their name in the manufacture of goods of the same nature. A party is not permitted, however, to manufacture or sell his goods as the goods of another. He may not be permitted to use his own name in the sale of certain goods if another has long made and sold goods under the same name, and if purchasers are defrauded thereby, or if confusion results. This is not by reason of a person having a trade-mark in his own name, but by reason of unfair trade. This is discussed under the section on Unfair Trade. 343. Trade=Marks (Continued). A name of a place or locality cannot be appropriated as a trade-mark. Any person is permitted to use the name of a place or locality to designate the origin of the goods and it is the common property of all as much as any descriptive name. A geographical name cannot be appropriated as a trade-mark. A common example of this principle is the use of the term, Lackawanna. This is the name of a district in Pennsylvania. A coal company endeavored to appropriate the name, but was not permitted to use it as a trade-mark. Others, mining coal in the Lackawanna district have an equal right to designate their coal by the same name. Any fanciful or arbitrary name not describing the article, may, however, be adopted as a trade-mark. A person first using such an arbitrary mark in the manufacture or sale of a particular class of goods acquires a trade-mark. He may use the mark without any intention of acquiring a trade-mark therein. If another person attempts to use the mark, no matter if without intent to defraud, he may be enjoined from its use. The owner of a trade-mark has no greater right than any other person to use the trade-mark on classes of goods different from the class on which it has been acquired. A trade-mark used on flour may also be used on stoves by another person. This principle is subject to the limitations that one person is not permitted to deceive purchasers in leading them A trade-mark is acquired by the person first using it in connection with the sale or manufacture of goods. It is not necessary that it be adopted with the intention of being used as a trade-mark. A trade-mark may be lost by discontinuance. A trade-mark will not be allowed on an article which it is against public policy to manufacture. An example of this principle is adulterated food or medicine. A trade-mark which does not indicate that the goods manufactured or sold are the result of the personal skill of a particular person, may be sold with the business in connection with which the trade-mark is used. 344. Trade Names. A person is permitted to use a name other than his own for the purpose of trade. For example, John Smith may use the name The John Smith Co., The Eureka Co., The L. X. Co., or any arbitrary or fanciful name he may choose, so long as it does not conflict with the rights of others. Such names are called trade names. Their adoption and use are governed by the same legal principles as trade-marks. Trade names, however, are applied to a business, while trade-marks are brands applied to articles of manufacture or sale. As in the use of trade-marks, a person is not protected in the use of trade names which describe the article manufactured or sold. The use of the name, Cleveland Fertilizer Co. by John Smith, does not prevent others from using the same name. The law does not permit one party to monopolize the use of the term fertilizer; neither does it permit him to monopolize the geographical term, Cleveland. The party first adopting a trade name other than a descriptive geographical, individual, or proper name, acquires the right to use it as a trade name. While a person cannot acquire such a right in a geographical or descriptive name, he may, by long use of it, acquire the right to prevent others from using it in such a manner as to deceive purchasers. A person is not permitted to sell his goods as the goods of another. This right to prevent others from using a name which deceives the public is not by reason of any trade name acquired, but by reason of a person unfairly making others believe they were purchasing the goods of one person, when, in reality, they are purchasing the goods of others. 345. Unfair Trade. A trade-mark, or a trade name cannot be descriptive of the articles sold or manufactured. Neither can a proper name or a geographical name be appropriated to a trade-mark or name. To enable a person to acquire a trade-mark or trade name, a mark or name must be adopted which in no way describes the article manufactured or sold. It must be one that is not taken from the place where the goods are manufactured or sold, or from the name of the inventor or manufacturer. It must be an arbitrary or fanciful name or mark. A manufacturer of flour may use as a trade-mark the name Beauty Flour, but not Minnesota Flour, or Pure Flour. A party may use as a trade-mark for men's collars the picture of a lion, but not the word linen. When a trade-mark or a trade name has once been used as such, the owner, unless he loses or transfers the right, acquires the sole right to its use, and may compel others to cease using it, regardless of actual damages or confusion. At the present time, the courts recognize a principle known as unfair trade. Even though a person has adopted a geographical name, or a name descriptive of the articles manufactured or sold as a trade name, he is permitted to enjoin others from the use of this name, if the use of the same enables the latter to sell his goods as the goods of the former. A person cannot use the name Cleveland Fertilizer Co., so as to acquire a trade name therein. But if the name Cleveland Fertilizer Co., is used by a person so long and so extensively as to acquire for its owner a broad reputation as a manufacturer of an excellent quality of fertilizer, another who adopts the name may be enjoined from its use, if purchasers are deceived thereby. This is on the ground of unfair trade. 346. Unfair Trade (Continued). The same principle applies in the use of individual names. A person may not acquire a trade-mark in his own or in any individual or proper name, since others have the right to the use of their own name. But a person may acquire such a reputation as a manufacturer of a particular article, that if others of the same name are permitted to use their name in the same connection without distinguishing features, the public will be deceived in making purchases. For the purpose of protecting the public from being deceived, the courts sometimes enjoin persons from the use of their own name in connection with the manufacture and sale of certain articles. For example, Thomas Edison has acquired 347. Registration of Trade=Marks. In 1906 the United States Congress passed the present statute relating to the registration of trade-marks. The act provides that the owner of a trade-mark used in commerce with foreign nations, the several states, or the Indian tribes may register said trade-marks by filing the same with the Commissioner of Patents. A trade-mark is acquired in the same manner as at common law. The United States act does not change the method of acquiring trade-marks, nor does it designate what constitutes trade-marks. It simply permits a person to register a trade-mark already acquired. In case of dispute, the owner has the advantage of a public record of his claim, and until he has lost his right in the trade-mark to some one who proves to have a better right, the registration is prima facie evidence of ownership. Before registering a trade-mark, the owner is required to file with the Commissioner of Patents at Washington, an application showing the nature of the trade-mark, on what goods used, and when acquired. A fee of $10.00 is required. The owner must file a verified statement that he is the owner of the trade-mark sought to be filed. Trade-marks which consist of the name of an individual, firm, or corporation, or words descriptive of the articles manufactured or sold, a geographical term, or a photograph of any living person, except with such person's consent, shall not be registered as trade-marks. When such application is filed, if the Commissioner of Patents finds that it is proper to register the same as a trade-mark, he publishes the mark in the official gazette. Anyone may oppose the registration by filing objections within twenty days after said publication. If no objection is filed, the trade-mark is registered, and a certificate of registration is furnished the applicant. If objection to the registration of a trade-mark is made, the Registered trade-marks may be assigned in connection with the good will of the business in which the trade-mark is used. Notice of such assignment must be filed with the Commissioner of Patents within three months from the time the assignment is made, to render it valid as against other innocent purchasers. Certificates of registration shall be effective for twenty years, and may be renewed for like periods upon payment of the registration fee. After a trade-mark has been registered, anyone who considers himself injured by said trade-mark may file complaint with the Commissioner of Patents, and if the latter determines that there is an infringement, or that someone has a prior right to the trade-mark, the registration may be cancelled. Notice of registration of a trade-mark is given the public by publishing the words, Registered U. S. Patent Office, with the trade-mark. Most of the states have statutes making it a crime falsely to use the trade-mark or brand of another company. The use of labels by trade unions is protected in this manner in several states. WILLS348. Will Defined. A will has been defined to be a "disposition of real property to take effect after the death of the testator." Originally, the term will applied only to dispositions of real property, and the term testament applied to dispositions of personal property. At present, the terms will and testament are not uncommonly used. But the original limitation of the term, will, is no longer commonly recognized. The term, will, is now used to describe a disposition of personal as well as real property to take effect at the maker's death. 349. Names of Parties and Terms Commonly Used in a Will. The person who makes a will is called the testator or devisor. The term testator is more commonly used than the term devisor to designate 350. Origin and Nature of Wills. At common law, a person was permitted to give by will a portion of his personal property. He was not permitted to give real property by will. In England, the right to give real property by will was given by statute. The law of this country has always recognized the right to give real as well as personal property by will. It is not regarded as a right but rather as a privilege extended to an owner of property. This privilege is controlled by the legislatures of the states. The states differ in their statutory requirements as to the manner of making wills, and the amount of property that may be willed to the exclusion of the wife and family. A will must be signed, acknowledged, and witnessed as required by statute, and may be rendered void if the statutory requirements are changed between the time the will is made and the death of the testator. A will is not a contract. The right to make contracts cannot be abridged by legislation. This right is a constitutional right. The constitution gives an owner of property no right to make a will. It is a privilege which may be abridged or taken away by the legislature. Most of the states give a wife a dower interest in the real estate of her husband. (See Dower Estate, chapter on Real Property.) A husband cannot will away his estate, depriving his wife of dower. 351. Law Governing Wills When Testator Owns Property in One State and Resides in Another at Time of Death. Real property is fixed and immovable. No matter where a testator resides at the time of his death, the law of the state where the real property is located governs the will relative to its disposition. If the will does not comply with the law of the state where the real property is located, the general rule is that the will cannot be enforced, even though the 352. Essentials of a Will. Primarily, a will is an instrument in which a person expresses his intention to give his property to certain designated persons, to take effect upon his death. Any instrument, no matter whether it be termed a will, containing an expression of intention to have property pass to another at the death of the maker, satisfies the requirement. To constitute a will, there must be no present interest in the property passing absolutely to the beneficiaries named in the instrument at the time the written instrument is made. A person may make a gift, a bill of sale, or a deed of property if he chooses. The title to the property passes to the purchaser or donee at once or at some future stipulated time. Such transactions are not wills. A will does not take effect until the death of the testator. It may be revoked, changed, or supplanted at the will of the testator. Any instrument that conveys a present interest is not a will. The two most essential things in determining whether an instrument constitutes a will are, first, the power to revoke the instrument, or a stipulation or language used showing that the instrument is not to take effect until the testator's death; and second, the expression of an intention of the testator to make a will. Certain formal requisites as to signature and witnessing are required by statute in different states. These requirements are discussed under separate sections. 353. Who May Make a Will. By statute in most states, anyone of legal age, of sound and disposing mind and memory may make a will. At common law, when a woman married, her property became her husband's. A married woman could not make a will. What constitutes sound and disposing mind and memory is a matter of some dispute. It is conceded that idiots, imbeciles, and insane persons, while insane, cannot make wills. The mental capacity required of a person to enable him to make a will is usually stated to be that mental capacity which enables a person to describe his property, to name the natural objects of his bounty, and to understand the nature of a will. A person does not have to be in good health to make a will. He does not have to be mentally sound within the ordinary meaning of the term. He may be very ill, and weak both in mind and body. He may be eccentric, may have been insane, may be subject to illusions, or even may be under guardianship for insanity and still be able to make a will. If he is able without assistance from others to describe his property, to understand in general the nature and effect of making a will, and to name the persons who are the natural objects of his bounty, he is capable of making a will. If his mind is not sufficient to perform all of these functions he is not capable of making a will. To constitute an instrument a valid will, it is not necessary that the instrument show in itself that the testator had all these powers. He may not name all, or any of the natural objects of his bounty in the will. He may not describe all of his property. If he was capable of doing these things at the time he made the will, regardless of whether or not he exercised this capacity, the will is valid. If a testator makes a will under such mental pressure or threat of violence that he does not act according to his wishes, the will may be avoided by reason of undue influence or duress. Undue influence may be exerted by anyone, but not necessarily by a beneficiary under the will. All solicitations or remarks or supplications to the testator to make a particular provision in a will do not constitute undue influence. The influence must be of a sort to compel the testator to act against his wishes, and to destroy his ability to act through his own mental agency. 354. What May be Disposed of by Will. Any property owned by the testator, whether real or personal, may be disposed of by will. Property cannot be freed from liens or incumbrances by will. If A owns a farm, but B has a mortgage on it, A can dispose of his interest by will, B retaining his interest in the mortgage as against the devisee. A husband cannot cut off his wife's dower estate by will. A person may dispose of all his real and personal property by will. A will covering all the real and personal property of the testator will pass the real and personal property acquired by the testator after he made the will. 355. Requisites of a Will as to Form. Ordinarily, a will must be in writing. In some jurisdictions, and under certain circumstances, oral wills are recognized as sufficient to pass certain property. These oral wills are called nuncupative wills. They are discussed under a separate section. A will may be written on any kind of material, and in any language. It may be printed, written on a typewriter, written in the testator's own handwriting or by another. It may be written on one or several pieces of paper. The pieces need not be fastened together if their contents show their connection. Another instrument not set forth in the will may be incorporated into the will by reference, if the instrument can readily be identified, and was in existence at the time the will was made. A will must be signed. The statutes of most states require that a will be signed by the testator, or by some one authorized to sign for him. A person not able to write may sign by mark. A person usually signs by mark as follows:John his X mark. Any mark made by the testator is sufficient. Most states require by statute that wills must be signed in the presence of two or three witnesses. These witnesses must be competent to understand the nature of the transaction. They need not necessarily be of legal age. They must affix their signatures as witnesses to the will. A beneficiary under the will should not be a witness. The witnesses of a will are required to observe the competency of the testator and his signature, in order that they may testify to these facts when the will is proven. The statutes of most states make it sufficient for the testator to acknowledge his signature 356. Publication of a Will. Some states provide by statute that to constitute a written instrument a valid will, the testator must acknowledge it to be a will at the time it is signed and witnessed. This act is known as publication. Some states do not have such a statutory provision. In the absence of statutory provisions, publication is not necessary. It is not necessary that the testator read or cause the will to be read to the witnesses to comply with the statutory requirements of publication. The witnesses must know that they are witnessing a will. Any word, expression or act on the part of the testator which notifies the witnesses that they are witnessing a will is a sufficient publication. A requested B and C to visit his house in the evening and witness his will. They went to A's house, where A presented a document to them, which he signed in their presence, and which they signed as witnesses. A did not acknowledge that the instrument was a will. The court held this to be a sufficient publication. B and C had been informed that the instrument was A's will. 357. Contract to Make a Will. A person may enter into a contract to make a will which will bind his estate. The party with whom such a contract is made cannot force the other party to make a will, or prevent him from revoking a will if made, but he can bring an action for damages against such party's estate if the latter dies without leaving a will according to his agreement. A will can be revoked at the desire of the testator. Revocability is one of the essential features of a will. A party may bind himself by contract to make a will in favor of a certain person. This contract does not prevent such person from revoking the will if made, but it renders the person's estate liable for breach of contract. A, a boy of twenty-one years of age, was told by his father, B, that if he would continue to work for him until he was thirty-five years of age, he would will him a certain farm, A agreed to this proposition, and worked for his father until he was thirty-five years of age. B subsequently died, leaving a will by which the farm was given to another son. A was permitted to recover the value of the farm by suit. These contracts require clear and convincing evidence to support recovery. A agreed to board, clothe, care for, and bury B, his father, in consideration of B's agreement to give A all his property. A fulfilled the terms of his contract. B died leaving a will by which his property was given to C. A was permitted to recover the value of the property by suit. 358. Holographic Wills. A holographic will is one written entirely in the handwriting of the testator. Such wills are sometimes called olographic wills. A minority of the states of this country recognize the validity of holographic wills. These wills need not be witnessed to be valid. An ordinary will may be printed, typewritten, or written by a person other than the testator. The testator must sign and publish the will, that is, he must acknowledge the instrument to be a will, in the presence of the attesting witnesses. In case of a holographic will, there need be no witnesses, acknowledgment, or publication, but the will must be entirely in the handwriting of the testator, and must be signed and dated by the testator himself. In some jurisdictions, it is necessary that a holographic will be found among the testator's valuable papers, to constitute a valid will. A died and the following document was found among his valuable papers: $100,000.00 Four years after my death, I hereby authorize my executors to pay Francis Penn one hundred thousand dollars. Signed A. This was held to be a valid holographic will. A holographic will is frequently in the form of a letter addressed to the beneficiary. 359. Nuncupative Wills. Many of the states of this country recognize the validity of oral wills made under certain circumstances for the purpose of disposing of personal property. Such wills are called nuncupative wills. Soldiers and sailors while in actual service may dispose of their personal property by this form of will. Persons other than soldiers and sailors may make nuncupative wills when in their last sickness or in danger of impending death. The will is made by calling upon disinterested persons to bear witness to the will which the testator describes orally. These words, in substance at least, must be reduced to writing, usually within ten days from the death of the testator, by one of the witnesses, and signed by the witnesses. Nuncupative wills are not favored in law. They 360. Revocation and Alteration of Wills. A will may be revoked at any time before the testator's death. The testator may himself revoke his will, or he may cause someone to perform some act under his direction and in his presence, which will revoke the will. The statutes of most states provide that a person may revoke a will by tearing, cancelling, obliterating, or destroying the will with the intention of revoking it. Any of these acts performed by a stranger, not in the presence nor under the direction of the testator, are void acts, and do not destroy the validity of the will. If the testator himself, tears, cancels, destroys, or obliterates the will with the intention of revoking the will, the instrument no longer has any validity or force as a will. A will is cancelled by drawing lines with a pen or pencil across the written portion of the will. A will may be revoked by a later will which expressly revokes the former, or which disposes of all the property of the testator. A later will which does not expressly revoke a former will, and which does not dispose of all the testator's property does not revoke the former will, but both are construed together. A codicil is an instrument altering, revoking, changing, or adding to certain portions of a will. It must, itself, be signed, witnessed and acknowledged the same as a will, and is construed as part of the will. 361. Lost Wills. A will which is lost or destroyed with no intention to revoke may be proven as a will after the testator's death. If a will is partially or totally destroyed by accident, or by someone who is to profit by the total or partial destruction, the will is said to be spoliated, and its contents, as it existed before spoliation, may be 362. Abatement, Advancement, and Ademption. If a person does not have sufficient property at his death to pay the bequests and devises made in his will after payment of his debts, his devises and bequests are paid pro rata out of the estate remaining after the payment of debts and expenses, unless the testator expressed a wish or intention that certain bequests or devises were to be satisfied in preference to others. In this event, the wishes of the testator must be observed. The rule requiring all devisees and legatees to receive but a portion of the property mentioned in the will, in case there is not sufficient property to satisfy all, is called abatement. If a person makes a will bequeathing a certain article of personal property, or a certain amount of money to another, and if, before the will becomes operative by the death of the devisor, the latter delivers the article or pays the money to the legatee, or sells or disposes of the particular article mentioned in the bequest, the will is said to be adeemed, and the act by which it is adeemed is called ademption. In case of ademption of a particular article, the bequest is satisfied. In case a certain sum of money is bequeathed to a person by will, and the amount of money is given the legatee by the devisor, whether it satisfies the bequest, or whether it is a gift in addition to the bequest mentioned in the will, is a matter of intention on the part of the devisor. If the devisor expressly says it is a gift in addition to the bequest mentioned in the will, it will not satisfy the bequest 363. Form of Will. I, John Brown, of the City of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, being about 61 years of age, and of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament. First, I desire that all my debts and the expenses connected with my funeral be paid. Second, I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Jane Brown, the sum of $10,000.00, all the household furniture and chattel property of every kind and nature used in and in connection with our residence, and a life estate in my two farms. Third, I give and devise to my two sons, John Brown, Jr., and Clark Brown, jointly, my farm known as the "Home Place." This devise is subject to the life estate of my wife mentioned in division two of my will. Fourth, I give and devise to my daughter, Anna Brown, my farm known as the "North Place," during her life, and at her death to her lawful issue. This devise is subject to the life estate of my wife, provided for in division two of this will. Fifth, the balance of my personal property I give and bequeath to Smith Home for Aged Men, of Chicago. I appoint my son, John Brown, Jr., executor of this will, and revoke all former wills. In witness whereof, I have subscribed my name this 10th day of September, 1909. John Brown. The foregoing instrument was signed by the said John Brown in our presence, and by him published, and declared to be his last will and testament, and at his request, and in our presence and in the presence of each other, we subscribed our names as attesting witnesses at Chicago, Illinois, this 10th day of September, 1909. Thomas Jones, Residing at 21 State St., Chicago, Ill. COURTS AND LEGAL REMEDIES364. Courts. Courts may be defined to be the institutions established by the government to settle disputes and to administer justice. They may consist of a judge sitting alone, of several judges sitting together, or of a judge and a jury. Courts are assisted in 365. Federal Courts. The Constitution of the United States provides that: "The judicial powers of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges both of the supreme and inferior courts shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall at stated times receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their term of office." The United States Constitution further provides that: "The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the constitution, the laws of the United States, the treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to controversies between two or more states, between a state and citizens of another state, between citizens of different states, between citizens of the same state claiming land under grants of different states, and between a state and the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects." Congress has provided for District Courts, Circuit Courts, and Circuit Courts of Appeal, which, in addition to the Supreme Court, constitute the Federal or United States Courts. 366. United States District Courts. The United States as a whole is divided into districts. Each district is presided over by one United States judge, called a district judge. Each state constitutes at least one district and some states are divided into several districts. For example, Ohio has two districts, called the Northern and Southern Districts of Ohio. New York has four districts, called the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Districts. The judges are appointed for life, or during good behavior. The appointments are made by the President of the United States, by, and with the advice and consent of the senate. Each district judge is required to reside in the district for which he is appointed. 367. United States Circuit Courts. The entire territory of the United States is divided into nine sections, and each section comprises the jurisdiction of a separate United States Court. That is, The United States Circuit Court and the United States District Courts have original and exclusive jurisdiction of practically all the cases which may be brought in the United States Courts. The United States Supreme Court has original jurisdiction of a few important classes of cases. By original jurisdiction is meant the right to commence cases in the particular court. By appellate jurisdiction is meant the right to take a case from one court to a higher court upon appeal or writ of error, for the purpose of having the case retried or examined for errors of law. 368. United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Each of the circuits in the United States has a Circuit Court of Appeals. This court consists of one member of the United States Supreme Court, who acts as presiding judge, and the two circuit judges of the circuit. At least two judges must be present to hold court. If two of the regular circuit judges are not present, a district judge of any district of the circuit may act. A district judge cannot sit as judge of the Court of Appeals in determining cases in the trial of which he acted as district judge. The Circuit Court of Appeals has no original jurisdiction. It is solely an appellate court. Cases from the District and Circuit Courts may be appealed to it, and brought before it on writs of error. Some cases may be appealed direct to the Supreme Court of the United States from the District and Circuit Courts. The Circuit Court of Appeals has final jurisdiction in many matters appealed to it. 369. The Supreme Court of the United States. The Supreme Court of the United States holds court at Washington, and consists 370. United States Courts with Admiralty Jurisdiction. The Constitution of the United States provides that the United States Courts shall have jurisdiction over admiralty and maritime cases. Admiralty cases comprise those cases arising out of breach of contract, or out of injuries occurring upon the seas or navigable waters within the jurisdiction of the United States. The District Courts of the United States are given original jurisdiction in admiralty cases. In the trial of admiralty cases, the judge acts alone and is not assisted by a jury. 371. State Courts. The United States Constitution provides that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively or to the people." Thus, the provision of the United States Constitution, authorizing the creation of federal courts does not prevent the states from establishing and maintaining courts. Each state has its own courts. In fact the bulk of litigation is tried by state courts. The courts of the different states differ somewhat in name and jurisdiction. Most of the states have a court of inferior jurisdiction where small cases involving $300.00 or less, are tried, and a County Court where cases involving more than $300.00 are tried, and to which cases may be appealed from the inferior courts. The inferior court is usually called a Magistrate Court, or a court of a Justice of the Peace. All states have a court of last resort, usually called a Supreme Court. The primary function of state Supreme Courts is to hear appealed cases and cases brought to it upon writs of error. They have very little original jurisdiction. Supreme Courts consist of judges only. They have no juries. Some states have an Appellate Court inferior to the Supreme Court, which has jurisdiction to hear cases on appeal and error. The states also have courts for the administration of estates, called Probate, Surrogate, or Orphans' Courts. 372. Courts of Equity. Originally in England, the king was regarded as having original right to administer justice. It became the custom to appeal to the king in cases where the common law rules afforded no remedy. Later, appeals were made to the chancellor, the king's secretary. Cases were also referred by the king to the chancellor. In time, a distinct court, governed by well established precedents and rules, was established. These courts were called the Courts of Chancery or Courts of Equity. Their jurisdiction covered only those cases not covered by Courts of Law. Chancery courts consisted of a judge only, or a number of judges who heard and determined cases without the assistance of a jury. Courts of Equity are recognized in this country, but few states have separate courts of Equity or Chancery. The same judge is authorized to act as a Court of Law and a Court of Equity. Equity has jurisdiction of those cases only, in which there is no adequate remedy at law. If A makes a contract with B by which he purchases a certain desirable house and lot and B refuses to make the transfer, and if the house and lot are of such a character that A cannot obtain another which suits his purpose and fancy, B may be compelled by a Court of Equity to transfer the lot to A. A Court of Law would give A money damages for breach of contract, but would not compel B specifically to perform the contract. The United States, as well as the states, has Courts of Equity. 373. Legal Actions and Their Enforcement. Legal actions may be said to be of three kinds, those arising out of contract, those arising out of torts, and those arising out of crimes. Crimes are punishable by fine, imprisonment, or death. The state, through its officers, punishes criminals. In theory, a crime is a wrong committed against the community. The community, that is, the state, through its officers, convicts and punishes persons who have committed crimes. The person who is injured personally, or whose property is injured, has an action for damages against the party committing the wrong. This action is independent of the crime. The same act may render a person liable to punishment for committing a crime, and liable to an action for damages to the injured party. If a person wrongfully strikes another and injures him, the state may punish the guilty party for committing a crime, and the injured person may sue him for damages. Legal actions arising out of injuries to persons and property as distinguished from crimes are called civil actions. Civil actions arise out of breach of contract, or out of torts. If a person fails to pay a promissory note, or to perform any contract, a legal action arises out of contract. If a person slanders another, or wrongfully strikes him, a legal action arises out of tort. Legal actions are enforced by the injured or complaining party filing a complaint in court. The party against whom the complaint is filed is notified of the suit by an officer of the court. This notice is called the summons. The written complaint is usually called the petition. The complaining party is usually called the plaintiff. The party against whom the petition or complaint is filed is called the defendant. The defendant is allowed a certain time in which to file a statement of his defense. This written statement of the defendant in which he sets forth his side of the case is called an answer. These written statements are called the pleadings in the case. The parties then appear in court with their witnesses and the case is heard. The judge determines questions of law, and the jury determines questions of fact. The decision of the jury is called the verdict. The twelve jurymen must agree to enable them to render a verdict. If they disagree, a new trial with another jury is held. The judge may set aside a verdict, and grant a new trial if the verdict is irregular, or contrary to law. When a judgment has been rendered, execution may be levied upon the property of the defeated party for the amount of the judgment and costs. Execution is levied by the sheriff, who seizes and sells the property of the defeated party, sufficient to satisfy the judgment. QUIZ QUESTIONSMORTGAGES 1. What was the nature of a mortgage at common law? 2. At common law who had the possession of real property mortgaged? 3. Is a mortgage a contract? 4. What names are applied to the parties to a mortgage? 5. At present who is entitled to possession of mortgaged real estate? 6. Under what circumstances, if any, may a deed be construed to be a mortgage? 7. What is the ordinary consideration to a mortgage contract? 8. May a mortgage be given to secure a future indebtedness? 9. What is meant by the debt secured by a mortgage? 10. Is an oral mortgage of real estate enforceable? 11. Distinguish a mortgage and a deed. 12. If a mortgagor stipulates in the mortgage that he waives his equity of redemption can this stipulation be enforced against him? 13. What is meant by power of sale mortgage? 14. Explain attestation of a mortgage. 15. Explain acknowledgment of a mortgage. 16. When does a mortgage become effective? 17. Define delivery in escrow. 18. What interest in real estate may be mortgaged? 19. Is a mortgage of real estate regarded as a transfer of the real estate? 20. Explain recording mortgages. 21. What is the necessity of recording mortgages? 22. May a mortgagee transfer title to the real estate? 23. What interest in the real estate mortgaged can a mortgagee transfer? 24. If a mortgagee sells the debt what becomes of the mortgage? 25. How may mortgages be satisfied? 26. Define and explain equity of redemption. 27. Define and explain foreclosure of mortgages. TRUSTS 1. Define trusts of property. 2. Classify trusts. 3. Define grantor of a trust. 4. Define and give an example of settlor of a trust. 5. Define and give an example of a trustee of a trust. 6. Define and distinguish beneficiary of a trust, and cestui que trust. 7. What classes of persons may be parties to a trust? 8. What kinds of property may be the subject of a trust? 9. Define and give an example of an express trust. 10. Define and give an example of an implied trust. 11. Define and give an example of a resulting trust. 12. Define and give an example of a constructive trust. 13. Who has the legal title to trust property? 14. Is a person named in a declaration of trust as trustee, obliged to accept the trust? 15. What are the duties and liabilities of a trustee? 16. May a beneficiary of a trust convey title to the trust property? 17. If a trustee wrongfully disposes of trust property what remedies, if any, has the beneficiary? LANDLORD AND TENANT 1. Define lessor and lessee. 2. Distinguish lease and sale. 3. Distinguish lease and assignment. 4. Is a lease a contract? 5. Does a lease carry with it an implied warranty that the premises described are in good condition? 6. A rents B's house for one year. C, a stranger, without right attempts by legal action to evict A. Does A have a right of action against B for breach of implied warranty of quiet enjoyment? 7. For what purposes may a tenant use leased premises? 8. In the absence of express agreement what party to a lease is obliged to pay taxes and insurance on the leased premises? 9. A lease provides that the tenant is to pay the taxes. A special assessment for paving is levied. Is the tenant obliged to pay this assessment? 10. Who is obliged to pay water rent in the absence of any special agreement in a lease? 11. Who is obliged to pay for ordinary repairs? 12. At common law was a tenant relieved from paying rent by the destruction by fire of the leased premises? 13. What is the rule at the present time as to release of a tenant's obligation to pay rent in case the buildings leased are destroyed by fire? 14. Is there an implied obligation on the part of the landlord to deliver leased premises in any particular condition? 15. If a tenant is injured by reason of secret defects in the premises is the landlord liable to him for the injury? 16. If snow and ice are permitted to accumulate on the walk of the leased premises, causing injury to third persons, is the landlord or tenant liable for the injury? 17. May a tenant become liable for rent without any express agreement to that effect? 18. May a tenant be liable for rent without being in possession of the leased premises? 19. A rents B's house, nothing being said about the condition of the plumbing. The plumbing leaks. Is A obliged to take the house? 20. If a tenant abandons the rented premises before expiration of the term of the lease and so notifies the landlord, is he liable for the balance of the rent? 21. In case a tenant abandons the rented premises, what three remedies has the landlord? 22. Define distress. 23. At common law could a landlord sell personal property distrained? 24. What is the present-day method of distraining for rent? 25. Define lease. 26. Must a lease be in any particular form to be legal? 27. What leases, if any, must be in writing? 28. What is meant by attestation of a lease? 29. Define acknowledgement. 30. What is the necessity of acknowledgment of a lease? 31. What is the necessity of recording leases? 32. Define, and give an example of an express covenant. 33. Define, and give an example of implied warranty. 34. Is there any limitation upon a landlord's right to transfer his interest in a lease? 35. Is there any limitation upon a tenant's right to transfer his interest in a lease? 36. If A, a landlord, assigns his lease to C without notifying B, the tenant, and later the tenant pays A, who is insolvent, can C collect the rent from B? 37. Define attornment. 38. If a tenant assigns his lease is he relieved from his obligation to pay rent? 39. Define, and give an example of a lease for years. 40. A rents B's house for one year, agreeing to pay rent in monthly installments. Is the lease one for years, or from month to month? 41. Is a lease real or personal property? 42. What is the practical distinction between a lease for years and a lease from month to month? 43. When, if at all, may a tenant sublet? 44. Distinguish assignment and sublease. 45. If a tenant sublets the premises is he relieved of his obligation to pay rent? 46. Define and give an example of an estate at will. 47. Distinguish an estate at will from an estate for years, and an estate from year to year. 48. If a tenant for years is permitted to hold over his term with consent of the landlord, in most jurisdictions is the new tenancy one at will, or one from year to year? 49. Define, and give an example of a tenancy at sufferance. 50. Define and give an example of an estate from year to year. 51. A leases a house for a month with the understanding that it is to continue for similar periods if agreeable to both parties. Is the lease from year to year? 52. A rents B's house for one year. At the expiration of the year A is permitted by B to hold over for a month. B then endeavors to eject A. A claims he has a lease for eleven more months. Is A correct in his assertion? 53. Is a lease from year to year terminated by mere lapse of time? 54. Does breach of a condition or covenant, in the absence of an express stipulation in the lease making it a forfeiture, constitute a ground of forfeiture? 55. Do leases for years require any notice to terminate? 56. Do leases from year to year require any notice to terminate? 57. In general, in what manner must notice to terminate a lease be given? 58. Define and give an example of a surrender. 59. Does abandonment of the premises by a tenant without consent of the landlord, constitute a surrender? 60. If a tenant abandons the rented premises, may the landlord relet for the account of the tenant? 61. Distinguish breach of lease from surrender of lease. 62. If a landlord commits a breach of lease by failing to repair according to agreement, what is the measure of the tenant's damages? 63. If a tenant abandons the rented premises what are the landlord's remedies? 64. If a tenant abandons rented premises, may a landlord permit the premises to remain vacant, and collect rent from the tenant for the balance of the term? 65. If a tenant abandons a lease and the landlord desires to relet for the account of the tenant, must he notify the tenant that he takes possession, and relets for that purpose? 66. How may a landlord recover rent? 67. How may a landlord recover possession of leased premises when the lease has expired, or is broken? TRADE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES 1. What is the purpose of trade marks? 2. May anything other than words, letters, or figures be used as a trade mark? 3. May a word which describes the article on which it is used be used as a trade mark? 4. May a name of an individual be used as a trade mark? 5. May a name of a place or locality be used as a trade mark? 6. If a person uses a mark without any intention of its becoming a trade mark, does he acquire a valid trade mark therein? 7. A has acquired a trade mark on flour; has he also acquired the same trade mark on stoves manufactured by him? 8. If A has acquired a trade mark on flour, can A prevent B from using the same trade mark on stoves? 9. What length of time is required to obtain a valid trade mark? 10. A used a trade mark on flour for two years, and ceased using it for two years. In the meantime B used the trade mark. To whom does the trade mark belong? 11. What trade marks, if any, may be sold? 12. Define trade name. 13. What is the distinction between trade marks and trade names? 14. May a person acquire a trade name in a name describing the article manufactured? 15. How is a trade name acquired and how long must it be used to be acquired? 16. May a person acquire a trade name in a geographical name? 17. What is meant by unfair trade? 18. Is it unlawful for a person to adopt as a trade name or trade mark, a name or mark descriptive of the article manufactured, or a geographical or a proper name? 19. A used the name "Chicago Varnish Co.," for ten years, and advertised the name extensively, spending large amounts of money in this connection. B adopts the name, "Chicago Varnish Co.," and the public purchases his product thinking they are buying A's product. Can A prevent B from using the name "Chicago Varnish Co."? 20. Is everyone entitled to use his own name in the manufacture or sale of any article he pleases? 21. Who may register trade marks, and when may they be registered? 22. Does registration of a mark constitute it a trade mark? 23. What is the advantage of registering a trade mark? 24. How may registered trade marks be transferred? WILLS 1. Define will. 2. When does a will take effect? 3. Can both real and personal property be disposed of by wills? 4. Distinguish the terms will and testament. 5. Define and distinguish the terms testator and devisor. 6. Define the term devise. 7. Define the term bequeath. 8. Define and distinguish the terms devisee and legatee. 9. What are the most common statutory requirements of a will? 10. Is a will a contract? 11. By the laws of what state is a will disposing of real property governed? 12. By the laws of what state is a will disposing of personal property governed? 13. May a will be in the form of a letter addressed to a beneficiary named in the will? 14. In a will does any present interest in the property pass to the beneficiaries at the time the will is made? 15. When, if at all, may a will be revoked? 16. May a person under legal age make a will? 17. Can a married woman make a will? 18. What test is applied in determining whether a person is mentally capable of making a will? 19. What kinds of property may be disposed of by will? 20. Must a will be in writing? 21. May a will be printed? 22. Define and describe signing, attesting, and acknowledging a will. 23. Define and describe publication of a will. 24. Give an example of a contract to make a will. 25. May a contract to make a will be revoked? 26. Define and give an example of holographic will. 27. What is the distinguishing feature between a holographic will and an ordinary will? 28. Define and describe nuncupative wills. 29. May real property be disposed of by a nuncupative will? 30. When, and by whom must a nuncupative will be reduced to writing? 31. Must a nuncupative will be attested? 32. What is meant by revocation of a will, and by whom, when, and how may a will be revoked? 33. Define and describe alteration of a will. 34. Define codicil. 35. When, and how, may a lost will be proven? 36. Define and give an example of abatement. 37. What is meant by ademption of a legacy? COURTS AND LEGAL PROCEDURE 1. Define courts. 2. In general how may courts be classified? 3. By what authority are Federal Courts established? 4. What is the term of office of Federal judges? 5. Classify Federal Courts. 6. How many United States District Courts are there? 7. How many United States Circuit Courts are there? 8. How many Circuit Court judges are there in each circuit? 9. Do the Supreme Court judges and District judges have anything to do with the Circuit Courts? If so, what? 10. What is meant by original jurisdiction, as applied to a court? 11. Does the United States Circuit Court of Appeals have any original jurisdiction? 12. How many United States Supreme Court judges are there? 13. What, in general, is the jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court? 14. Where are admiralty cases tried? 15. What cases are included in term admiralty cases? 16. Are juries used in the trial of admiralty cases? 17. By what authority are State Courts established? 18. Classify, in general, State Courts. 19. What are Courts of Equity, and over what classes of cases do they have jurisdiction? 20. Classify legal actions. 21. Give an example of an act which is both a tort and a crime. 22. Define plaintiff and defendant. 23. Define pleadings. 24. What is the function of a jury in the trial of a case? 25. Define verdict, and distinguish it from judgment? 26. How are judgments enforced?