



Addressing machines, 321

Addressograph, 323

Administrative and industrial organization, 11-59

chart of organization, 16

charting salary and wage distribution, 38

committee system, 50

departmental, 26

duties defined

of individual workmen, 36

of office employes, 36

employment department, 33

expense distribution chart, 40

oral orders cause confusion, 56

physical arrangement, 44

sales division, 30

suggestion plan, 55

uniform blanks, 58

Advertising committee, 53

Advertising contracts, 80

Advertising periodical, 78

Advertising and sales organization, 61-124

advertising information, 63

copy proofs, 70

cut indexes and tracers, 68

designs and cuts, 65

outdoor advertising, 92

periodical advertising, 78

checking returns, 83

contracts for, 80

orders for insertion, 83

rate cards, 78

printing orders and tracer, 71

sales department, 94

branches of, 95

mail order 96

personal salesmanship division, 112

Advertising and sales organization

sales records, 120

street car advertising, 91

systems and records, 63

Advertising and salesmanship, 93


Back orders, 199

Branch house credits, 144

Business organizer, 11

Business statistics, 287-329

administrative costs, 308

commercial costs, 308

daily mail report, 312

postage record, 313

stationery and supplies, 315

weekly mailing report, 315

weekly postage report, 315

statistical department, 287

customer's profit records, 303

department sales, 297

expense distribution, 295

mail orders, 295

records of shipments, 289

returned goods, 291

sales costs, 288

salesmen's records, 292

total commodity sales, 297

trading statements, 299

value of profit figuring, 303


C.O.D. deliveries, 224

Chart of expense distribution, 40

Chart of salary and wage distribution, 38

Charting the organization, 16

Checking shipments, 200

Chief accountant, 29

Chief engineer, 32

Chief stenographer, 29

Class rates, 186

Collections, 148

Collection systems, 152

Committee system

advertising committee, 53

departmental factory committees, 51

general factory committees, 51

job bosses, 52

organization committee, 53

sales committee, 52

Commodity rates, 186

Comptroller, 28

Correspondence copying, 243

carbon copies, 244

mechanical copiers, 244

Correspondence and filing, 231-285

copying correspondence, 243

correspondence short cuts, 238

filing division, 254

filing equipment, 278

filing helps, 276

filing systems, 257

mail, 231

miscellaneous filing, 271

stenographic division, 247

Correspondence short cuts, 238

complaints and changes of address, 241

dictating by number, 238

form paragraphs, 238

making corrections, 243

requisitions, 240

stenographer's reference index, 242

talking machines for dictation, 239

Credit man, 31, 127

Credit organization, 127-180

branch house credits, 144

collection systems, 152

card tickler, 155

cash receipts, 167

collecting from the ledger, 159

collector's card, 171

collector's receipt, 172

cross-indexing, 155

duplicate invoices, 152

filing contracts, 171

handling drafts, 162

installment collections, 162

installment ledger, 166

installment register, 165

local collections, 158

monthly statements, 157

collections, 148

credit man, 127

financial statements, 130

information required, 128

information for retailers, 133

mail-order installment collections, 172

account, 175

follow-up, 176

by attorneys, 178

recording credit information, 140

card transcripts, 141

filing, 140

sources of information, 135

local correspondents, 136

mercantile agencies, 135

retail credit reporting agencies, 138

traveling salesmen, 137

Credit organization, recording, 140


Departmental organization, 26


Expense distribution chart, 40

Export shipping, 204

Express shipments, 215


File clerk, 255

Filing, miscellaneous, 271

clippings, 275

correspondence of temporary value, 272

credit reports, 276

documents and legal papers, 274

drawings and maps, 275

invoices, 273

orders, 272

salesmen's correspondence, 271

Filing equipment, 278

metal, files 283

transfer files, 282

Filing helps, 276

guiding, 276

sorting, 277

transferring, 277

Filing systems, 257

flat files, 258

indexing methods, 262

alphabetical, 264

geographical, 265

numerical, 262

subject, 267

vertical files, 259

Filling orders, 196

Financial statements, 130

Folding machines, 324

Form letter records, 101


alphabetical vs. numerical filing, 270

alphabetical subdivisions, 265

attorney's collection card, 178

attorney's collection register, 177

back order blank, 200

blank used for interdepartment correspondence, 57

border on label to indicate routing, 220

box envelope for clippings, 64

box file, 66

branch office

credit application, 146

credit inquiry blank, 148

credit notice, 147

card for a classified record of purchases, 111

card for combined daily and monthly follow-up, 107

card for commodity rates, 193

card for follow-up, 104

card for follow-up claims, 211

card for follow-up of dealer and inquirer, 119

card for publication inquiries, 84

card file for a classified customer's list, 109

card file for railroad tariffs, 189

card index for classification, 192

card record of reports received and credit granted, 145

card tickler for collections, 154

cash receipt book for installment collections, 166

chart of

apportionment of salaries and wages, 41

corporate manufacturing enterprise, 17

corporate trading enterprise, 21

departmental authorities, 27

expense distribution, 42

working authorities in a manufacturing business, 19

working authorities in a trading business, 23

checking card used for record of sales, 86

claim account card, 213

collection card for

alphabetical cross-indexing, 155

cross-indexing by date, 156

each invoice, 153

synopsis of entire account, 157

collector's card, 170

combination cabinet, 280

condensed profit-and-loss statement by departments, 320

condensed rate card, 191

confirmation of telegram, 253

contract for installment sales, 163

copy of invoice for statistical department, 291

credit agency report card, 143

credit card for retailer's use, 145

credit information folder, 141

cross-index to tariff file, 190

customer's financial statement, 131

daily mail report, 312

daily and monthly record of salesmen, 123

daily report of installment accounts for collector, 168

daily tabulation of sales by departments, 122

delivery boy's call tag, 223

delivery sheet, 222

delivery tag, 224

departmental comparative trading statement, 304

departmental distribution of work of stenographic division, 251

detailed record of form letters mailed, 98

distribution of administrative expense, 318

document file, 274

document file envelopes, 274

drawing file, 275

file drawer, 65

floor chart for filling orders, 198

floor plan of a modern administrative building, 49

folder for freight claims, 210

follow-up card with alphabetical tab, 105

follow-up card with movable tab to show dates, 106

general credit information card, 144

general credit report card, 143

geographic alphabetic filing, 266

index to creditors for attorney, 180

index card for

numerical filing, 264

record of advertising rates, 79

record of designs and engravings, 68

indexing firm correspondence for numerical filing, 264

installment contract register, 164

layout of a typical manufacturing plant, 46

ledger card, 216

ledger for installment accounts,165

local correspondent's report blank, 137

loose-leaf ledger cross-indexed for due dates, 160

loose-leaf ledger for mail-order collections, 174

loose-leaf scrap book sheet for engravings, 67

mail-order collection card, 175

monthly recapitulation of daily sales reports, 122

monthly record of purchases of customer, 108

monthly trading summary, 302

notice of attempt to deliver, 227

notice of inquiry sent to salesman with blank for his report, 120

office record of C.O.D. items, 226

order blank, 201

for insertions of advertising copy, 82

packer's slip, 202

perpetual stock for printing, 75

post-card notice of attempted delivery, 228

post-card receipt for cuts, 70

prepaid shipping sheet, 218

quadruplicate draft form, 161

receipt for installment collections, 172

record of

correspondence on back of follow-up card, 212

costs and sales, 88

purchases and profits of customer, 305

sales advertisement, 89

sales by an agent or dealer, 124

sales of a department divided as to commodities, 300

sales resulting from form letters, 100

salesman's sales arranged by commodities, 294

salesman's total sales, 296

shipment of street car cards, 90

street car contract and net cost, 91

total sales of one commodity, 298

register of merchandise received, 290

register of sales, 214

report of labor in the mailing room, 310

report of returned goods, 292

requisition for correspondence, 241

routing package labels, 203

salesman's comparative sales statement, 307

salesman's customer's report blank, 138

salesman's report of call and follow-up, 118

salesman's report of calls in each town, 116

schedule of monthly insertions in periodicals, 81

shipping order and label made at one writing, 217

shipping order for printing, 77

sorting tray, 277

special C.O.D. delivery book, 225

special delivery tag, 228

special delivery tag for department store, 229

special invoice folder, 273

specific report on industrial calls, 118

stenographer's weekly record of work distributed by departments, 249

subject and alphabetical folder, 268

subject indexing and cross-reference, 267

summary of supplies drawn, 317

tab folders, 266

tally of sales for small mail-order house, 234

tracer card for drawings and cuts, 70

traveler's route card, 115

traveler's weekly statement of expenses, 121

triplicate form for printing, 73

triplicate statement for collection, 158

vertical file drawer equipped as a tickler, 102

voucher for postage, 313

weekly report of mailing department, 316

weekly report of postage used, 314

working chart for employes, 37

Freight claims, 208

Freight tariffs, 188

filing, 188

indexing, 190


General manager, 28


Installment collections, 162


Job bosses, 52


Keying form letters, 97



departmental distribution, 235

distributing incoming mail, 233

interdepartment correspondence, 237

opening mail, 231

sorting mail, 232

Mail orders, 96

classification of sales, 110

cross-indexing alphabetical file, 106

cross-indexing chronological file, 105

follow-up systems, 101

card follow-up, 103

tickler method, 102

form letters, 96

lists of customers, 107

Mail-order installment collections, 172

Mailing-room machinery, 321

addressing machines, 321

folding machines, 324

letter-printing machines, 327

mailing machines, 325

Mercantile agencies, 135

Mercantile business, organization of, 20



administrative and industrial, 11-59

advertising and sales, 61

applied to small business, 20

characteristics of, 14

of mercantile business, 20

objects of, 14

Organization committee, 53

Organization principles, universal application of, 22

Outdoor advertising, 92


Periodical advertising, 78

Personal salesmanship, 112

expense accounts, 120

follow-up of dealers and salesmen, 117

reports of calls, 115

routing salesmen, 114

Purchasing agent, 33


Rate cards, 78

Retail advertising returns, 89

Retail credit reporting agencies, 138

Retail delivery system, 219

C.O.D. deliveries, 224

delivery sheet, 222

delivery tag, 220

routing deliveries, 221

special deliveries, 229

undelivered goods, 227

Routing salesmen, 114

Routing shipments, 194


Salary and wage distribution, chart of, 38

Sales committee, 52

Sales manager, 30

Sales records, 120

daily, 121

monthly, 123

salesmen's, 123

Shipping clerk, 184

class rates, 186

classification index, 192

commodity rate file, 193

commodity rates, 186

condensed rate file, 191

freight tariffs, 188

information required, 184

routing shipments, 194

Shipping department, 183-229

back orders, 199

checking shipments, 200

export shipping, 204

express shipments, 215

filling orders, 196

freight claims, 208

retail delivery system, 219

shipping clerk, 184

Special deliveries, 229


accounts receivable, 132

bills receivable, 132

cash on hand, 132

due for borrowed money, 133

due for merchandise, 133

due from stockholders, 133

liability as surety, 133

merchandise, 132

Stenographers, 247

"don'ts", 252

hints for, 252

records of work, 248

Street car advertising, 91

Superintendent, 31


Transfer files, 282


—Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected.

—The transcriber of this project created the book cover image using the title page of the original book. The image is placed in the public domain.


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