Stockings and Socks.


The directions given for silk stockings are worked with Adams and Co.’s silk, 5 New Street, Bishopsgate Street, E. It is very good, and of lovely colours. Patterns are sent free, and all orders can be sent by post. Any uncommon shade can be dyed to order, provided it be not for less than 1 lb. of silk.

The prices are as follow:—Imperial knitting-silk, the best quality, any colour, 3s. per 2 oz. skein. Filoselle, any colour, 2s. per oz., or 3d. per skein of 15 yards. Embroidery silk, 1s. 6d. per oz. Knitting-pins, 2d. per set of four. These knitting-silks are guaranteed fast colours, and are beautifully bright and soft.

Those of my readers who prefer a coarser knitting-silk will be glad to hear that Mr. Adams is now making some.


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