

Application card, 221


Bonus systems, 298

Boston ledger form, 175

adopted for continuous cost record, 174

By-products, 182


Calculagraph, 90

Calculagraph time card with coupons, 94

Capital and labor, relations of, 196

Card form for special quotations, 16

Card record of a past employe, 109

Card showing complete record of an employe, 108

Catalogue filing and indexing, 12

files, 13

indexing, 14

Chart records, 164

Combinations of capital, 197

Comparative record of material costs, 180

Comparison of costs of standing expense orders, monthly, 181

Controlling accounts, 185

Cost-analysis engineering, 251-318

chronological charts, 318

cost keeping, 288

cost reduction, 292

cost showing, 282

cost subdivision, 277

definition of, 251

discipline, 302

educational supervision, 256

field layout, 313

gang work, 254

individual incentive, 253

instructions to foremen, 307

introduction of new methods, 311

labor-saving devices, 305

Cost-analysis engineering

material supply, 316

modern manager, 251

old vs. new machinery, 317

output, 280

rewards, 255

science of management, 253

standard instructions, 318

stimulating the men, 296

bonus systems, 298

bulletin board posting, 299

discharges, 297

early hours, 300

education on the work, 301

enough foremen, 300

gang and team work, 299

high pay, 299

prompt pay, 300

watching work, 296

subdivision of duties, 257

unbalanced bids, 316

use of charts, 284

use of maps, 318

Cost getting, 262

cost distribution, 267

foreman's report, 267

punch-cards, 264

time-keeper, 262

written time cards, 266

Cost summaries, 165-190

continuous process factories, 182

controlling accounts, 185

for small shops and repair jobs, 178

cost data, 166

comparative cost records, 177

job costs, 171

labor costs, 170

material cost reports, 168

material costs, 167

production records, 183

Cumulative job time card, 96

Cumulative time records, 95


Daily record of piece work, 99

Daily record of time of one man, 82

Daily report of transfer clerk, 122

Daily time card for machine operations, 83

Day wage, 66

Departmental expense, 143

Departmental labor distribution sheet, 172


Efficiency chart indicating cost of channeling rock, 285

Efficiency chart showing costs in connection with steam-shovel work, etc., 286

Emerson efficiency system of wage, 71

Employe card showing complete record of, 108


paying, 103

records of, 106

Employment card, 222

Engineering, cost-analysis, 251-318

Expense distribution, 127

basis of, 128

on cost of labor, 131

on cost of material, 131

on cost price, 130

on selling price, 130

methods of, 132

machine-hour rate, 134

man-hour rate, 133

percentage, 137

selling expense, 129

time cost, 128



application card, 221

Boston ledger form adapted for continuous cost record, 174

calculagraph time card with coupons, 94

card form for special quotations, 16

card record of a past employe, 109

card showing complete record of an employe, 108

comparative record of material costs, 180

cost summary for use of a machine shop, 177

cost summary for small shops and repair jobs, 178

cumulative job time card, 96

daily record of piece work, 99

daily record of time of one man, 82

daily report of transfer clerk, 122

daily time card for machine operations, 83

departmental labor distribution sheet, 172

efficiency chart indicating cost of channeling rock, 285

efficiency chart showing costs in connection with steam-shovel work, etc., 286

Emerson efficiency wage system, chart of, 72

employe, card showing complete record of, 108

employment card, 222

foreman's daily report of shop production, 122

front and reverse of card showing total production and progress of orders, 120

Gantt premium wage system, chart of, 71

general operating expense, tabulation of, 160

graphic chart showing fluctuations in labor costs, 162

graphic chart showing fluctuations in operating expense, 163

Halsey premium wage system, chart of, 69

individual record card, 224

individual time record card used with calculagraph, 99

inventory for machine tools, 34

inventory for small tools, 63

inventory of manufactured goods, 40

inventory of parts and finished stores, 38

inventory record of small tools, 35

inventory sheet for drawings and patterns, 36

inventory sheet for materials and supplies, 37

inventory work in process, 39

invoice, 243

job card showing names of operations, 86

job card used with Dey time register, individual, 88

job card with time chart, 85

job time sheet used with Dey time register, 89

job time summary, 234

journal showing adjusting entries, 188

labor cost, comparison of, 179

labor-saving inventory tag, 31

loose-leaf form for inventory of machinery and equipment, 33

loose-leaf record of goods ordered and received, 21

manifold order blanks, 25

manufacturing order register, showing location of work in shop, 119

material returned to stock, record of, 57

monthly comparison of costs of standing expense orders, 181

monthly recapitulation of job costs, 184

monthly statement of material issued, 169

monthly statement of supplies issued, 171

official communications, 217

operations tag used in an underwear mill, 97

order record of manufacturer, 20

pay-roll sheet, 237

piece-work and time record combined for pay-roll purposes, 102

plant order, 240

private ledger labor account, 141

private ledger operating expense account, 143

production order, 238

production order which is an exact copy of customer's order, 112

production order to superintendent, 112

production record for determining piece rates, 100

production record of a gang of piece workers, 98

punch-card for recording work of dump trains in excavation work, 274

punch-card for recording work of excavation with steam shovel, 273

quotation card for records of pieces of several sizes, 18

recapitulation of costs for a single job, 176

recapitulation of departmental labor and material costs, 173

record card for applicants for employment, 106

record card of employe, 107

record of orders, including price and amount, 19

record of orders placed, detailed, 19

record of orders providing for details of each order, 20

record of parts in stock, 56

record of total time, sheet for, 101

record of unfinished piece work, 100

reports of goods received, 26

report of materials transferred, 58

requisition, 242

requisition blank, 23

requisition for material, special departmental, 49

requisition for material to be used on a production order, 48

returned material card, 244

service card, 223

shop order, 114

shop order with name of shop, 116

shop order showing progress of work, 116

shop order showing total work cards, 115

special stock record of machine tools, 62

statement of departmental expense made to foremen, 161

statement of departmental operating expense, 157

stock ledger card, 242

stock record of materials and supplies, 52

stock record showing orders placed, 53

stores card used by manufacturer, 54

stores card for supplies, 55

stores clerk's report of low stock, 24

stores record of parts and finished stores, 56

stores record which includes values, 55

subject card for catalogue index, 14

sub-production order, 239

Taylor differential wage system, chart of, 70

time card used with calculagraph, 92

time card for carpenters and flask makers, 228

time card, day, 231

time card for day's operations, coupon, 84

time card used with International elapsed time recorder, 93

time card, job, 232

time card for machine shop, 229

time card for pattern shop, 227

time-keeper's card, 266

time-keeper's slip, 264

time-keeper's note book, 269

time record made by calculagraph, 91

title card for catalogue index, 15

tool check board, 248

transfer card, 246

transfer clerk's card tray, 247

weekly time pay card used in Rochester recorder, 79

weekly time record as made by the Dey time register, 80

weekly time records for piece workers, 97

work order with time and material records, 81

Front and reverse of card showing total production and progress of orders, 120


Gantt bonus system of wage, 70

General expense, 143, 158

General expense and cost summaries, 127-190

General operating expense, tabulation of, 160

Graphic chart showing fluctuations in labor costs, 162

Graphic chart showing fluctuations in operation expense, 163


Halsey premium wage system, 68


Individual record card, 224

Individual time record card used with calculagraph, 99

Industrial conditions, betterment of, 199

Industrial enterprises, development of American, 195

Interchangeable manufacturing, 200

Inventory for machine tools, 34

Inventory for small tools, 63

Inventory of manufactured goods, 40

Inventory of parts and finished stores, 38

Inventory record of small tools, 35

Inventory sheet for drawings and patterns, 36

Inventory sheet for materials and supplies, 37

Inventory, taking, 29

Inventory, work in process, 39

Invoice, 243


Job card showing names of operations, 86

Job card used with Dey time register, individual, 88

Job card with time chart, 85

Job costs, 171

Job time cards, 85

Job time sheet used with Dey time register, 89

Job time summary, 234

Journal showing adjusting entries, 188


Labor costs, 170

comparison of, 179

Labor records, 65

paying employes, 103

piece-work records, 97

production time records, 81

records of employes, 106

time keeping, 74

wage system, 66

Labor-saving inventory tag, 31

Loose-leaf form for inventory of machinery and equipment, 33

Loose-leaf record of goods ordered and received, 21


Machine-shop management, 193-249

manufacturing plant, 205

manufacturing work, 238

methods and records, 220

modern meaning of, 204

official communications, 217

plant orders, 240

production orders, 239

shop management, 215

storing and issuing materials, 241

successful management, 218

tracing orders, follow-up methods for, 245

Machinery and equipment records, 58

Manifold order blanks, 25

Manufacturing, 193

American, 195

conditions and developments, 193

early New England mechanics, 194

interchangeable, 200

methods of modern, 200

Manufacturing order register, 121

showing location of work in shop, 119

Manufacturing orders, 110-125

production, 111

records of, 119

shop, 115

standing, 118

tracing, 124

work, 117

Manufacturing plant, typical, 205

layout of, 206

organization of, 210

Manufacturing work, 238

Material costs, 167

comparative record of, 180

Material returned to stock, 57

Mechanical time records, 87

Mechanics, early New England, 194


Non-productive labor, 140


Official communications, 217

Operating expense statements, 150

charts, 164

comparative figures, 154

expense of manufacturing departments, 155

general expense statement, 158

lengthy statements undesirable, 151

source of data used, 155

statements for foremen, 159

tabulate essentials, 152

what statement should show, 153

Operations tag used in an underwear mill, 97

Order record of manufacturer, 20


Paying employes, 103

Pay-roll distribution, 142

Pay-roll sheet, 237

Percentage method of expense distribution, 139

departmental expenses, 143

expense ledger, 140, 149

general expense, 143

how to use, 146

journal entry for distribution, 148

non-productive labor, 140

pay-rolls dissected, 141

periods for comparison, 141

power, 144

production ledger, 140

productive labor, 139

productive labor and expense compared, 145

results of distribution, 149

undistributed balances, 149

Piece-rate plan of wage, 67

Piece rates, 98

Piece-work records, 97

Piece-work and time record combined for pay-roll purposes, 102

Plant order, 240

Premium system of wage, 67

Emerson, 71

Gantt, 70

Halsey, 68

Taylor, 69

Private ledger labor account, 141

Private ledger operating expense account, 143

Production orders, 111

copy of customer's order, 112

form of, 238

to superintendent, 112

Production records, 183

for determining piece rates, 100

of a gang of piece workers, 98

Production time records, 81

cumulative, 95

daily time card, 83

job time cards, 85

mechanical, 87

on work orders, 82

Productive labor, 139

Productive labor and expense compared, 145

Punch-cards, 272

for recording work of dump trains in excavation work, 274

for recording work of excavation with steam shovel, 273

Purchasing department, 11

catalogue filing and indexing, 12

department routine, 22

checking invoices, 27

checking receipts, 26

filing, 27

low stock report, 24

purchase orders, 24

requisitions, 22

list of dealers, 11

orders placed, 18

special quotations, 16

Purchasing and stores department, 11-63


Quotation card for records of prices of several sizes, 18


Recapitulation of costs for a single job, 176

Recapitulation of departmental labor and material costs, 173

Recapitulation of job costs, monthly, 184

Record card, 225

for applicants for employment, 106

of employe, 107

Records of employes, 106

application card, 108

employe's card, 109

past employe's card, 110

Records of labor, 65-110

Record of orders, including price and amount, 19

Record of orders placed, detailed, 19

Record of orders providing for details of each order, 20

Record of parts in stock, 56

Record of total time, sheet for, 101

Record of unfinished piece work, 100

Report of goods received, 26

Report of materials transferred, 58

Requisition, 242

Requisition blank, 23

Requisition for material, special departmental, 49

Requisition for material to be used on a production order, 48

Returned material card, 244


Selling expense, 129

Service card, 223

Shop management, 215

Shop methods and records, 220

importance of, 220

paying employes, methods of, 235

recording-clock time cards, 230

selection and employment of workmen, 221

standing of men, 224

time-card forms, 227

time keeping, 226

tool-room methods, 247

Shop orders, 115

form, 114

showing progress of work, 116

showing total work cards, 115

with name of shop, 116

Special stock record of machine tools, 62

Standing orders, 118

Statement of departmental expense made to foremen, 161

Statement of departmental operating expense, 157

Statement of material issued, monthly, 169

Statement of supplies issued, monthly, 169

Stock ledger card, 242

Stock record of materials and supplies, 52

Stock record showing orders placed, 53

Stores card used by manufacturer, 54

Stores card for supplies, 55

Stores clerk's report of low stock, 24

Stores department, 28

deliveries, 47

installing, 44

inventory, 29

inventory records, 31

a money saver, 43

organization, 28

receiving of material and supplies, 45

records, 48

Stores records, 48

forms, 51

material returned to stock, 57

material and supplies, 52

material transferred, 57

parts and finished stores, 54

including values, 55

verification of, 50

Subject card for catalogue index, 14

Sub-production order, 239


Taylor system of wage, 69

Time book, 76

Time card

used with calculagraph, 92

for carpenters and flask makers, 228

coupon, 84

daily, 83

Dey, 231

used with International elapsed time recorder, 93

job, 85, 232

for machine shop, 229

for pattern shop, 227

Time clocks, 78

Time-keeper's card, 266

Time-keeper's note book, 268

distribution from, 270

Time-keeper's slip, 264

Time keeping

methods of, 74

systems, 76

check, 76

time book, 76

time clocks, 78

Time record as made by the Dey time register, weekly, 80

Time record made by calculagraph, 91

Time records for piece workers, weekly, 97

Time pay card used in Rochester recorder, 79

Title card for catalogue index, 15

Tool room, 59

record of tools, 62

Tool check board, 248

Tools of early mechanic, 196

Transfer card, 246

Transfer clerk's card tray, 247

Tracing orders, 124

True cost, determining, 128


Wage systems, 66

day wage, 66

piece rate, 67

premium systems, 67

Emerson, 71

Gantt, 70

Halsey, 68

Taylor, 69

Work orders, 117

with time and material records, 81


—Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected.

—The transcriber of this project created the book cover image using the title page of the original book. The image is placed in the public domain.


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