Pins No. 13 and coarse cotton. Cast on 19 for the pattern, and two extra stitches, to have a plain one at the beginning and end of every row. First row—knit the first stitch, and knit 1, pearl 2, knit 1, put the cotton over the needle, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over, pearl, take 2 together, knit 1, pearl 1, knit 1, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over, pearl 1, take 2 together, knit 1, put cotton over, knit the last stitch. Second row—1 plain, 3 pearl, 1 plain; 2 pearl, 1 plain; 2 pearl, 1 plain; 4 pearl, 2 plain, 1 pearl. Third row—slip the 1st stitch, 1 plain, 2 pearl, 1 plain; put the cotton over the needle, 1 plain; put cotton over, slip 1, knit Fourth row—slip the 1st, pearl 4, knit 1, pearl plain, pearl plain, pearl 5, knit 2, plain pearl. Fifth row—slip 1, knit 1, pearl 2, knit 1, cotton over, knit 3, cotton over, slip 1, knit 2 together, draw the slipped over, pearl 1, slip 1, knit 2 together, draw the slipped over, put cotton over, knit 3, put cotton over, knit the last. Sixth row—slip the 1st, pearl 6, knit 1, pearl 7, knit 2, pearl 1, knit the last. Seventh row—slip the 1st, knit 1, pearl 2, knit 1, cotton over, knit 5, cotton over, slip 1, knit 2 together, pass the slipped over, put cotton over the needle, knit 5 plain, cotton over. Eighth row—1 plain, pearl 16, 2 plain, pearl 1, knit the last plain. Repeat from the 1st row again. This forms a handsome border, either for quilts, antimacassars, or baby’s berceaunette cover; especially the latter, done in stripes of plain knitting, in wool. |