I Glory and terror and splendid joy of the Sea! Thunderous Sentinel-Guard of our flowering Isles of the Free! Fortress impregnable, built with the mountainous waves Toppling in fury of laughter sheer over our enemies’ graves! God!... It is all we can ask for!... that still we ever may be Saved by the glory and terror and conquering joy of the Sea! II Sea that sprang to the keels of the ships of Nelson and Drake, Billows that leap’d for delight in the battles for England’s sake— Will ye fail us now? Nay, never! Ye are strong as ye were of yore, And Victory’s voice rings clearly out in your rush on the rocky shore— And shark-like Death, at the enemy’s cry, to meet him swiftly runs, For your swirl and sucking sands are as sure as the fire of a thousand guns! III Glory and terror and conquering love of the Sea, Circling our Fortunate Isles of Fame, more famous still to be! Let us praise the Giver of Life for the silver and azure band He hath set between us and our foes on the other side of the land. Break, it cannot! Yield, it shall not! England, home of the free, God keep thee safe in the strength and light and conquering love of the Sea! |