ON THE SUBJECT OF ADVERTISING AND SALES ORGANIZATION 1. Describe and illustrate a practical system for the preservation of advertising information in the form of clippings and memoranda. 2. Describe and illustrate a complete system for filing and keeping a record of drawing and engravings. 3. Discuss the advisability of having all printing ordered by one man, or allowing each department head to place his own orders. 4. Explain how you would provide for proper records of printing, from the time the order is placed to the issue from stock. Illustrate the necessary forms. 5. If you were placing advertising in 100 periodicals, how would you keep a record of their advertising rates? 6. An advertiser in a large city uses 32 magazines of national circulation. How would you suggest keying his ads to identify the inquiries? 7. What form of record would you keep of the inquiries received from a given publication? 8. How would you suggest obtaining a record of results of retail advertising? Name some of the factors which might influence the sale of an advertised article on a certain day? 9. What special conditions, in your opinion, should exist before a manufacturer of a food product starts an outdoor advertising campaign in Cleveland, Ohio? 10. Name at least three necessary qualifications of a successful sales manager. 11. What is meant by the mail order branch of the sales department? How are sales made by the mail order branch? 12. What, in your opinion, is the most satisfactory method of keying form letters? 13. Illustrate the necessary forms for records of form letters, including records of results. 14. State your understanding of the follow-up system, and the manner of its use. 15. Explain four methods of bringing a name to notice at a given date, illustrating the forms you would use in each case. 16. What objects are attained by maintaining a customers' list separate from the ledger and the follow-up list? 17. Name two or more reasons for classifying a mailing list. Name some of the usual classifications. 18. Explain how a card list can be made to automatically indicate the business and the position or occupation of each man. 19. Explain how a customers' list can be made to show the class of purchases of each customer. 20. Explain the map and tack system of routing salesmen, and name some of the advantages of its use. 21. What benefit does the salesman derive from reports of his calls which he makes to the house? 22. Illustrate a suitable form for a salesman's report of calls, and explain how it is to be used. 23. Explain and illustrate a system for following up dealers on inquiries referred to them. 24. Suggest a form for a salesman's expense account. 25. Illustrate suitable forms for daily and monthly sales reports. |