


1. What is the object of cost keeping and cost analysis? Of cost distribution?

2. What is "cost?"

3. What five essentials must a cost-keeping system possess?

4. What are overhead expenses?

5. What are the four most common ways of time-keeping? Give the basis of each method.

6. What are some of the difficulties that confront the time-keeper when taking time in the field?

7. How is brickwork measured? plastering? pavement? earthwork?

8. What is a bonus? How may a bonus system be applied to construction work, and what are some of its advantages?

9. Devise a method for measuring the work done by a steam shovel in each shift. Method to be operated by an engineer or inspector, and must be quick and easy. No instrument to be used.

10. Upon what is the payment of the contractor from time to time based? Does this always give the contractor all that is due him?

11. What is an unbalanced bid? Why are they sometimes used? What is the objection to them?

12. What advantage can you see in process cost analysis? Make such analysis for erecting centering for concrete factory.

13. Devise method for measuring brickwork so that work of each bricklayer can be determined and credited to the right man. Do same for dimension stone work.

14. What advantages are claimed for the piece-work system?

15. What is an unclassified contract in excavation?

16. What effect may discharges have on work? State both good and bad.

17. Why avoid the storage of cement during winter when none is being used?

18. Should men be left in entire ignorance of the condition of work? How far should the distribution of information be made on the job?

19. What principles should guide the design of new methods on work, and what opposition is likely to be encountered?

20. Why are labor organizations generally opposed to piece-work and bonuses?

21. What effect may slight raise of pay have on men's work? decrease of pay?

22. What is the advantage of performance and efficiency charts over tabulated reports?

23. What sort of foreman is most efficient?

24. What is stumpage?

25. What is a differential piece-rate?

26. What is the best way of getting the men to arrive on time in the morning?

27. Why is it easier to estimate cost of work to be done by the daily men, than that to be done by the monthly men?

28. How many men can a foreman supervise while he is doing work himself?

29. What is lost foreman's time?

30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of punch-cards as against time-keepers' slips?

31. How many men, ordinarily, can one foreman efficiently supervise in the field?


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