Transcriber's Note


Archaic and non-standard spellings (e.g. “sulphureous”, “pigmy”) have been retained.

Some minor changes have been made to the original text, in order to fix typographical errors, and illustrations that were originally placed in the middle of a paragraph have been moved to the end of that paragraph, to make the layout more suitable for e-books. These changes are listed below. Because the original book has no page numbers, the changes are listed according to the first two words of the paragraph where the change was made.

In the original text, the caption always preceded the illustration. Here, the caption has been moved below the illustration.

In some cases (noted below), a missing left double quote (“) has been added to the beginning of the paragraph. However, this added quote will not be visible in versions of the text where the paragraph starts with an illustrated capital letter.

Paragraph starting “On!” he cried: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph.

Paragraph starting The great: Added missing period at the end of the paragraph.

Paragraph starting Hail and: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph.

Paragraph starting Build with: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph. In the middle of the paragraph, there is a line starting “Unto you”, which has been interpreted as being a continuation of the same paragraph rather than the beginning of a new paragraph.

Paragraph starting Progress and: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph.

Paragraph starting Pray no: The word “sensations” in the middle of this paragraph is surrounded by double quotes; by convention, it should be in single quotes, since it is nested inside another quote. The double quotes have been retained, to match the original text.

Paragraph starting Help nothing: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph. Moved the mid-paragraph illustration to the end of the paragraph.

Illustration caption starting Rejoice, O: Replaced period after ‘Rejoice’ by comma.

Paragraph starting Rejoice, O: Added missing left double quote (“) at the beginning of the paragraph.

Paragraph starting Like a: Moved the mid-paragraph illustration to the end of the paragraph.


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