ON THE SUBJECT OF CORRESPONDENCE AND FILING 1. What are the usual duties of the incoming mail clerk? 2. Make such suggestions as you deem advisable relative to the handling of correspondence after it reaches the department for which it is intended. 3. Suggest a method of handling interdepartment correspondence to insure promptness. 4. Discuss short cut methods which will aid in the handling of correspondence. 5. What method of obtaining copies of correspondence would you recommend for a house having an average of 300 letters a day? Give reasons for your recommendations. 6. Discuss the advantages of having all stenographers in a large house in one department, in charge of a chief stenographer. 7. Describe and illustrate the forms for the necessary records of the stenographic department. 8. Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of a central filing division over departmental filing. 9. What are the duties of a file clerk? Name the essential qualifications of a file clerk. 10. State your understanding of vertical filing. 11. What, in your opinion, are the special advantages of vertical filing over other methods? 12. Describe and show the necessary index cards for numerical, alphabetical, geographical, and subject indexing. 13. Suggest conditions which would make each of these methods advisable. 14. Which method do you consider best for the average office? 15. What special suggestions can you make relative to filing correspondence of salesmen, branch offices, and customers from whom a large number of communications are received? 16. Discuss the filing of orders and invoices. 17. How would you file documents? Credit reports? 18. To provide suitable indexing, how many guides should be used for a file containing 1500 folders? 19. What provision should be made for transferring correspondence? 20. What are the special advantages of sectional filing cabinets? |