A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Air Cleaner 41
- Ammeter 5
- Anti-freeze 44
- Ash Receiver 11
- B
- Battery 37
- Body, drain holes 50
- Body Number 15
- Brakes, adjustment 49
- Brakes, controls 13
- C
- Capacities, table of 53
- Carbon monoxide 39
- Carburetor, adjustment 49
- Care of the car 44
- Changing tires 35
- Circuit breakers 51
- Climatizer and defroster 21
- Clutch pedal 12
- travel adjustment 49
- Convertible top, care 47
- operation 23
- Cooling system, draining 43
- D
- Defroster operation 23
- Dome light 10
- E
- Engine, oil recommendations 31
- Run-in period 14
- Starting 16
- F
- Fan belt, adjustment 49
- Fuel economy 40
- Fuses 51
- Gasoline gage 6
- Gearshift, steering post 12
- operation 17
- H
- Headlights, beam control 10
- Heat Indicator 6
- Hill Holder 20
- Hood lock 9
- Horsepower 53
- I
- Ignition, data 51
- timing 41
- switch operation 5
- Inflation pressures, tires 41
- Inspection 27
- Instrument lights 10
- Instruments and controls 5
- J
- Jack, use of 35
- K
- Keys, numbers 15
- locks 7
- L
- Lamp bulbs, specifications 52
- License data 53
- License plate light 11
- Lights, control 9
- Locks and keys 7
- Lubrication, chart 28
- operations 27
- Luggage compartment, light 11
- Lock and lid 12
- M
- Maintenance and care of car 37
- Map light 10
- Model number 53
- O
- Oil, dilution and sludge 38
- filter service 31
- level 31
- pressure gage 7
- renewal 32
- viscosities 32
- Operating the car 16
- Overdrive, operation 18
- P
- Package compartment 11
- card 26
- Paint, ordering by symbol 15
- Parking brake operation 13
- Parking lights 9
- Push or tow starting 17
- R
- Rear Axle, lubricant 31
- Run-in period 14
- Rust and corrosion inhibitor 38
- S
- Seasonal services 54
- Seat adjustment 11
- Serial number 15
- Service and adjustments 48
- Service policy 3
- Shifting gears 17
- Starter switch 5
- Starting the engine 16
- Steering data 53
- Stop lights 11
- T
- Tail lights 10
- Technical reference data 51
- Tires, care and service 41
- changing 35
- Transmission lubricant 27
- Tune-up 48
- U
- Universal joints, lubrication 27
- Upholstery, care of 45
- W
- Warming up engine 16
- Warranties Inside back cover
- Washer, windshield 13
- Windshield wiper 13
- Wiring diagram 55
- Word to the owner 2
Printed in U.S.A. 115130M