(MEDIUM SIZE.) 2 oz. black and 2 oz. rose-coloured Imperial knitting-silk. Pins, No. 17. Cast on 128 stitches in black, do 12 rounds of 2 plain, 2 pearl. Now make the first stitch the seam-stitch, and do plain knitting until 4 inches are done, making the stripes come quite evenly, one inch broad. When you have once joined the rose-coloured, let the black thread hang down inside the seam-stitch; do not break off every time you change colour, which must always take place at the seam-stitch. Now do 3 plain and 1 pearl alternately. When 5½ inches are done decrease on each side of the seam-stitch. Do * 7 more rows and increase. Repeat from * twice more. When 12 inches are done decrease for the ankle every five rows until you have 92 stitches. Knit until the stocking is 20 inches long, and then divide for the heel. Proceed as on page 10; pick up the side-stitches, and decrease over the instep until you have 90 stitches: the front ribs must be carried on evenly, but the sole is left plain. When the foot is 7 inches long discontinue ribbing. Knit 9 rounds plain, and then decrease (see page 12). The foot must be 9¼ inches long. Cast off and sew up carefully on the wrong side. |