ON THE SUBJECT OF THE SHIPPING DEPARTMENT 1. Discuss, in a general way, the duties and responsibilities of the shipping clerk. 2. What is your understanding of the term classifications, as applied to shipping? 3. Explain how the manner of packing and the description given affect the classification of an article. 4. What is your understanding of class rates? 5. What are commodity rates, and what factors usually govern the establishment of a commodity rate? 6. By whom are rates prepared, and by what body must they be approved before they become effective? 7. Explain how the routing of a shipment may be influenced by the existence of a commodity rate. 8. If called upon to organize a shipping department for a manufacturing concern in Dayton, Ohio, whose product is shipped to all parts of the United States, what steps would you take to secure freight tariffs? 9. Outline a system for filing these tariffs. 10. What index would be required? 11. If shipments were confined to cities of 10,000 population, or over, in two states, how would you arrange a rate file covering these towns only? 12. How would you keep a record of the classifications of the goods shipped by your house? 13. Describe the method you would use for recording commodity rates applying to your product. 14. What is your understanding of the term basing point, and why is a knowledge of basing points necessary to the successful shipping clerk? 15. Discuss the proper method of filling orders to insure promptness. 16. How should shortages be taken care of? 17. Discuss the question of checking shipments, including a method that will insure against errors in delivery. 18. Describe a system for handling freight claims, illustrating the forms you would use. 19. How should claims be handled from an accounting standpoint? 20. Describe the necessary routine in entering and filling orders in a mail-order house shipping all goods by express. 21. Describe a simple system of handling deliveries in a city retail store. 22. Suggest a method that will insure against goods being sent to the wrong section of the city. 23. How would you handle a delivery when the driver fails to find the customer at home? 24. What special precautions are necessary in handling C.O.D. deliveries? 25. If a customer asks to have goods delivered to him at a railway station before train time, what special provision should be made to insure delivery? |