Both these petticoats take about 15 skeins of petticoat yarn. Bone pins, No. 5. Begin with scarlet, if preferred, as above; but this pattern is given for entire white wool. Cast on 120, and knit 25 inches plain, then rib by doing 2 plain and 2 pearl for 24 rows. Cast off. Do another breadth; and for the 3rd and front breadth you must, after the first 12 rounds, decrease at the beginning and end of each row about every two inches. If you do not like to have a gored breadth do this one exactly the same as the other two. Crochet some scalloped edges round the bottom of the petticoat, after having joined the breadths together. These petticoats are beautifully warm and last for a long time. Summer ones can be knitted with the same pins in Scotch wheeling-yarn or 2-thread fleecy, which are much cheaper but not so nice and soft. It makes a charming finish to put a border as on page 44. You need only make the petticoat 24 inches long in that case. |