Chapter I.Introduction 9
Chapter II.Visual signaling equipment.
The wand 11
The flag kit:
The 2-foot flag kit 12
The 4-foot flag kit 12
Care of flag material 13
Powers and limitations of flag signaling 13
The heliograph:
Historical 14
Description 14
Assembling 17
Adjustment 20
Operation 21
Care of apparatus 22
Powers and limitations of the heliograph 22
The signal lantern:
Acetylene 23
Calcium carbide 23
Method of gas generation 24
Description 25
Operation and care 30
Powers and limitations of the signal lantern 35
Rockets and shells:
Description 35
Operation 38
Employment 40
The semaphore: Description 40
The searchlight: Methods of employment 41
The Coston signals 41
Very's night signals 42
The Ardois system of signaling 42
Sound signals 44
Improvised signal methods 44

Chapter III.Alphabets or systems of signals.
Signal alphabets:
American Morse 45
Continental Morse 45
Army and navy 45
Abbreviations 46
Code calls 47
Execution of signal alphabets 47
The army and navy alphabet 47
The Morse alphabets 49
International code of signals:
Description 51
Two-arm semaphore 51
The Ardois system


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