


1. In respect to the general classes of information required by the credit man, how would you divide the subject?

2. Name the two factors which govern the credit risk, and state in what respects these factors are of importance.

3. Analyze at least three of the items which make up the statement shown in Fig. 1.

4. Discuss the character of the information about his customers required by the city and country retailer.

5. What are the principal sources of credit information?

6. How would you suggest obtaining information through local sources? Show form of report you would expect from a local correspondent.

7. To what extent can the salesman be expected to supply credit information about his customers? What form of report would you expect him to submit?

8. What do you consider the best method of filing credit information in a wholesale house having two thousand customers in six states?

9. Illustrate a suitable card form for a transcript of credit information for the above-mentioned wholesale house.

10. Describe a system of handling credits for a corporation whose goods are sold through branch houses, illustrating the necessary forms.

11. Describe a system for following up collections by means of duplicate invoices.

12. Explain how a card collection system can be arranged to indicate the names, the cards being filed according to due dates. If filed by name, how can the due dates be shown?

13. Illustrate a form of collection card suitable for a business of your own choosing.

14. Describe a system for handling the local collections of a wholesale house, illustrating the necessary forms.

15. How can collections be followed up directly from the ledger accounts?

16. Describe a system for keeping the accounts and handling the collections in a house selling furniture on the installment plan, illustrating all necessary forms.

17. Discuss the special factors to be considered in handling installment collections by mail.

18. What general ledger controlling accounts of the installment ledger are necessary? Explain the sources of entry to these accounts.

19. Describe a collection system to be used by an attorney, illustrating the necessary forms.


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