


1. If called on to perfect the organization of a business enterprise, what would be your first steps in making your investigation?

2. In creating responsibilities, how would you regard the individuals conducting the enterprise?

3. Explain, in your own terms, the objects of organization. What are the principal components of a business organization?

4. What is the function of the executive committee? Over what divisions does the general manager have authority, and to whom is he responsible?

5. Into what sections do the commercial and manufacturing divisions divide?

6. Make a chart of an industrial organization, showing the principal components and their relationship, one to the other.

7. Who are the immediate assistants of the general manager? Explain the nature and responsibilities of their positions.

8. Make and explain a chart showing the subdivisions of the commercial and manufacturing divisions over which the two assistants of the general manager have authority.

9. Explain how these principles of organization are applied to the small corporation.

10. In a corporation organized to conduct a trading business, how does the organization differ from that of a manufacturing enterprise?

11. What are the specific duties of the comptroller? Over what departments does he have absolute authority, and who are his immediate assistants, in charge of those departments?

12. What are the functions of the sales division? Who are the department heads in control of the sales division, and what are their specific duties?

13. To what departments does the authority of the superintendent extend?

14. Who are the immediate assistants of the superintendent, and what are their duties?

15. Describe, briefly, the duties of the purchasing agent.

16. What general rules should be made in respect to a definition of duties and authorities?

17. Illustrate by means of a chart, with necessary explanations, the proper distribution of salaries and wages in a manufacturing enterprise.

18. Prepare an expense distribution chart, showing amounts for a business selected by yourself.

19. Illustrate the location of the departments in a manufacturing enterprise with which you are familiar, and suggest how the plan might be improved.

20. What general plan should be followed in arranging an office. Illustrate a model office plan for a business of your own selection.

21. What is meant by the committee system?

22. Name the usual committees which consider questions affecting the operation of the manufacturing division. How are these committees made up, and what questions do each consider?

23. What committees consider questions affecting the commercial division? What questions are considered by these committees?

24. Explain the suggestion plan and its operation.

25. Suppose the sales manager wishes to send out a sample which must be made in the factory. How should he proceed to secure the sample?


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