ON THE SUBJECT OF PURCHASING AND STORES DEPARTMENT 1. What information is required by the purchasing agent? 2. Outline a system of catalogue filing suitable for a business of your own selection. What styles of files would you recommend? 3. Describe and illustrate with suitable forms, a system of catalogue indexing. 4. Explain how special quotations can be recorded, and illustrate with a suitable form. 5. What method would you suggest for keeping a record of orders placed? 6. Explain the routine of the purchasing department. Illustrate forms for requisition and low stock reports. 7. Describe a system to be used in ordering goods, explaining the purpose of each copy of the order. 8. How does the purchasing agent know when goods are received? 9. What papers in connection with an order are filed permanently in the purchasing department? How are these papers indexed? 10. What are the functions of the stores department? Who should supervise the stores department? 11. Describe a labor-saving system for taking an inventory. 12. Into what classes is the inventory in a manufacturing enterprise divided? Illustrate a suitable inventory record form for one of these classes. 13. Name three reasons why a stores record system is of value. 14. What general plan should be followed in locating storage places for material and supplies in a manufacturing plant? How should the material be arranged in the storeroom? 15. What steps are necessary to provide a record of the receipt of material and supplies, and to prevent the acceptance of goods which should not be received? 16. How are unauthorized deliveries guarded against? Illustrate a suitable requisition form for a business of your own selection. 17. Into what two classes are stores records divided? Which class is the more usual in the storeroom? 18. How should stores record forms be filed? How can the accuracy of the stores records be verified? 19. Illustrate and explain a suitable form for a stores record of materials and supplies, showing quantities only. 20. Illustrate a stores record form for supplies showing the distribution to departments. 21. When a foreman draws from the storeroom more material than is used on a job, and returns it to stock, what form of record should he make? 22. When material drawn for one job is transferred to another, what form of report should be made? 23. Why should a complete record of machinery and equipment be maintained? 24. Describe a suitable system for the tool-room. 25. Illustrate the necessary forms for a record of tools. |