Hossfeld's Spanish Dialogues, and Idiomatic Phrases Indispensible for a Rapid Acquisition of the Spanish Language |
PREFACE. PART II. USEFUL PHRASES. English and Spanish Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs. Vocabulary of Business Words and Expressions in Everyday Use. ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND SPANISH COINS, MEASURES AND WEIGHTS.
The Publishers call attention to the following Works for the study of the Spanish Language:— | English-Spanish Grammar, by Hossfeld's New Method, arranged for Classes, Schools, and Private Lessons. | Conjugation of Spanish Verbs. | English-Spanish Commercial Correspondent. | Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary (new Edition). | Hossfeld's Spanish Reader. | Spanish Commercial Correspondence and Technicalities, by Cornett. | Modern Spanish Reader, by O'Doherty. | Spanish-English and English-Spanish Idiom and Phrase Book, by Macdonald. | Spanish Composition, by Macdonald. | Spanish Composition and Idioms, by YaÑez. | English and Spanish Vocabulary. | Engineering Translations in English and Spanish, by Standring. | Dictionary of Engineering Terms in English and Spanish, by GarcÍa and | Cornett. | Spanish Technological Dictionary, by Ponce de LeÓn—Vol. 1. English-Spanish. Vol. 2. Spanish-English. | Handbook of Commercial Spanish, by Thomas. | HOSSFELD'S POCKET MANUALS. HOSSFELD'S SPANISH DIALOGUES, AND IDIOMATIC PHRASES INDISPENSABLE FOR A RAPID ACQUISITION OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE New Edition, Entirely Revised and Enlarged BY W. N. CORNETT LONDON HIRSCHFELD BROTHERS, LIMITED 263, High Holborn, W.C. 40 & 42, University Avenue, Glasgow 133, North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia 1915 Copyright. All rights reserved.