The editors have freely consulted the standard technical and business literature of America and Europe in the preparation of these volumes. They desire to express their indebtedness, particularly, to the following eminent authorities, whose well-known treatises should be in the library of everyone interested in modern business methods. Grateful acknowledgment is made also of the valuable service rendered by the many manufacturers and specialists in office and factory methods, whose coÖperation has made it possible to include in these volumes suitable illustrations of the latest equipment for office use; as well as those financial, mercantile, and manufacturing concerns who have supplied illustrations of offices, factories, shops, and buildings, typical of the commercial and industrial life of America. JOSEPH HARDCASTLE, C. P. A. Formerly Professor of Principles and Practice of Accounts, School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance, New York University. Author of "Accounts of Executors and Testamentary Trustees." HORACE LUCIAN ARNOLD Specialist in Factory Organization and Accounting. Author of "The Complete Cost Keeper," and "Factory Manager and Accountant." JOHN F. J. MULHALL, P. A. Specialist in Corporation Accounts. Author of "Quasi Public Corporation Accounting and Management." SHERWIN CODY Advertising and Sales Specialist. Author of "How to Do Business by Letter," and "Art of Writing and Speaking the English Language." FREDERICK TIPSON, C. P. A. Author of "Theory of Accounts." CHARLES BUXTON GOING Managing Editor of The Engineering Magazine. Associate in Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University. Corresponding Member, Canadian Mining Institute. F. E. WEBNER Public Accountant. Specialist in Factory Accounting. AMOS K. FISKE Associate Editor of the New York Journal of Commerce. Author of "The Modern Bank." JOSEPH FRENCH JOHNSON Dean of the New York University School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance. Editor, The Journal of Accountancy. Author of "Money, Exchange, and Banking." M. U. OVERLAND Of the New York Bar. Author of "Classified Corporation Laws of All the States." THOMAS CONYNGTON Of the New York Bar. Author of "Corporate Management," "Corporate Organization," "The Modern Corporation," and "Partnership Relations." THEOPHILUS PARSONS, LL. D. Author of "The Laws of Business." E. ST. ELMO LEWIS Advertising Manager, Burroughs Adding Machine Company. Formerly Manager of Publicity, National Cash Register Co. Author of "The Credit Man and His Work," and "Financial Advertising." T. E. YOUNG, B. A., F. R. A. S. Ex-President of the Institute of Actuaries. Member of the Actuary Society of America. Author of "Insurance." LAWRENCE R. DICKSEE, F. C. A. Professor of Accounting at the University of Birmingham. Author of "Advanced Accounting," "Auditing," "Bookkeeping for Company Secretary," etc. FRANCIS W. PIXLEY Author of "Auditors, Their Duties and Responsibilities," and "Accountancy." CHARLES U. CARPENTER General Manager, The Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co. Formerly General Manager, National Cash Register Co. C. E. KNOEPPEL Specialist in Cost Analysis and Factory Betterment. Author of "Systematic Foundry Operation and Foundry Costing," "Maximum Production through Organization and Supervision," and other papers. HARRINGTON EMERSON, M. A. Consulting Engineer. Director of Organization and Betterment Work on the Santa Fe System. Originator of the Emerson Efficiency System. Author of "Efficiency as a Basis for Operation and Wages." ELMER H. BEACH Specialist in Accounting Methods. Editor, Beach's Magazine of Business. Founder of The Bookkeeper. Editor of The American Business and Accounting Encyclopedia. J. J. RAHILL, C. P. A. Member, California Society of Public Accountants. Author of "Corporation Accounting and Corporation Law." FRANK BROOKER, C. P. A. Ex-New York State Examiner of Certified Public Accountants. Ex-President, American Association of Public Accountants. Author of "American Accountants' Manual." CLINTON E. WOODS, M. E. Specialist in Industrial Organization. Formerly Comptroller, Sears, Roebuck & Co. Author of "Organizing a Factory," and "Woods' Reports." CHARLES E. SPRAGUE, C. P. A. President of the Union Dime Savings Bank, New York. Author of "The Accountancy of Investment," "Extended Bond Tables," and "Problems and Studies in the Accountancy of Investment." CHARLES WALDO HASKINS, C. P. A., L. H. M. Author of "Business Education and Accountancy." JOHN J. CRAWFORD Author of "Bank Directors, Their Powers, Duties, and Liabilities." DR. F. A. CLEVELAND Of the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania. Author of "Funds and Their Uses." THE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT WHERE ARE ORIGINATED THE PUBLICITY CAMPAIGNS OF THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO |