This is extremely pretty, and is not difficult. The cost of these couvrettes is generally about the same. 2 or 3 skeins of 4-thread fleecy, of each colour, according to the length required. Pins, No. 10. Scarlet, gold, green, violet, dark crimson, and blue. 6 skeins black, and 6 white filoselle, at 3d. per skein, from Adams and Co., 5 New Street, Bishopsgate Street, E. Cast on 22. Knit any length you like and cast off. Now select any simple wool-work pattern—a palm is best—or any Moorish pattern, and work it in cross-stitch on the knitting. Do 5 on one strip and 6 on the next, so that they do not come exactly in a line one with another. This has a very handsome effect, indeed. The pattern ought to be worked in black, or black and white filoselle. Join, and add a fringe. |