Gentleman's Silk Stocking.


The following pattern is in stripes of black and blue, but it will do equally well plain. 2 oz. blue and 2 oz. black Imperial knitting-silk. Pins, No. 17. If coarser silk is used, knit with pins No. 16 and cast on 128.

Cast on 138 stitches in black, and proceed exactly the same as with Gentleman’s Knickerbocker Stockings, page 16. Measure an inch of each coloured knitting alternately: it is better to measure than to count the rows, as silk is apt to be unequal. The ankle ought to be 100 stitches. Knit a flap 3 inches long for the heel, turn it, pick up the side-stitches, and decrease at the instep to 98. After the first joining of the black and blue, pass the colour you are not using at the back; always change the colour at the seam-stitch: in that way you need not break off the silk when you have finished a stripe, but keep on with both balls, so as to join the silk only once. The remainder as page 16.


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