(For professional standing of authors, see list of Authors and Collaborators at front of volume.) VOLUME I Administrative and Industrial Organization | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page11 | The Business Engineer—Preliminary Investigation—Charting the Organization—Organization of Business—Organization of Mercantile Business—Universal Application of Organization Principles—Departmental Authorities—The General Manager—Comptroller—Sales Division—Superintendent—Purchasing Agent—Employment Department—Charting Salary and Wage Distribution—Expense Distribution Chart—Arrangement of Plant—Factory Plans—Office Plans—The Committee System—The Suggestion Plan—Order Blanks | Advertising and Sales Organization | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page61 | Systems and Records—Designs and Cuts—Cut Indexes and Tracers—Records of Printing—Periodical, Street Car, and Outdoor Advertising—Rate Cards—Advertising Contracts—Checking Returns—The Sales Department—Branches—The Mail-Order Branch—Follow-up Systems—Personal Salesmanship Division—Routing Salesmen—Sales Records | The Credit Organization | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page127 | The Credit Man—Information Required—Financial Statements—Analysis of Statements—Sources of Information—Local Correspondents—Credit Agencies—Recording Credit Information—Collections—Monthly Statements—Installment Collections—Collections by Attorneys | The Shipping Department | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page183 | The Shipping Clerk—Class Rates—Commodity Rates—Freight Tariffs—Condensed Rate File—Routing Shipments—Filling Orders—Checking Shipments—Export Shipping—Freight Claims—Express Shipments—Retail Delivery System | Correspondence and Filing | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page231 | Opening and Distributing Mail—Correspondence Short Cuts—Talking Machines for Dictation—Copying Correspondence—Stenographic Division—Records of Work—Filing Division—Filing Systems—Methods of Indexing—Guiding, Transferring, and Sorting—Selecting Filing Equipment—Styles of Construction | Business Statistics | ByJamesB.Griffith | Page287 | Sales Costs—Records of Shipments—Returned Goods—Salesmen's Records—Expense Distribution—Department Sales—Trading Statements—Profit Figuring—Administrative Costs—Profit and Loss Statements—Mailing-Room Machinery | | Review Questions | | Page333 | | Index | | Page347 | AN EXECUTIVE OFFICE AT THE PLANT OF CORBIN CABINET LOCK COMPANY, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.