Cotton, and pins No. 14 or 15. It makes a beautiful berceaunette cover in 2 or 3-thread fleecy, and bone pins. The price so entirely depends on the size of quilt desired that it is impossible to give it exactly. It is a very handsome pattern. This quilt is made in squares and joined afterwards. Cast on 1, and you must not forget to increase at the beginning of every row. Second and third rows—plain knitting. Fourth row—increase (by putting the cotton round the needle) before every stitch. Fifth row—you ought to have 6 stitches now. Do 1 plain, 3 pearl, 2 plain. Sixth row—knit 2, increase; knit 3, increase; knit 2. Seventh row—knit 2, pearl 5, knit 3. Eighth row—knit 3, increase; knit 5, increase; knit 3. Ninth row—knit 3, pearl 7, knit 4. Tenth row—knit 4, increase; knit 7, increase; knit 4. Eleventh row—knit 4, pearl 9, knit 5. Twelfth row—plain knitting. Thirteenth row—knit 5, pearl 9, knit the rest. Fourteenth row—plain. Fifteenth row—knit 6, pearl 9, knit the rest. Sixteenth row—plain. Seventeenth row—knit 7, pearl 9, plain the rest. Eighteenth row—plain. Nineteenth row—knit 8, pearl 9, knit the rest. Twentieth row—plain. Twenty-first row—knit 9, pearl 9, plain. Twenty-second row—knit 10, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over, knit 5, knit 2 together, the rest plain. Twenty-third row—knit 10, pearl 7, knit the rest. Twenty-fourth row—knit 11, slip 1, knit 1, take the slipped stitch over, knit 3, knit 2 together, plain. Twenty-fifth row—knit 11, pearl 5, plain. Twenty-sixth row—knit 12, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over, knit 1, knit 2 together, plain. Twenty-seventh row—knit 12, pearl 3, plain. Twenty-eighth row—knit 13, slip 1, take 2 together, pass the slipped stitch over. This finishes the leaf, and ought to be 28 stitches; the other half of the square is in ribs, decreasing at the beginning of every row. Twenty-ninth row—pearl, then a plain row, then pearl a row, plain a row, plain another row, pearl. Continue thus in lengthway ribs of 3, until you have decreased to one stitch. Join the squares so that 4 laurel leaves meet in the centre. |